
Finally when the meeting was done, Anna immediately went straight to Jason. “Why the hell did you do that for!?” Jason shrugged as he walked over to the car, “I did what needed to be done, I couldn’t break cover.” He opened the door and they drove downtown, “Well you didn’t die so you're ok.” Cloey, John, and Millie were in the backseat. Cloey noticed Millie’s ring was the same as Anna’s. “I have a question that might offend you guys but are you two married?” Cloey looked at both Anna and Millie, they both nodded. “To each other!?” They nodded again, they both were too scared to speak. Jason knew this was going to turn into an argument, but there can’t be an argument without two people speaking. Anna and Millie kept their mouths shut for the rest of the ride. Once they pulled up to a restaurant, they all got out and got a table. Of course Anna and Millie sat next to each other while Jason and Cloey sat together. It was somewhat awkward, if that’s what you call it. “Ok, so we need to discuss what happened at the meeting. What did we know from the start?” While Anna and Cloey were battling out a conclusion about what happened, Jason got out his phone and texted Damien. ‘Is Isaiah ok?’ Cloey looked over Jason’s shoulder and wandered, “Who’s Isaiah?” Jason sent the text and shut his phone off, “You are way too nosy Cloey. Isaiah is my kid.” Although Cloey has never suspected a thing from Jason, she now wandered if he was gay too.

Finally the baking was done and Damien looked around,there was flour everywhere. He laughed nervously before thinking that maybe his idea of throwing flour at Jax wasn't such a good idea. Especially not after he started throwing flour back at Damien. Well,he did have to admit it was worth it,he was slightly annoyed at Jax calling him a softie. Obviously it was one of them remarks that had caused Damien to throw the flour. He shook his head as he began cleaning up and threw a cloth at Jax "Hey,lazy shit,you can help aswell" he spoke with a laugh. Jax moved away from the table and helped clean up. After everything was done they sat at the table again. Damien noticed he had a text from Jason 'Yep,perfectly fine,we just made some cookies' he text guessing Jason would be interested to know what they were doing.

Anna and Cloey were arguing when Jason received a text from Damien, he smiled as he responded. ‘Good, I’m sure your day is WAY better than mine.’ He sent a little heart emoji and sent the text, “Jason, would you get off your phone!” Jason rolled his eyes as he put away his phone, now he was forced to listen to Anna and Cloey arguing. Once their food was brought out, Jason enjoyed the seconds of silence. After they were done eating, it was back undercover. They parked near a park square and went into a warehouse. There were a few people in there, all of them worked for the gang. Jason took a deep breath and went to their boss, “Hey boss, we are ready to take on a mission.” The guy nodded and handed him a file, “Everything you need to know is in there, don’t let anyone see it!” His voice was dark and brutal, Cloey stood behind, trying to gather information from this ‘boss’. Anna and Jason looked over it as Millie gained some reputation from some of the gang members, “We need to kill someone?” Jason shrugged as he looked over the papers. “Maybe I can do some training, the girls can go do this mission.” Jason wanted to avoid being with Cloey and Anna, the two were like bulls trying to fight each other. Jason and John went to the back of the warehouse and started training. Of course neither of the agents were going to kill the person, they were just going to bring the person back to the office and report that they ‘killed the guy’. Jason spotted a few men in the training area, he took off his shirt and started boxing with a guy. “Not bad for a newbie.” The guy said while he smirked. The two were close and had been in contact for awhile, but the guy was an idiot and didn’t realize that Jason was an undercover agent. After they were done boxing, Jem asked, “How about you and I go back to my apartment and mingle?” Jason bit his lip, he knew if he refused to have sex with the guy, he would get suspicious of Jason. But there was one thing to remember, Damien. He wanted to stay loyal to Damien but he couldn’t risk breaking his cover. John looked at the two of them, he looked back at Cloey, she was ready to leave along with Anna. Millie decided to stay back and train with Jason. All the sudden Jem pushed Jason up against the cold and damp bricks of the building and started kissing him. Millie walked in and tried not to have a reaction, she along with Jason were undercover, now wasn’t the time to break it. She went over to the boxing ring and took off her shirt, she was wearing a sports bra under it. She tried not to look at Jem and Jason but she thought about going over and breaking the kisses they were having. Well… If Damien ever asks if I cheated on him, I guess I would say it was for a mission for the bureau.

