
Liri just smiled slightly and stayed to help. She wasn't going be able to fall asleep imediatly anyways and there wasn't much to clean. They didn't make too much of a mess and they had been out most of the day too. So it was mainly just a few pillows to replace and chairs to put push in. Once the cleaning was done, she said good night to Sombra and headed towards her room. The following two days went by much the same. With them working alongside the dog handlers, working on communication. There were some awkward interactions during lunch though when a few of the nicer or curious soldiers would try to introduce themselves to the group. They'd be getting to train in their wolf forms soon. But what was coming up to four days without shifting was starting to have a more serious affect on them. Liri found herself slowly waking up, growling quietly in protest at whatever dared wake her up from what was for once a nice dream. Why was she awake? As much as she wanted to and tried, she couldn't go back to sleep. Sighing, she gave up and crawled out of bed, wondering what the time was and why she was feeling so uneasy. Maybe she had just slept a little later than usual? But it was still dark. She got dressed and stepped out of her room, looking up to towards the clock. Shocked to find it was 2 in the morning. If she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, today would be a miserable day. Atleast they were going to be able to do some training in their wolf forms today. But she still wanted to know what had her awake this early in the first place. It felt like there was something..missing? Yes, that's what that uneasy feeling was. It wasn't just the feeling she got from not having shifted. Now she was stuck with wondering why she felt like something was missing. Everything seemed to be in place. She took a deep breath, gathering the scents that surrounded her and she almost just shrugged It off. Except...She became tense. Two of those scents were ever so slightly more faint than the others. Growing worried, she walked across to Sombra's room and was about to knock on the door, but hesitated. She'd feel less guilty about waking Delta in the case that nothing was wrong. So instead she went to Delta's door, knocking lightly. "Delta?" After knocking a second time, she was starting to worry even more. He wasn't that heavy of a sleeper. She risked it and opened the door. She froze in place. There was no Delta and the window was open. Worry was turning into panick now. If Delta was missing, then...She opened Sombra's door next and found another empty bed. Cussing quietly, she went to the window and carefully climbed out into the cool night air. She didn't have to follow the tracks very far, along with their scent, she was able tell they were no longer in the yard and had gone over the wall. She started in that direction, but her stride faltered and she glanced back towards the building. It was risky to go on her own and if any of the others woke up or she didn't return in time with the other two...It would be best to just atleast let them know what was going on and avoud the risk of chaos. She jogged back quietly and went back into building. Who did she wake first? She was stuck with one heavy sleeper and two who weren't morning people. And she couldn't make too much noise or she would wake the whole camp. After a moment she darted towards Wyatt's room, opening the door after a quick knock. "Wyatt, wake up" she growled firmly, not wasting much time and dragging him off the bed. Waking a very bewildered Wyatt. "Go wake up Emerald, hurry. Sombra and Delta are missing" she said, stopping him from speaking and rushing him out of his room towards Emerald's before heading towards Emery's. Not only could they get in trouble if they were caught or weren't back in time, but in the case that the two were out of control, it could be dangerous. Wyatt, still barely wrapoing his head around what Liri had just told him, staggered towards Emerald's room. He knocked on her door before tiredly leaning against the wall next to it. "Emerald, wake up. Liri's lost her mind" he called out sleepily, glancing over when he heard Liri knock on Emery's door. Edited at March 21, 2021 03:31 AM by Loner'sWar

Emerald woke up to someone knocking on her door, she got this feeling that it was still early and she didn't want to get up. What was going on that was so important to wake up earlier than the early hour they were supposed to wake up at. She then heard a muffled sleepy Wyatt through her door, telling her to wake up and that Liri has apparently lost her mind? Okay, now that woke her up, Liri had lost her mind? How could that happen?
Sitting up in her bed, Emerald stretched for a few moments. "Wyatt? what the heck are you talking about?" She responded to him with a yawn as she finally got out of bed. Walking over to her door and opening it, looking down at Wyatt leaning against the wall. "How has Liri lost her mind?" She sleepily asked him, "Also...why so early...."

"I think she said something about someone being gone" Wyatt mumbled, pushing himself away from the wall to stand up straight. Stifling a yawn that threatened him. He wanted to go back to bed, but was atleast awake enough to have noticed the mild panick in Liri's behaviour. Emery groaned sleepily when she was woken up. It couldn't be time to get up already. She got up and went to her door, finding Liri there. "Sombra and Delta are missing, we gotta go find them" came the explanation before she could ask. "Wait..what?" She said, very confused and a bit frightened. Once she had Emery awake and gave a quick explanation of why, Liri stepped back to see if Wyatt had actually gone to wake up Emerald. Relieved to see he was still awake and Emerald was indeed awake.

