Aeliyx hears Letos footsteps behind him, a steady thump thump thump, sound, he's pacing himself, probably to reserve energy, but for what he though for a few moments, snickering as he plotted his next move he barely dodged a car that he had heard coming but miscalculated how long he had to move. The place was just around the corner... he's doesn't know where the place is, I could easily take a wrong turn and confuse him he did just that, as the shop just popped into view he slowed down, just enough to make Leto think the place was close. He wasn't far behind, but just far enough not to be able to see the shop. If he sped up here, he would run out of steam before the shop, and Aeliyx knew he had just enough to full sprint to the shop as soon as that happened. rooky he insulted Raedier in his mind
Raedier followed along, watching carefully. He was going at a pace that conserved as much energy as possible while also moving faster than a jog. He watched Aeliyx slow down, huh.. there already? He sped up his pace, bolting ahead of Aeliyx without thinking about the fact that Aeliyx would also likely know what he was doing.
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just as expected now I wait until the pots drained. Soon enough Letos pace slows, he's breathing heavy. Aeliyx bolts ahead as fast as lighting, he's a block from the shop, his visions blurry but he should make it in time, his vision looks like a vignette on an old image, but he's there, he's in the driveway, that's all that matters. shit, he thinks, he's on the ground, but not knocked out, his vision is back. He lays down for a bit, he can't recall who got there first.
"Awh, fuck." Raedier breathes, slowing his pace. He was running out of energy now and Exliar had known what he was doing.. All he could do was watch Aeliyx win the race. He didn't collapse like his buddy did, fortunately. Raedier crouched down by Aeliyx, poking him a few times. "Hey? You're not dead right? Is it that difficult to win a race against me, Elixar?"
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" I'm fine," he sat up and swatted Leto's hand away. " Just hadn't ran like that in a while" he admitted. He reached for his wallet " I guess now we really need drinks and cake pops huh?" He quickly takes inventory on his cash. " what do you want?"
Raedier smiled a little, "Have I not been chasing you enough? I could give you some more challenges." Leto thought for a moment. "Hmm.. Definitely a chocolate cake pop, or five.. and either a latte or iced coffee. I have yet to decide." Raedier stood, offering his hand to Elixar in the rare case Aeliyx would accept help.
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" Well ," he accepts the help, rare occasions do happen... occasionally. " if you want a chocolate cake pop, or five, then I'll get 2 chocolate ones, and a vanilla...." He double checks to make sure he has enough for Raedier's drink, and his own... " I should have enough left to cover an iced coffee and my usual." He pulls out one of his free drink cards he has stashed away. " if you chase me much more these days I think the neighbor hood will have questions to be asked" he replies with a little smirk
"Oooh! Good, good." Raedier grinned. He was working out how to hold all the cake pops with the two drinks. Hanging out with Aeliyx was hella fun, it was a shame they couldn't do it everyday. "You're not wrong," Leto put on his mask. He had forgotten until now, even though he saw Aeliyx put his own on earlier. "They wouldn't find any answers though." He walked to the entrance of the coffee shop, holding the door open for his friend. "C'mon, Elixar. Cake Pops and Coffee wait for no one!"
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The place was awfully full for being dark outside... there sure are a lot of people... " I suppose..." he makes sure his mask is on and his hair at least slightly covers his eyes before reluctantly walking in " your ordering though..." he takes out a piece of paper from his uppermost pocket, and yanks a pen out of his lower most, and jots down what he wants. " here's the cash, this should cover it with a small amount of change left over." He hands it over.
"Gotcha." Raedier wasn't daunted by the amount of people. Which was absolutely the reason he always ordered. "I wonder how you get any of this on your own, you never order." Leto read over the piece of paper, stuffing it in one of his pockets after he memorized it. Raedier walked up to the cashier when it was their turn. "I'll have five chocolate cake pops, one vanilla, a latte and iced coffee." Leto continued on ordering the rest of Aeliyx's usual. He paid the cashier, taking the left over change and bringing Elixar over to the waiting spot.
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