Damien felt his phone buzz with a notification and saw Jasons name,he read it quickly with a smile,he still couldn't wait to see Jason again even though it hadn't even been that long since he had been gone. Damien sighed,feeling himself feeling slightly sad but pushed it away as soon as it occured. He noticed another message from Boss. He took a sharp intake of breath. "Hey Jax,Boss has text again" Damien spoke,Jax instantly looked over and sat closer to him and took the phone. Damien studied Jax's face as he read the message before he passed the phone back. "Don't worry about it,it's all alright" Jax said with a smile. Damien nodded as he read the message himself. 'If your leaving then just know you can always come back whenever,and keep safe' he breathed out a sigh. He always knew Boss could be nice and he was just glad he didn't appear too angry. Although Boss was never someone to hold a grudge against people for too long. Damien smiled over at Jax "Well,why were you worrying" Jax laughed,Damien bit his lip and nodded. He felt glad about what he had done,a feeling he never thought he would feel. (Sorry it took so long to reply) Edited at May 9, 2023 03:26 PM by Starstruck

After Jem’s and Jason’s little make out session, they went their separate ways. Jason looked over at Millie, who was staring at them. He frowned as he went over and grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall. His arms were stretched above her, he was somewhat in a ‘flirty/sexy’ pose against Millie. But Jason wanted the gang to know that Jason was hitting on Millie, but he wasn’t. “What was that for? You have three boyfriends and you go and kiss another guy?” They both whispered as they didn’t want to get caught. “It’s not my fault, they guy just started kissing me. Anyways, I need you to distract the gang so I can go downstairs.” Millie nodded as she pushed Jason away as she went over to the gang and started talking to them. Once they were occupied, he sneaked away and went downstairs where they held all the drugs. Once he was there, he took out his phone and took pictures of them.

Damien finished up the baking by getting it out the oven and letting the cookies cool down. He couldn't help but think about what Jason was doing,apparently his day wasn't going the best,according to the text anyway. Damien sat down and talked with Jax. "You know I might quit aswell" Jax said fairly randomly which made Damien look up and raise his eyes instantly "Oh?" "Yeah,I was just thinking like I wouldn't want to get caught,not now anyway when I have other things to do" Jax spoke looking slightly uncomfortable and awkward,Damien smiled he couldn't help it. "You know we could always try to get a job together somewhere,I'm not sure where we would go but yeah" Damien spoke in a rush,he was pretty happy about that idea. "Yeah,that would be a good idea" Jax nodded in agreement "Can you come with me to tell Boss?" He asked. Damien thought it over for a few seconds "Sorry I can't go with Isaiah" he replied with a small shake of his head "Oh right,yeah don't worry,I'll finish my job at the moment and get the money from that before anyway" Jax answered with a smile. Damien was glad about Jax's decision and smile back.

Jason went back upstairs after taking the photo and secretly showing it to Millie, “Are the others back yet?” Millie nodded and pointed at Anna, Jason went over to her and pushed her against the wall. Millie immediately noticed and turned around to look at them, she huffed quietly as she watched them. “So, who was the guy?” Anna shrugged, “Just some guy, probably linked to the gang. Bartral or something?” Jason didn’t know what to say but he heard footsteps coming his way, “Hey.” Millie pushed Jason off of Anna, Jem stood up and walked over. “Why did you push him like that? Huh?” He wall up in Millie’s face, which in this case Anna stepped in. “Hey, Jason is fine. He doesn’t need his little guard dog all the time.” Jem crossed his arms, he was getting agitated and Anna knew it. She was already ready to put up a fight, of course. “Oh so you wanna fight? I get it.” Jem threw a punch at Anna in which she avoided, his knuckles going straight to the brick. Jason winced, that had to hurt. The two started fighting while Millie was trying to break them up. The rest of the gang came into the training grounds and watched them fight, it was entertaining for them of course.