Emerald looked when over her shoulder when Liri and Emery came out of Emery's room. Emery looked more confused but at least more awake than herself and Wyatt. "Liri? What's going on?" Emerald ask Liri, she did look very panicked so maybe she had a nightmare and was scared about something, or was it something worse. From the look on her face, it didn't look like that this was a terrible nightmare reaction.
"Liri what's going on?" Emerald asked as she rubbed her eyes and yawned again. "Wyatt said something about someone being gone?" She asked kinda indirectly, she knew that Liri wouldn't have woken up if it was not an emergancy.

Liri moved over to them, followed by Emery. "Sombra and Delta arn't in their rooms, they've gone over the wall. We have to go find them. If anyone wants to stay, that's fine, but we need to get going" she explained, forcing herself to be calm as possible. The two could potential be in danger or be dangerous and they had to find them within four hours. Wyatt listened as Liri came over and explained, becoming more serious and waking up a little more now. Though now he was confused and had quite a few questions to ask he knew probably couldn't be answered by any of them here. "You're sure this wasn't a dream?" He asked cautiously, putting his hands up at the look he got from her in response.

Emerald's eyes widened when Liri came over and told them that Sombra and Delta were missing. Not just that, but they had gone over the wall and could have possibly been getting farther and farther away depending on what time they had left the area. Though she was confused and had so many questions about why the two would just suddenly leave in the middle of the night.
She sniffed the air when Wyatt asked if Liri was sure that she was sure. With Sombra's and Wyatt's doors now open, Emerald could smell their faint scents. "It's not a dream Wyatt...I can only pick up their scents faintly" She said before looking at Liri. "I'm going to come with you, Me and Emery are fast runners so we can find them quickly."

Emery nodded in agreemant to Emerald, clearly rather worried now aswell and eager to help find the two. "I'm coming too" Wyatt said with a sigh. While he was tired, he was not about to stay behind and miss out on the excitement. "Alright, then we have to get moving now and be quiet, we don't want to wake anyone...and we'll be having to go over the wall aswell" Liri said, knowing the gate was locked at night. Luckily, with what they were, getting over the wall wouldn't be too much of a problem. She turned and went to back outside, they couldn't waste much more time. If Delta and Sombra were actively moving, then they could be quite far away already.

Emerald followed Liri outside along with the others, it was easy for them to be quiet since that probably came naturally to them. Once they had all gotten to the wall, Emerald shifted in her wolf form which felt very good, and then jumped over the wall. Landing on top of it and then hopping down onto the other side, quickly starting to sniff around to pick up Sombra's and Delta's scent. "I got their sent, it's a little faint so we all need to run to catch up to the" Emerald said.
Sombra's and Delta's scent were mingled together, by the how faint the scent was the two wolves were ahead by a few minutes. It led into the forest that surrounded the base, for some reason they had gone and traveled deep into it.

Emery shifted and lightly leapt over the wall in much the same fashion as Emerald. Landing lightly beside her friend on the other side. "I wonder what they're up to.." she mumbled quietly to herself. Liri shifted as she moved forwards, spending up and clearing the wall in one jump. Closely followed by a now shifted Wyatt who had to put a little more effort into getting over the wall since he wasn't as light on his feet. She checked that everyone made it over, then shifted the air to get their scent aswell. "Well let's get moving then" she said after listening to Emerald, bolting into the forest. Emerald and Emery would pass her with ease and Wyatt would keep up well enough, he had learned how to make up for his slower speed. So she didn't need to make sure that they followed. If she hadn't been so worried, she would have enjoyed finally getting to stretch her legs alot more.

"If Sombra is with Delta, and neither of them informed us that the other was missing then they're up to nothing good," Emerald said to Emery in a worried tone. She watched as Liri and Wyatt made their way over the wall and nodded to Liri as they made their way into the forest.
As they ran, Emerald and Emery were in the lead as they tracked the scent, Liri, and Wyatt both behind them. 10 minutes passed and they were still following the scent trail, which was starting to make Emerald worried. They took a break by a river as the scent was all over the place and they needed to pick up the trail again. "I'm starting to think that they may have lost control," Emerald said as sniffed around " I-" She was cut off as she yelped in surprised at stepping on something. When she looked at what it was, it was a dead rabbit that had been eaten, it had Delta's scent all over it.