
Laika's nose dips to her pups once again, before her head lifts. Her eyes rest on Ferox, then they flicker to her family. There, at the edge of the pack sat Seraphina. The Elder was surrounded by Ember, Ignatius, Rhys, Brigid, as well as Brigid's pups. Laika's heart twists as she realizes her family was avoiding her. Then she couldn't help but look at the sky, was Inigo looking down at them? Was he just as disappointed? If he were still alive, would he be avoiding her as well? The happy, easily forgivable wolf. Or would he treat her like the rest of the family was.
Soon the Akvo Lupi wolves arrive, and Ari and her packmate move to join them. Ari and Silver touch noses, greeting each other warmly. The two Alpha's conversate quietly to each other as their pack lingers around them. Then the Alpha's turn, it was time for the Alpha's to talk. Ari's eyes flicker first to Rider and Moone, then to Laika. While Silver's eyes look for the Terra Lupi Alpha. Did he have the same opinion as his mate? Pretty close, but Silver definitely wasn't as willing to go with all of the aspects his mate had been willing to do.

Ferox's thoughts slowly began to drift away from his patrol, turning instead to Laika, the pups, and his pack. He barely even registered where he was going now, lost completely in thought. In the short time since his pack had learned the truth, they had grown distant from him. Not like before, where they had been rebellious and disobedient; now it was like they barely acknowledged his existence unless he spoke to them directly. Even Oak, the only real friend he'd had during the struggles of adjusting to the rank of Alpha, had stopped speaking to him. He'd had hope that Oak would be more understanding than the rest of the pack, and he was, to an extent. But the old wolf had not spoken to him since he had arrived back from the Ignis Lupi camp. A stray breeze brought the scent of the Akvo Lupi wolves to his nose, and he took a deep breath, shoving his worries aside as he made his way back to the Gathering site. The rest of the Akvo Lupi wolves had arrived, which meant they could begin erecting defenses. As he entered camp, he was spotted by Rider, who beckoned him over before approaching the Akvo Lupi Alpha pair.

As Laika watches the other Alpha's gather, she remains still. She was a mother as well, if she moved now and left them with no one to curl around them, they'd wake and cry. So, the Alpha would have to sit out. Which would not help their situation. It would simply undermine Laika more. But, before the Alpha could think more on it, a scent hits her nose. Before Laika could turn to look, a nose gently touches her on the shoulder and she hears a familiar voice,"I'll take care of the pups. Go. Your needed with the other Alpha's."
Laika turns her head,"Ember?" Her sister blinks at her,"I'm not mad at you, or disappointed. I'm just surprised." She looks at Seraphina and the rest of the family,"As is the rest of them. They are shocked. But they will get over it. I promise, we still love you." Laika stares and Ember manages a faint laugh,"Go, before they come over and demand you hurry." Laika slowly rises, touching noses with Ember,"Thank you." The healer dips her head as she watches Laika start over, looking over her shoulder once. Ember settles down besides the pups, tucking them against her.
While Laika hurries on, joining Moone, Rider, Ari, Silver, and Ferox. Her eyes flicker among the Alpha's, before she stops beside them. She felt like all of the packs were looking at them now. She couldn't blame them. When was the last time all the pack's Alpha's had gathered together for such a meeting outside of the Great Pack Gathering.

Ferox glanced over at Laika to see if she was going to join them. Once he saw that she was with the pups, he dipped his head lightly. He would rather someone stayed with them and kept them safe. Rider was also watching Laika, but once he saw she wasn't coming over, he turned back to the wolves in front of him. "Well, if everyone who's going to speak is here, let's begin, shall we?" Rider said. Ferox kept stealing glances toward Laika, not really paying attention to Rider. He noticed another wolf speaking to her, and he tilted his head lightly as Laika stood up, leaving the pups with her sister. He couldn't stop his hackles from raising slightly; he didn't know this wolf, they shouldn't be near his pups.. Ferox forced himself to calm down. He was really in no position to be distrustful, and if Laika trusted her enough to let her watch the pups, then he would allow it. Rider moved over to make room for Laika, giving her a single disdainful look. "Good of you to join us," he said sarcastically. Ferox bared his teeth slightly, but Laika could handle him just fine, as had been discovered earlier. Rider continued, "First things first, we need to focus on defenses," he said. "Since we left the best-defended positions in all our territories, and since we have absolutely no idea what's going on, we need to fortify this place as much as we possibly can. I assume the Terra Lupi wolves can build us some walls?" Ferox nodded. "Yes, we can," he said. "There's enough rock here to build at least a couple different walls. We probably won't want them enclosed completely, and the entrances will need to be closely guarded. Aside from the wall, I think it would be a good idea to have a constant watch set up, and for the time being, it would be best to send small, fast, patrols out into the territories to see what information we can ascertain. The Caeli Lupi wolves are the fastest, so I'll leave that up to you, Rider."

