Jason smiled again, “Well I just mean that people are always on their phones. I’m not even on my phone that much, mostly because I’m working and I don’t have time but some people…” Jason coughed dramatically, referring to Anna, “just has to have their phones with them.” He laughed as he went upstairs and passed Anna and Millie’s bedroom. “Hey, look at this.” He flipped the camera around and it showed Anna and Millie’s bedroom. He slowly opened the door, the black room was silent. Oh so now they are asleep? Millie laid on top of Anna and they both were hanging onto each other in the bed. He slowly closed the door and went over to his bedroom. “They were cute right?” He chuckled lightly, not wanting to wake up Anna… mostly because he didn’t want to argue right now. He yawned as he got in the bed, he had to wake up early the next morning so he was thinking about ending the call in a few minutes.
Damien bit back another smile and nodded "Yeah I get that" he chuckled quietly as he looked over at Jax and Isaiah. He watched them for a few seconds before Jax looked over and started making heart shapes with his hands and pointing at the phone before 'saying' words although didn't actually say anything. Damien didn't even know why he tried to read what he was saying but could make out a few words You've got literal hearts in your eyes' was something he could make out although regretted trying straight away. He rolled his eyes at Jax before ignoring him and focusing on the phone again. Damien noticed Jason was wandering up the stairs and wondered what he was showing him. He could see Anna and Millie sleeping and couldn't help but sigh,they were cute but Damien still wanted Jason to be with him so he could wrap his arms around him. He shook his head quickly. "Yeah,definitely" Damien replied with a smile before noticing Jason yawn and checked the time. It was fairly late and he knew he would have to hang up soon "I'll let you sleep now" he spoke before handing the phone to Isaiah so Jason could say night to him.
Jason closed the door, not wanting to disturb Anna and Millie. “Good night Isaiah. I love you.” He waved ‘bye’ at him before hanging up the phone, he was super tired and he wasn’t going to try and fight it off. This day was tiring and no one could deny that. Jason’s mind started wandering around as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn’t help but smile as the image of Damien came to him. The thought of Quint being there tomorrow washed him with joy, it was ‘hopefully’ going to be a good day tomorrow. He had no clue what to say to Quint about him wanting to break up with Quint but he wanted to hold onto the relationship a bit longer. But if he truly wanted to break up with Quint, he would have done so already. Then Jason thought back to when Quint hurted Damien. If Quint knows about him dating Damien, all hell breaks loose and there would be a million regrets. He rolled around in his bed, slightly uncomfortable with the thought. He finally went into a deep sleep and let loose with all the possible scenarios.
Damien smiled as he heard Jason say night to Isaiah and got the phone back. He hoped Isaiah wouldn't start crying again but he seemed to be okay. He sighed as he leaned back into the sofa before sitting up again and looking at Jax "Hey,do you wanna stay over tonight?" He asked. Damien didn't really want the house to be quiet and he had to admit that he liked Jax's company. Jax did seem fairly surprised but nodded "Yeah,sure." Damien noticed a smirk playing on his lips and already knew he wouldn't like what he would say next. "Seriously though you are something else when you talk to Jason" Jax spoke with a laugh "Shut up I don't act any different" Damien replied although he knew he did just didn't want to admit it. "You totally do! Your eyes form hearts quite literally" Jax said again and laughed which earnt him a shove from Damien although he felt himself blush "Awww your blushing!" Jax teased with a proud grin. Damien pushed him again although this time Jax put an arm over his shoulder "You know you could have just asked if you wanted my arm around you" Damien rolled his eyes but couldn't be bothered to shove Jax's arm off,he hoped Jason wouldn't be too bothered if he knew although it wasn't like it meant anything. He sighed again as he leant back into the sofa yet again.
The next day it was around 4:30am, Jason woke up and got dressed. He was a bit casual and wore a red flannel shirt with jeans and boots, once he was ready he looked out the window. The sun wasn’t up, so that meant that Jason wasn’t up either. He could feel himself being pulled back into the bed. He yawned as he opened the door and noticed that Anna and Millie weren’t up yet. He smirked as he took off his boots and quietly opened the door, the women were half naked in the bed but Jason didn’t care. All he needed was to tease them. He creeped up next to the bed and slowly crawled in the bed, Millie snored as Anna felt another human body touching her skin. She groaned as she shifted in the bed, Jason got under the covers and laid there, staring at Anna. After a while, the plan finally worked. He went up to Anna’s ear and screamed, “WAKE UP!” Anna’s eyes shot open as she ‘accidently’ hit Jason with her elbow. “Oww.” Jason sat up in the bed, Millie slowly started waking up as she noticed that Jason was in the bed. “Go away Jason.” She lifted her head up as she started kissing Anna’s neck, “Eww, women am I right?” Jason chuckled as Millie kicked him with her legs, he lost balance and fell off the bed. “Karma.” Millie smiled at Anna as the two got out of bed. Jason went out of the room, he respected their privacy which was surprising. Once the two opened the door, Jason got the car ready and they headed over to the office building. “Hey!” Quint was there as he gave Jason a hug and kissed him. “I thought you weren’t landing until later today?” They walked around as Anna went to find Cloey. “Uh yeah well, I just wanted to see you before we get started on the raid.” “Oh yeah ok, I forgot to ask you. How is it leading a different team?” Quint shrugged as they sat down at the table, “It’s fine, my team in New York is so much better. Everyone in the south is just, ugh, terrible.” Jason laughed as they waited for the women, of course Jason had to make a joke about it. “You know women always say that men are late, well…. If that’s true then why are we sitting here with no hot girls in front of us?” Quint laughed as the door opened, Anna and Millie sat across from Jason and Quint while Cloey explained a plan to raid the warehouse.
