After giving her idea to Blackburn, Torrin would look around. Thinking deeper into her plan, she knew if the wind changed they need to change courses. Though, she'd cross that bridge if it came too it. "Lead the way, Delta." Torrin would look at Blackie, a small grin forming onto her maw before she gently swiped her tail under his chin. "Keep up, Alpha." She giggled before taking off toward the border, that being where she wanted to start anyways. As they got there, Torrin turned to Blackburn, a large grin growing onto her maw as her tail wagged. She was barely winded. After a moment, Torrin raised her nose into the air and inhaled a few times, attempting to pick up a scent. As she did, she looked at him and spoke, "There's deer around, smells like lots of them." She mentioned to him before following the trail, her pawsteps barely audible now as she walked onward. The pair walked a good five minutes before she noticed the small herd and ducked into the brush. "There looks to be a younger doe on the side nearest us, she's decent sized though." She mentioned in a whisper too him, "Think we could take it?" Torrin asked Blackburn.
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Blackburn felt his heart flutter as her tail brushed up under his chin, her flirtatious words taunting him. Following her word, he kept his pace with her, only falling back once or twice to check the air for new scents and mark his territory. As they neared the border, Blackburn watched her carefully. She began to speak to him and he nodded, smelling the air too. "I can smell them too," he said quietly. He stayed back for a moment as she went on forward to follow the trail. He was impressed with how lightly she treaded the ground, her pawsteps barely audible. He shortly followed suit, his larger paws making a bit more noise than he would have liked. Finally they approached a small clearing and spotted a herd of deer grazing there. The brute listened to Torrin's words but watched the prey intently, scanning the entire herd. "I think so, yeah." he said finally, spotting the doe she was talking about in particular. "With two of us she'll be easier to separate." He waited a moment longer, watching the deer as they moved slowly through the undergrowth, grazing. "I think I should allow myself to be spotted." he said. "You teach me your ways and I'll teach you mine, we can combine them to make it better. A group of hunters play different roles," he explained quickly. "If you can get to the other side without being detected, I'll scare them in your direction. Once she's separated from the group I'll help you get her."
Torrin would listen to Blackburns words. Her audits flicking to get the bugs away before she nodded. "I like that idea.." She said softly. With that being said, the female moved with grace through the brush, making her way around the deer. After she made it, she made a snapping sound with her teeth, getting the deer herds attention, distracting them from Blackburn. It was flawless really, as Blackburn chase, Torrin waited for the doe to run toward her, waiting until it was about right over her before she jumped. As the weight of the young doe and the young female wolf collided, it could be heard in an echo all the way around the area of the woods. Though, Torrin didn't seemed phased, her jaw locked around the does neck as it stood there, trashing to get her off. Torrin let a large snarl sound in her chest as she was hit by the deers flailing legs, but, kept her hold on her neck.
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Blackburn crouched, waiting as Torrin moved gracefully through the brush to the other side. It wasn't long before she successfully distracted the deer. Blackburn took his chance, leaping out from the treeline and beelining towards the herd. The deer scattered wildly, panic taking over. The large black male kept the chosen doe in his sights, separating it from the others as he nipped at its ankles, sending it in Torrin's direction. Blackburn slowed as Torrin collided with the doe, her weight making the poor creature unbalanced. The wolf's jaws enclosed around its neck, and the deer began kicking wildly attempting to throw her off. Blackburn charged forward, rearing up on his hind legs and planting his paws around the doe's hips, his teeth clamping down onto her back. The crushing weight of both wolves made the doe collapse to the ground, sealing her fate. Warm blood rushed into his maw as he clamped tighter, holding the doe steady and letting Torrin make the kill. Soon the thrashing stopped, and the only sounds were the two wolves panting. The rest of the herd had long scattered, and he assumed all other prey in the near area had too because of the commotion. "Nicely done!" he said, his tail wagging happily. His maw was stained with bright red blood, but his icy eyes were alight with energy. "She's a nice size, the pack will be grateful." With spring having just arrived a couple of weeks ago, this was the biggest catch the Baxtara's have had in a while. "We should bring it back." He moved closer to Torrin, licking her cheek and nuzzling her before bending his head down and clamping his jaws around the doe's neck and beginning to drag it towards camp. As they got closer to the camp, Blackburn could hear muffled voices from not too far away. From what he could tell it was Darkheart and Dahlia. He cast a glance over to see the two other wolves walking back into camp from the opposite side, a rather large rabbit dangling from each of their mouths. It seems everyone had had good luck with prey this morning.