Damien was quiet for a while just thinking. He wasn't sure what jobs would take him and Jax,after all Damien was pretty pierced and did have a few scars. Jax was definitely the more presentable of the two. They began to talk about what jobs they wanted to do. Damien still wasn't sure,maybe a job in a cafe? That wouldn't pay the best but atleast he didn't have to worry about rent since he already owned his house. He bit his lip as he thought,he wasn't sure about anything that he wouldn't get bored of. Jax mentioned a few that would be okay but none stood out. Damien soon got annoyed and walked away from the table over to Isaiah,he stayed with him for a while and glanced at Jax who was just looking on his phone.

After the fight was done, Anna won. Jason was half glad she did. “Hey Jem, you good?” He nodded as he threw a knife at Anna, barely missing her head. Jason held his breath as he started to sweat. “Um ok, let’s get you cleaned up.” He took Jem over to the water hose and hosed him down, blood was washing off of him, once they were done, Millie was not having it. “You threw a knife at Anna!” Millie went up in Jem’s face and started beating him to death. It was a gang they were hanging out with so only the toughest survived, even if a fight is fatal, no one will stop it. Jason watched as Jem cut Millie’s stomach, he couldn’t help but come to her rescue. He punched Jem and grabbed his knife and stabbed him, he didn’t mean to kill Jem but he did. Thank god this day was almost done. Jason dropped the knife and let Jem bleed to death. He bit his lip, this was the third person he’s killed this month. Of course the bureau doesn’t care, it was self defense. “Come on Millie.” Anna carried Millie over outside the warehouse and looked at the cut. “Hey, calm down.” Anna took off Millie’s shirt, Millie’s whole side was covered in blood. Anna was quick to grab something to stop the bleeding. “Someone had to die in that fight. I can’t imagine being in a gang, glad this is undercover.” Millie was in too much pain to even talk, “I’m going to go get Jason.” Anna left and grabbed Jason, he had just now earned some more respect from the gang. Once all the agents were out the building, Anna finally spoke. “I think it’s time to go back to the office, I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.” They all nodded and they drove back to the office, “Hang in there Millie.” Blood covered the backseat, John almost passed out by seeing so much blood. Once they were there, Millie got stitches. It had been a few hours since Jason had contacted Damien. He grabbed his phone and texted Damien, ‘I just got out from undercover today, is Isaiah ok?’ His hands were shaking, he could barely even type, even his text had a hint of fear as he sent the text to Damien. He went over to Millie and held her hand as she screamed in pain as the EMT officer put needles through her. “It’s going to be ok, it will be over soon.” Anna came over and grabbed Millie’s other hand, stitches were usually never painful to her but god it felt like thousands of needles were going in her.

Damien got up and stood behind Jax,he was looking at jobs on his phone and showed a few to Damien. He studied them,they seemed less interesting than the ideas. Cleaning was the most common and he sighed.Honestly Damien was just getting frustrated at looking/discussing jobs,it was all they had done for a while now. He sighed again and rested a hand on Jax's shoulder "Leave it for now,we can just look again some other time" Jax looked up and nodded. He could tell Damien was annoyed. Damien picked Isaiah up before carrying him to the sofa and Jax followed closely of course. He phoned up a takeaway and ordered some food,he didn't exactly feel like cooking. Damien was really missing Jason as well so that didn't help his overall feeling. He was relieved to see that he had a text from Jason although felt something was off "Yeah,he's fine,how are you?" Damien text. He looked up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.