Damien and Jax talked for a while,a thought about Alex appeared in his head. He just couldn't get the man out of his head and it wasn't for good reasons but he just didn't know why. Almost like he had predicted it a text came through his phone. Damien picked it up and half expected to see Jason's name but instead saw a new number, he didn't exactly seem worried more concerned and curious. He showed the phone to Jax "Hey,you know who this is" Damien asked without actually opening the text "Oh,yeah that's Ruby,she asked for your number although I have no idea why" Jax replied with a quick shrug. Damien furrowed his brow before opening up the text and scanning through it quickly before reading it again,his heart starting to race slightly. 'Hey Damien it's just Ruby but I've been hearing what Alex has been saying about you and some of the things he says he wants to do are quite concerning so I just wanted to say to maybe keep away from him for a while' Damien bit his lip,he knew Alex wasn't happy but god it was even scaring Damien now. He glanced at Isaiah who had fallen asleep before passing the phone to Jax with no explaination.
After about an hour of planning a raid, everyone finally knew what position and what to do while being in the warehouse. “Alright, we have one chance to get this right.” Anna turned around to Cloey, “Yeah, you can trust us.” She motioned Jason to follow her. “Alright SWAT will meet you there.” As they all got in the car, no one said a word. It was pretty awkward but he didn’t care. Once they arrived, SWAT was already there. They got out of the car and went inside. “Hey guys.” Jason was the first to talk to the gang member. The two three talked to the gang for a good quarter of an hour. That is until Jason gave the SWAT team the signal. The doors were knocked down as the team surrounded the gang. Jason felt the slightest bit of guilt, he did think about how he betrayed the gang. Anna saw Jason’s sorrowful face but she ignored it. She started handcuffing each person in the gang, it took a few minutes to do so. After a little while, they were all sent to the office. “Well, the investigation starts now I guess.” Anna tossed some empty file paper to Jason, “Good work, that’s probably the smoothest raid I’ve done.” Cloey came up to them, particularly Jason. “Uh yeah well you should say that to Quint.” He smiled as Cloey looked at Anna, Jason stood in her way so her eyes didn’t fall on Anna. He coughed dramatically to get her attention, “If Anna sees you staring at her then well maybe you will end up in a coffin.” He smiled as he leaned against the wall, “What does that mean?” “Well I just mean that Anna is somewhat in a bad mood right now and I don’t think you want to mess with her, nor Millie.” He did a sarcastic smile as Cloey rolled her eyes, “Ugh, you guys are weird.” She turned around and walked over to look at some chemicals around the area.
Damien woke up feeling slightly grumpy,he and Jax hadn't gone to bed for a while and then he couldn't sleep for ages and even when he did it was a restless sleep. The thought of Alex came into his head again,he knew something couldn't be right because otherwise he wouldn't be thinking and worrying about it so much. Damien hardly ever worried so it did kinda mean something,whatever that something was. He hadn't thought about someone as much since Jason,although that was for good reason? Well,it turned out to be. Damien glanced over at Jax who was still asleep beside him. Thinking about Jason,he wondered whether he would be okay with it but then again it wasn't like anything was happening between Jax and Damien. He shook the thought away and focused on Isaiah who was on his other side, Isaiah had been asleep since he had falled asleep that previous night. Damien thought back to the point when he had given his phone to Jax to read the text. His stomach twisted thinking about Jax's face display a hint of worry and he repeated the words he said "Oh shit" Damien sighed before running a hand over his face and getting up before heading into the bathroom to shower.
After the investigation was done, Quint and Jason finally had time for themselves. "Sooo, what do you want to do?" Jason shrugged as the walked down to their Airbandb. "Make out?" Quint smirked as they reached the house. Anna and Millie were already there, although Jason wasn't surprised. "Oh hey idiots." Anna greeted them as they walked in and sat on the couch. "We are not idiots." Quint smirked as he laid on Jason, ignoring that Millie was half laying on Jason. "Yes you are." Anna laughed as Quint got up and carried Jason upstairs. "Where are you guys going!?" Jason did wonder himself although he knew Quint would answer Anna's question. "We are doing something, that is none of your business." Quint laid Jason on the bed and closed the door gently. "Ready to have some fun?" Quint took off his shirt then took off Jason's. "Ready when you are." He smirked as he flipped positions, Jason was never going to be bottom, especially when having sex with Quint. He was just too good of a sex toy. (ima just skip the sex scene between the two. ^^)
Damien said bye to Jax as he left,he was going to get his next job from Boss and Damien found he was relieved to not having to go aswell,besides he still had to look after Isaiah. He glanced over at him and noticed the time,it was past midday and he wondered how the time had gone so quick. The morning had just passed with Jax and Isaiah waking up and then making breakfast to just chilling around the house. Damien realised he hadn't thought about Alex for a while but he didn't really want to,the guy was freaking him out and he wasn't even around. Damien hadn't even seen Alex for weeks. He shook the thoughts off and focused on Isaiah. (Sorry for the short reply)