
Noah looked at Auki with a slightly confused face, "Nothing made me think that. Your son is cute, I just figured he would do at least a few make out session with girls." Isaac took a deep breath and snuggled up on Noah, with his head on his chest. Isaac couldn't believe Rey would fight, he knew if he was a father he wouldn't let his kid fight either. Isaac groaned slightly and muttered, "It's not like fighting is better than having sex because it's not…" Noah barely heard what the kid said and shrugged, "What clubs does he fight in?"

Auki groans from Noah calling his son cute. "He's gay." As he went to the TV turning it on as he clicked on the channel where Rey fights. "This is the place he fights at. Just watch." He didn't say anything else as he sat down on the floor, cuz he didn't want to be near Isaac when he was taking Noah. Which he didn't like but whatever. The TV showed a fighting ring as a giant man walked into the ring then the announcer spoke, "Gents! We have the Giant! But we all know he's going down! Welcome the Scorpion!" It was Rey Auki. Rey or Scorpion walked into the ring, cracking his gloved knuckles before attacking with speed like Richard Auki. Rey slide between the Giant legs as he kicked the man's balls, before jumping onto the man's back as he wrapping his legs around the neck, using his body weight to fall, choking the guy, as he fall over. He quickly flipped off the guy doing a flip in the air, as he's very flexible before striking the man's eyes then using the ropes of the fighting ring, he launched himself at the Giants head, feet first as he knocked the guy out. "Gents! Scorpion wins!...." The people of the club grabbed and dragged the guy off the ring, as Rey went over to one guy talking to him still in the ring, he nodded as he went to the speaker. Rey stands on the center of the ring. "Oh, hold up, Gents! It seems Scorpion isn't done fighting! Well we have the same build as him. So welcome Viper!" Immediately when Auki heard Viper, he cursed.

Noah looked at Auki and watched him turn on the T.V. Isaac shifted at what Auki said about his son being gay. Of course Isaac had never kissed a guy before and he almost did with Rey, but his parents always wanted to make sure that he was into women and not men. Of course rich people are like that so they can have bloodlines and generations to pass on the inherited money. Isaac sighed and watched the fight on the television, he was scared for Rey and didn't like knowing he was fighting. He could be doing anything but this and that alone would make Iaaac happy. "Rey is a decent fighter, you trained him good." Noah smiled and wondered why Auki was on the floor. "You can come up on the couch right?" Isaac's eyes were glued onto the television and continued to watch the show. He would do anything to get Rey off the rings right now. He didn't know why Rey even liked this, maybe he's just doing it for the money, that's what Isaac thought.

Auki waved off Noah as he got up taking his phone as he called Rey, even in the TV, Rey had his phone on him, feeling it, he took it out. "What's up, Dad?" Auki growled out into the phone as he stares at the TV. "Don't mess with Viper! He uses poison. Watch-" Auki was disconnected as he saw Rey ending the phone as he gave a salute to the camera. As Viper entered the ring, with a snake mask on as he saw knuckle beater on his knuckles. Auki felt worry for his son, as Viper is just like his namesake. "Damnit!" Auki spoke, as he tosses his phone on the couch. The TV then shower Rey talking to Viper as he smirks, accepting the challenge. Viper and Scorpion fought. They weren't matching, because Viper was quicker, he slammed his knuckles beaters into Reys cheek, making him dropped as he dripped Viper onto his legs. Scorpion saddled Viper, as he start punching the guys mask in, which he was to focused on doing that, Viper hand went into Reys ribs as he felt a sting, he jumped off Viper as he held his side, not caring that his cheek is bruised and bleedly badly. Rey eyes widened when he felt weird. Auki immediately ran to Reys room as he grabbed the other hover board, he went over to the balcony. "I have to go!" As he quickly jumped onto the board, going towards the club.

Noah didn't really pay attention to the television because he was lost in his own thoughts. He thought Isaac was asleep and didn't pay attention to him either. He had so many questions for Auki but was caught off guard when Auki got up, he immediately looked at the television and saw that Rey was hurt. "Oh shit-" Isaac started to panic and got up, running after Auki. "Isaac!" Noah snapped out of whatever he was in and ran after Isaac. Of course he was faster and held Isaac in his arms while down the streets. "I have to see Rey! Noah, let me go!" Noah sighed and picked up Isaac and ran down to the club, well more like just followed Auki to the club. Once he was there he didn't search for Auki, instead he went straight in front of the crowd and tried to get Rey's attention. Noah had to put Isaac down, "Rey!" Noah groaned as he jumped into the ring and threw a few punches at the guy. Of course Noah is way more skilled than Rey but still, the Viper is still powerful. He punched Viper hard enough to break his mask, he wrapped his arm around his neck and started choking him, in front of Rey. Isaac was left scared and lost in the crowd. It was so loud, he could barely hear a thing. He wandered over to the bar and sat on the bar stool, hoping Noah or Rey would find him there.

Auki growled out as he saw that Noah beat him there. As he hops into the ring, taking Rey against his shoulders. "Noah, we need to go. You can wait on that!" His eyes scanned for the boy. "Did you bring the boy here?" As he got out of the ring. Walking to the hover board, putting Rey down as he saw Isaac at the bar. "Boy, come." As he exited the place, a hand on the board to keep it with him. Rey groans as he closed his eyes but was still awake. They got to Reys place as he sometimes stay at, he took Rey off the board as he set his son down on the bed couch. Auki lifted his son's shirt, seeing a scorpion tattoo on his left side before looking at the ribs, which was now black. "Damnit!" Auki grabbed a lighter as he needed to burn the poison, "Son, this will hurt." As he put the small flame against the small stab. Rey kept his eyes closed as he winced, biting his tongue.

Noah looked back at Auki and let go of Viper, kicking him in the ribs one last time before searching for Isaac. "Come on, let's go." He grabbed the boy and carried him to the building. Jack saw them enter and wondered who the boy was, of course Noah wasn't in the mood to talk so they just went straight up to the penthouse, Isaac ran towards the couch when he noticed Rey laying on it. "Rey!" Isaac was worried and saw the lighter, "What are you doing!? Your going to burn him!" Isaac had no idea that Viper used poison and just thought that Auki was crazy. He worried and tried to understand why he was feeling that way, of course having a crush on Rey didn't come in mind, anyone can care for someone and not like them romantically. Isaac held Rey's hand, his touch was soft and light, he didn't squeeze his hand since he was afraid that he might hurt him.

Auki rolled his eyes at the boy, "Use your eyes, look." As he pointed at the black veins. "He was poison." Rey felt someone take his hand which was soft and light. Auki moved the flame more against the wound.

Isaac almost flipped when he heard that Rey was poisoned, "Oh my god…" Isaac could feel his heart race as he watched the process, it hurt him seeing Rey in pain like this and wanted to make him feel better. Noah sighed and went over to Isaac, "It's ok, he'll make it." He have him a smile and a hug.

Rey groans as he begins to struggle from the pain of his flesh burning. Auki pushed his other hand down on Reys shoulder as he put his knee on his son stomach to keep him down. Auki saw the black veins vanishing as the flame was destroying the vemon. Once he saw this as the flesh molded together from the flame as he puts the lighter down. As he takes his knee of his son's to gut. The father ran his hand through his son's hair in a calming affect. "Your fine, my boy."