Laika glares at Rider, but, at the moment she was in no mood to even deal with Rider. She'd tolerate him... For now. She simply sits down, listening quietly as Rider speaks. As much as she hated to admit it, Rider was right. They needed to focus on defenses. Laika's eyes flicker to Ferox, who agrees, stating the walls could be built. Good, that'd give them some protection. Laika felt bad that all the packs had to move, but this was the safest place for all four packs, and a place where they could all use their abilities without too many issues. If they had chosen one specific camp, at least one pack would be able to use their ability.
Laika speaks up,"My wolves can stand guard. Their fires can keep anything away." Well, at least she hoped they could. Whatever they were facing? It was scary, and whatever it was, it could be immune to fire. But, Laika wasn't going to say that. Silver dips his head,"The Akvo Lupi can help stand guard as well. Our waters may not burn, but we have physical strength on our side." That was true, the Akvo Lupi wolves were bulky. Swimming through the currents would certainly give them strengths that no other pack could have. Laika just hated that they had no idea what in the world they were facing.

Ferox nodded as Laika and Silver began to speak, listening closely as they made their plans. "My wolves can guard as well, but building the walls will tire them," he says. Not all of his wolves were quite strong enough to assist with the wall-building; those ones would be sent to help guard. Ferox continued thinking. "Rider, if my wolves collected enough loose dirt, your wolves could whip it into the air and make a dust cloud, right?" Rider snorted. "Of course we could," he said. Ferox nodded. "Then my wolves will start gathering dust and fine dirt and leave them in piles on the walls," he said. "If we're attacked, your wolves can blow the dust right into the enemy's faces." Rider gave a slow nod, a bit surprised that a wolf so inexperienced would come up with an idea like that.

Laika nods,"Then my wolves will stand guard until yours are recovered. Then mine can rest while yours stand guard." The rotation of the guards should help keep everyone rested and hopefully not tire everyone out. She listens quietly as Ferox continues, talking about dust clouds. That was not a bad idea. "Our fires will create enough of a barrier that our enemies may hesitate to attack. Perhaps we could launch an ambush from behind." Laika muses,"If my wolves are standing between the walls and the enemies, their fires dancing, they can distract the enemy long enough for another group to sneak around and attack from behind. The element of surprise may be enough to turn the tides against whatever attacks." Regardless of how powerful, the perfect tactic can take down any enemy.

Ferox dipped his head lightly. "Very well, thank you," he said. "If your wolves are good to stand guard for a day, maybe two, then I'll accept that." He fell silent as Laika continued to speak, nodding in agreement. "Yes, I think your pack's fires will be one of our best advantages," he said. "A pincer move might not be a bad idea." Rider spoke up then. "The Caeli Lupi wolves will take care of the attack from behind the enemy," he said. "We're fast enough to get behind them without them realizing what is happening." Ferox nodded thoughtfully. "Ari, Silver, do you have any ideas?" he asked.

Laika agrees,"They can." Hopefully they would listen when she gave out the orders though. Laika dips her head, their fires were fierce, but they could get out of control quickly. But, before Laika could point that out, Rider spoke up. The Alpha agrees quietly, the Caeli Lupi were the most likely to get behind the enemy unnoticed and quickly. "That would work." Laika agrees quietly. Before transferring her gaze to Ari and Silver. The two Akvo Lupi exchange a glance before looking back at the other Alpha's. Ari speaks first,"The Ignis Lupi's wolves fire will be a great advantage over the enemy. Assuming they have normal weaknesses, they will not want to be touched by the fire."
Silver continues,"However, the fire may spread without the Ignis Lupi realizing it. We are surrounded by easily flammable things." Silver glances to where his pack was lounging briefly,"Our waters can help keep the fires under control. And our wolves can help where brute strength is needed." Helping keep the fires under control would probably be where the Akvo Lupi would be able to help best. Laika dips her head,"Yes, if we are too focused on a fight, our fires may spiral out of control." It had happened before, but because of the terrain the Ignis Lupi lived on, it had never truly been such a big issue.

Ferox listened to Silver as he laid out his plan for the Akvo Lupi. That made sense to him; if a fire got out of control, it could easily incinerate both the surrounding flora, as well as the other wolves that weren't fireproof. Something to keep that danger in check would be a good safeguard to have. Once Laika agreed with Silver, Ferox dipped his head as well, then glanced over at Rider, who also nodded. Ferox looked around at the alphas, then got to his paws. "Well, I propose we end this meeting and start working on our defenses," he says. "My wolves and I will begin construction of the walls, as well as one or two other little things that may help. Does anyone else have anything to say?"