After a few more hits from the does hooves, Torrin felt it's legs give way from the weight of both the wolves. Letting out a small exhale through her nose, the black and white beauty closed her jaw tighter around the does breathing pipe, listening as its bleats began to get weaker and weaker. As the doe fell limp, Torrin released it and looked toward Blackburn as they panted. "You did well yourself, Blackie." She stated with a wink toward him before returning his lick but to his ear as he had picked up the doe before helping him by dragging the doe by a front leg. Getting back too the camp, Torrin and Blackburn drug the doe over towards the prey pile. Though, seeing Dahlia and Darkheart, she hoped they wouldn't be too upset. Torrin knew Dahlia might be, but, she wasn't too sure of Darkheart. After releasing the leg of the doe, she lifted her crania and yawned a bit, shaking her pelt out. Torrin then looked around, noticing Dahlia glaring at her a bit. The lupine would just roll her eyes before turning her attention to Blackburn, "I'm going to go find Jax, If it's alright with you, I'd like to give him first pick of what he wants." She told him softly. Torrin wanted the adolescent to grow strong, and show those who picked on him what he could be.
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Blackburn nodded his approval of her idea. "I'll make sure no one attempts to take anything before he gets the chance." He could see that Dahlia was still giving Torrin nasty looks, and he flicked his tail in annoyance. "Hey Tor," he called over his shoulder as she began to walk away. "If Dahlia ever causes any problems, let me know." He knew that Dahlia was a bit small, but he was beginning to see that she was fueled by an emotion he could not describe. He knew her parents would have been proud to see her carry the Alphas pups, but they were both dead now, and Blackburn no longer felt the pressure to choose her for that. He knew who he wanted to choose, and he was aware that his decision might cost him Dahlia's loyalty. What he wasn't sure about is if she would actually leave the pack to try and survive on her own, or if she would simply be stuck in a pack she no longer felt true loyalty to. Either way...Blackburn no longer felt so close to the she-wolf he grew up with. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jax laid outside the elders den with his chin on his paws, watching as the Beta and Dahlia returned with fresh kill. His ears perked as he noticed Blackburn and Torrin returning with the body of a deer, the blood scent fresh and enticing. He dared not move, remaining silent as he watched from afar. He would wait until the others had eaten their fill before attempting to get any for himself. That's just the way things were. He was lucky to have Blackburn as a compassionate leader, but he wasn't always present when things went south, and Rift had no authority over the pack even though she was kind. His pale yellow gaze looked at Torrin from afar, reminded of how she'd stood up to Dahlia for him just earlier that morning. He was glad she was in the pack now, he liked her. The new Delta seemed as if she would do lots of good here.
Torrin would smile as Blackburn liked her idea, turning to go find him before noticing he was lying by the elders den. As she picked up to a trot, she heard the small nickname exit the alphas mouth and turned to smile at him, "Yes, Blackie?" she asked, flicking her tail before hearing his next words. With a small smirk, she just nodded and continued her way over to Jax. Torrin knew what she was capable of, and also knew Dahlia stood absolutely no chance against her. Though, Torrin would be rather stoic to fighting her, she wanted no part of it. At the same time, she knew problems would still arise and she'd most likely have to defend herself against the smaller she-wolf. Getting over too Jax, Torrin slowed to a halt and then lowered her crania down too him. "Ready for your meal?" She asked him with a wide smile. "C'mon, I already talked to Blackburn. You get first pick today." Torrin told him softly, wagging her tail. As she turned to go back toward the prey pile, she noticed Dahlia making her way over, her eyes trained on the small grey male. Stepping in front of Jax, Torrin let a small growl rumble within her chest. "What do you find in taunting him, Dahlia?" She questioned, lifting her crania high before glancing at Blackburn. She hoped he'd notice and come over. Though, the talk didn't last long, as Dahlia didn't say a word and just walk into the elder den. Torrin would exhale gently through her nose before looking at Jax, "Come along now." She stated softly too him with a smile before trotting toward the food pile.
