
Alone sleeps in his tail feeling better already as he woke and looks around

Inferno knawed on some rabbit bones, and saw the pups, or now the wolves, exit the main den. They came bouncing around Inferno. "We're really part of the pack now!" Gleam said excitedly. "Yeah, we're not pups anymore!!" Cloud said, pouncing on Sand. Inferno gazed at them in amusment. I wonder if Alone's and I's pups will act like this. She thought.

Alone walks behind inferno stocking low hoping to scare her

Inferno nudged Apollo, who had fallen down after his sister Spiral had pushed him down. "If you want to be Wolves, you need to act like one." She said playfully.

Alone sighed and shakes his head and said " I can easily act like wolf Don't worry"

Inferno looked up, surprised. "Alone! Didn't see you there. I was talking to these new wolves. They keep acting like pups." She said shaking er head in amusment. She looked at Alone with playful suspition in her eyes. "Were you trying to sneak up on me?"

Alone said " why would I try to do that " as he smiles and sat down before laughs and said " pups you go ahead and be pup until your older"

Inferno sat up next to him, smiling. "Yeah, he's right. Play around, but don't forget your new responsiblities. You go have fun now." She shoed the new wolves off, watching them play.

Alone sai " how are you feeling " crystal came over and said " you guys look so cute together"

Inferno said "I'm feeling fine, thanks! How about you?" She blushed when Crystal came up and said that.