
Mark said "Alright, I will make sure to text Lawrance when we need him to feed Charlie. Lets go to the hospital." Mark got into the car and he drove to the hosptial as he was making sure to be careful as he did not want to have a repat of the car getting damanged since he wanted Andrea to be safe. Mark knew that he would let Andrea drive the car when she needed to. Mark said "I love you Andrea and Sky. i promise to be a great father to Sky." Mark got to the hosptial and he park the car. Mark got out with the keys and he went to help Andrea out of the car as he was going to get the bag from the backseat as well. Mark grab the bag and he ask "Ready to go inside?"

"Yeah, I am," Andrea said before getting out with Mark's help and going inside with him. A nurse came over and got Andrea and Mark to a room and helped Andrea get comfortable. She also handed Andrea a hospital gown but said it was optional since some women don't like wearing their undergarment in front of some of the doctors, but she could do whatever she was comfortable with. The nurse also checked Andrea's cervix and told them that it was only 6 centimeters, so they still had a couple of hours left. Then the nurse left to give them some space. Andrea sat on the end of the bed with the gown still in her hands as she looked over at Mark. "Thank you for being here with me for this," Andrea said to Mark as another contraction started.

Mark said "You don't have to thank me. I want you to be happy and I want to make sure that you are safe." Mark kissed her cheek as he was going to make sure that she was safe. Mark was not sure what was going to be happening but he knew that nothing bad would happen to Andrea as he was wanting her to have fun. Mark said "I am just glad to be here to be here with you so that I can see Sky when she is born. I am very happy to be with here with you and I am lucky that you are allowing me to stay here with you."

"Of course. You're my husband. You're my 'ride or die', so it's only fair that I have you here for when Sky is born. She's moving a lot if you want to feel," Andrea explained to Mark. She felt her contraction end and she looked at Mark as she felt calm and safe because he was here with her. Suddenly, the nurse ran in and told them that someone was opening fire on the top floor, and thankfully they were on the bottom floor, but they need to get out. Andrea was scared as she was going to have a baby and had to run out the hospital and get somewhere safe with Mark. The nurse waited for Andrea and Mark before showing them the way out that was safe and helped them escape the cross-fire. "Mark, can we go home or something? I want to feel safe. I'll call my midwife to help us with having the baby at home," Andrea asked through gritted teeth as she tensed up really bad from a contraction while they were hiding. "Mark?" Andrea asked to get his attention.

Mark whispered "let's go home. We can get your midwife to help us with the baby since I have no medical training." Mark got out of the hospital with Andrea and took her home as he knew that he had to make sure that she was safe. Mark did not care about himself as he knew that he would have to keep Andrea and Sky safe. Mark did have a medical training but he knew that Andrea did not want him to do anything to help so he was keeping his medical training a secret since he wanted her to be happy. Mark got her home and he made sure to put the SUV into the garage so that no one could find them. Mark had the baby bag with them in the back seat.

"I thought you mentioned before you had some medical training?" Andrea asked. "Oh god!" She yelped as another contraction wave hit her. Andrea had no idea at the moment how far dilated she was, but she knew she could check once they got home. She felt relieved once they got home and went inside. Andrea went straight for the couch as it was closest and comfy. "If you do have medical training, may I have your help please? I also want to call my midwife though in case something happens. You don't have to help if you don't want to. If you do, she'll be here to help you," Andrea explained to Mark as she had her head down in her hands from the pain.

Mark said "I do have medical training but you wanted your midwife to help." He got the baby bag inside the house as he was feeling a little sad but he was willing to help. Mark said "I will help you." He was not going to be happy if the midwife started to give him orders as he knew how to do things. Mark ask "when do you want to call your midwife?" Mark was pretending to be happy about having someone else who could help but he knew he would leave the room if the midwife tried to tell him what to do. Mark said "but if she gives me orders or tries to order me to do things than I am going to our room." Mark was only taking orders from Andrea and Sky.

"I trust you. We don't need the midwife. If anything goes wrong, you know what to do," Andrea said as she put her head up, but she was still in a lot of pain. Andrea looked at Mark as she didn't want him to be upset or mad. She knew that Mark would know what he's doing from his medical training, so she felt like she didn't need the midwife then. "Are you okay with that?" Andrea asked, still tense and very uncomfortable from the pain and groaning softly, but not screaming out in pain, as she knew that part was coming up when she had to actually give birth to Sky.

Mark said "I am okay with that." Mark went to her and got her a pillow as he was hoping that he could help Andrea with Sky. Mark ask "are you around 10 yet? Do you want me to check?" Mark wanted to make sure that he had everything ready by 10 since he knew that is when Sky would be coming into the world. Mark look at her as he was hoping that she would be okay with him delivering Sky but he was not going to ask any questions. Mark said "I love you honey." Mark look at her.

"Thank you for the pillow, but, umm, I was wondering if we could do this in the bedroom where it's more comfortable? It's easier on my back too than the couch. Also, I don't know how far dilated I am, but you can check for me. I love you too though," Andrea explained to Mark as she looked at him. She was in a lot of pain and it was more constant than before so she knew she had to be close. "God! I want this to be over already," Andrea whined a little as the contractions just kept coming and once she stood up and away from the couch, her water finally broke.