
Aldwin was going around greeting everyone with a large smile before inviting everyone to sit down. "Go agra's and sit down everyone! We will be eating shortly." Aldwin took his place in his seat at the head of the table.

Gwendolyn sat where the courtier had told her to sit, and surveyed the table. It was a lot more crowded than she was used to, with more people. Once Aldwin allowed everyone to eat and talk, people were trying to speak to her, get closer to her, and Gwendolyn was overwhelmed, even though the smile on her face never wavered.

Aldwin understood how overwhelming this was, as he had dealt with it for most of his life, that didn't mean he hadn't one day too been overwhelmed by it all. Granted, he had been much younger than Gwendolyn but still. So instead of ignoring it like his father had done with him, Aldwin spoke to as many as he could at one time. Making friendly banter and answering questions that he knew the definite answer to. He did his best to take some attention off Gwendolyn and give her room to breathe.

Gwendolyn flashed Aldwin a grateful smile, before turning her attention to the remaining courtiers, knights, and advisors. There were fewer now, and the difference was very helpful. Gwendolyn was used to the chaos of court, but it was normally with people she knew. Now, they were all strangers who wanted to know everything about her.

Aldwin smiled and laughed when the opportunity arose. He was quite the entertaining host as any good king should be. Especially with someone of such noble blood. He was expected to have the most perfect attitude to everything, so he did. Aldwin acted the way he needed to in any situation.

As dinner rolled past, Gwendolyn found herself becoming more comfortable with the people around her. Now that they knew more about her, they stopped pressing close and demanding her attention. Yes, there was not a moment to breath, but it was easier. For that, Gwendolyn mentally thanked Aldwin. Later into the evening, a young maid tapped Gwendolyn on the shoulder, "My Lady, you must lead out the women. It is time for us to leave." This was confusing. Back home, everyone stayed until the end, but perhaps this was an English habit, "Oh, my apologies. I was not aware. Do stay for a moment more to explain." Gwendolyn had long gotten over her embarrassment of being caught in the unknown. The maid flushed incredibly, though, but did explain what Gwendolyn needed to do. A few moments after the maid left, Gwendolyn rose, and with a hidden shrug to Aldwin, led the women out, who followed along with visible relief.

Aldwin watched the women leave and unfortunately the discussion turned towards politics and Aldwin's new wife. He couldn't answer many of their questions but he did his best. When asked about his feelings towards the Roman beauty, he simply said that he had not known her for nearly long enough to know how he felt about her. Not that he actually felt anything for her, she was nice enough but he had enough on his plate already without the added stress of a marriage.

Once all the women were out of the dining hall, the wife of a high noble turned to Gwendolyn, "We stayed much too long! It is improper for women to witness the conversation of politics and such, which is what began to happen! Unacceptable!" Gwendolyn supposed this women used to be the highest lady, as she seemed to have an unreasonable hatred towards her. Gwendolyn knew it wasn't her fault she hadn't been informed of the customs, or that at her home things were done differently, so she wasn't all that bothered by the lady's words. However, what did concern her was how everyone seemed to cower when the lady spoke - out of respect or fear Gwendolyn did not know. Having very little experience when it comes to court life or the English ways, Gwendolyn knew she would tromp any form of keeping a good relationship with the lady if she spoke her mind. Instead of biting back like Gwendolyn wanted to, she nodded her head, "Apologies, My Lady. As this is a new setting, I am quite unsure how to act. If it is not so..." Gwendolyn searched for a word these people would like, "Unacceptable, would you mind informing me of the customs and activities I must follow?" A glimmer appeared in the women's eyes - one Gwendolyn knew from when her dog was about to snap out at her, "Ah, yes!" Honeyed lies flowed from her lips, "It would be my honor, Lady Gwendolyn," Not 'My Lady' she noted, "to.. help.. you." There was a ploy here, and one Gwendolyn intended to follow, if only to see how far this woman would go, "My thanks, Lady?..." "Ydaris," The lady supplied, "Yes. My thanks, Lady Ydaris. Now, if it is not too improper," Gwendolyn suppressed a laugh, "I should like to retire for the night." Lady Ydaris nodded, "Yes, yes. I am glad this was all straightened out. Have a pleasant night." Gwendolyn turned the corner, and stopped once she was out of view, listening. After a lasting pause, she heard the soft voice of Lady Ydaris, "This was not my plan... but perhaps it is better."

is not sure what to do with that uhh