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Jax lifted his head as he saw Torrin approaching, his tail beginning to thump the ground in silent excitement. The thin grey adolecent pricked his ears forward as the new Delta told him the news. "I...I get first pick?" he asked, unbelieving. He shifted his gaze behind her to see Blackburn still standing by the doe carcass, the Alphas head was held high and his gaze was traversing the camp, as if making sure no one approached. He pushed himself to his paws, his tongue lolling out as he panted. He started to make a move towards that direction, but stopped as he noticed Dahlia approaching. He shrunk back from the she-wolf as she grew closer, and watched as Torrin spoke harsh words to her. The golden female cast a cold gaze towards both of them before disappearing into the den behind him. She's tending to the elders today? he wondered. Blackburn must have sent her to change their bedding and check them for ticks. Jax was usually the one to do so, simply because no one else but the elders really wanted him around. It struck him as odd but he decided not to question it. Jax looked to Torrin, confusion mixed with excitement on his face. She told him to follow, so he did, trotting after her towards the food pile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blackburn turned to see Torrin and Jax approaching. He had sent Dahlia to the elders to look after them today. He wanted her as busy as possible and away from Torrin and Jax. What the Alpha hadn't noticed was her cold stares towards Torrin and Jax as she had approached them near the den opening. "Hello Jax," Blackburn said. "You get first pick today." The young grey wolf looked up into his face, smiling. His tail began to wag vigorously as he began sniffing the deer and the two rabbits that lay next to it. After a few seconds of sniffing, Jax quickly grabbed a rabbit and trotted off in a hurry towards Rift's den. Blackburn watched him go. "He must be going to share a meal with Rift," he commented. "Would you like to join me in a meal?"
As Torrin made it too the pile with Jax, she smiled gently at Blackburn as he told Jax he got first pick. Watching as the small lupine sniffed over the food before choose a rabbit and heading off toward Rifts den, Torrin smiled gently. She then heard Blackburns words and nuzzled his cheek gently. "I'd love to share a meal with you.." She told him softly before picking the other rabbit up. "We'll take this." She stated muffedly. "Call the rest too the deer." Torrin mentioned, and with a flick of her tail, she walked toward Blackburns den, gently brushing her tail over his shoulder. Getting into the den, Torrin set the kill down and stretched a bit, waiting for Blackburn too eat. After he had gotten there, she tore a leg off and began eating as he did. Torrins tail gently patted the ground beneat her, her audits swiveling about as she laid there. She felt alive here, with him. It was so surreal to her, being as she had never had anything like it before.
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Blackburn smiled at her as she agreed to share a meal with him. He watched her choose the rabbit and begin heading towards his den. He lifted his head and howled a meal call before catching up to her, crawling into the den to lay beside her. He dipped his head down, his teeth tearing into the plump rabbit meat, the refreshing taste hitting his tongue. Life felt like it had so much more meaning with Torrin here. Of course he still had his doubts about leadership, and often second guessed his decisions, but it was easier knowing that one day soon he would have a level headed mate who would handle the things he couldn't beautifully. For never having had a pack before, Torrin was shaping up to be a powerful force among the Baxtara's. She had wonderful leadership qualities that even he himself envied. "I'm really glad you agreed to come live with me," he said softly after a while of eating together with her in silence. "It's nice to have you around, and you'll make a great Alpha one day." He dipped his head towards her, laying his ears back respectfully and shyly. "I want to choose you, Torrin. To be Alpha Female. You'll make a great leader." He laid his tail on top of hers. "I will wait a couple moons before announcing by decision," he said quietly. "I want to make sure the pack has fully adjusted before making you queen." He lifted his head to see the small pack gathered around the deer, devouring it. "That doe was a great catch. I think this evening I want to send you out with Darkheart. If you could I would like you to teach him some things you learned as a packless wolf and patrol the borders with him." Blackburn knew the Beta Male would be happy to learn some of Torrin's ways, and he was a gentle giant who was always up for conversation. Darkheart was a loyal wolf who took his duties seriously, and Blackburn wanted Torrin to be able to work alongside him easily.