
Mark said "we can start tomorrow." He went upstairs to get ready for bed as he knew that he wanted to spend time with Andrea again tomorrow but he was hoping that she would be okay with that but he was not sure what her plans was. Mark look at her and he ask "ready to go to bed?" Mark look tried himself but he was staying awake for her as he was wanting to spend time with her. Mark was feeling happy that he had spent time with Andrea today and he was not sure what was going to happen next.

"I am ready to go to bed," Andrea answered and went back upstairs with Mark and went into their bedroom. She felt calm and relaxed as she got into bed with him and snuggled up with him without hurting the baby. Andrea was a little nervous about Sky as she wasn't sure when Sky was going to come out, but she didn't want her to come out too late as she didn't want to be induced as she wanted everything to be natural for her. Andrea explained to Mark her worries softly as she wanted him to know how she was feeling. She looked at Mark as she wasn't sure what he'd say or do about it.

Mark listened to her and he said that he was worried about her as well and he hopes that Sky comes naturally. Mark was worried about Sky and everything but he knew that he was going to stay close to Andrea. Mark was hoping that everything would be okay as he wanted to stay close just in case Sky decided to come out to the world. Mark knew that she was not to be coming out anytime soon but he was staying awake just in case something does happen. Mark kissed her cheek as he was wishing Sky was there already.

Andrea smiled at Mark as she heard him and knew that he would be there for her and she thanked him. "Goodnight, Mark. I love you," Andrea said before yawning and falling asleep snuggled up with him. Andrea slept peacefully through the entire night as she needed the rest to keep up her energy and woke up in the morning. "Morning," Andrea said softly to Mark as she gave him a soft kiss on the nose. "What do you want for breakfast?" Andrea asked in a whisper.

Mark woke up and he said "morning beautiful. Toast and egg sounds good. Could I have that for breakfast?" Mark look at her as he was not wanting a big breakfast as he was needing to eat something simple again. Mark look well rested as he knew that he would have to get up and help with the chores around the house but he knew that everything was going to be fine. (Sorry it's short)

"Yeah. I can make that for you. Just one egg?" Andrea asked as she looked at Mark. She started to get up when she felt a sudden contraction. Her whole body tensed as she sighed heavily as she put her head down while she sat on the side of the bed with her feet off the bed. Andrea closed her eyes as she breathed through the heavy pain.

Mark said "yes please." Mark saw this and he felt worried about her as he was not sure what was happening to her. Mark ask "are you okay?" He was not sure what was happening or anything but he was hoping that she was okay since he had no training in what was going on. Mark was hoping that she would be okay but he knew he could call someone if anything. Mark look at her.

"I think so. It's a contraction. Not a Braxton Hicks, but like an actual contraction. Finally, Sky wants to join us," Andrea said as her contraction ended and she sat back up normally and looked over at him. Andrea smiled as she was glad that she was going to have Sky. "Here, I can go make breakfast for you. You should come out with me though in case I need you to take over," Andrea explained as she got up and got dressed in leggings and one of Mark's shirt on top of her comfortable undergarment. Andrea left her hair down as she liked it down and then went out into the kitchen and got started on making breakfast.

Mark said "okay." Mark got dressed in jeans and a T-shirt as he was feeling happy that Sky wanted to join them. Mark went to help Andrea with the breakfast as he was not sure what was going to happen next as he knew that he would have to tell Lawrence when Sky would be born but he did not have to right now. Mark knew that Lawrence would be happy to meet Sky but he was not sure about Sadie. Mark wanted Sadie and Andrea to be friends but he knew that Sadie woukd always be a jerk to Andrea.

Andrea got started with making eggs and toast for breakfast and was smiling as she was happy that Mark was helping her and that Sky was coming. Andrea was making fried eggs as it was quicker than scrambling them and they tasted good too and she knew that Mark would eat anything she made. She put the toast down as she put the eggs on the pan, when she felt another contraction. "Ooh," Andrea groaned as she set her things down and moved away from the pan for Mark to take over as she turned to the kitchen island and crossed her arms on the table and put her head down as she went through the pain.