Harvey sighed as Marina looked at her, she mouthed a 'sorry' and her eyes said 'trust me if I could get out of this and beat the crap out of this guy I really would but I'm a bit tied up right now.' Basically things that Harvey would normally say to comfort people. With the tiny bit of freedom in her left hand she had, she gave Leap Frog and the others a little wave. Addilyn watched as frog lady bounced away and picked up rock dude, who returned to his normal person form. His little suit was ripped where the bullet should have shot him, but instead of a serious wound, he just had a brilliantly colored, large bruise. Addilyn was pretty sure that that was going to hurt like hell later, from personal experience of course. Addilyn was making sure the villains were well and truly leaving when the command ran through her ear from the transmitter that was often put there during bigger fights. "Remaining heroes, take down the two remaining villains. Unmask the small one but leave the man's alone, he is valuable to us." The voice cut out, and Addilyn watched as the other heroes took in the whisper in their ears. Jason wouldn't be able to hear it, but all the heroes sure would. There was no way she could get him out of this one. Harvey was watching her friends leave when she heard the movement of the heroes to their left. She turned her head to see them basically running straight for her and big guy holding her. "Oh shit, are those your friends or?" Harvey left the sentence hanging as she started struggling to get out of his grip. If she was able to get out of his arms, she could make it with her shoes, that had little wheels on the bottom that would pop out at the press of a button and would allow her to zoom away from the scene quickly.
Jason ducked, forcing Harvey to duck with him to avoid being hit by something. He let her go and gave her a push away, "Go away - fast." A hero grabbed his arm and clamped something down on his wrist, but with his other free hand he turned and punched the person in the face, "You'd think heroes would be more willing to follow the agreements of a deal. I get arresting me, Im a villain, but you could have waited." Jason didn't fight hard, and a few moments later his other wrist was also handcuffed. He rolled his eyes, and hoped they wouldn't go after Harvey. If they did, they'd find themselves destroyed by the other villains. It wouldn't be a loss.
Harvey was surprised as the other guy released her but she quickly regained her sense of balance. She tapped on the watch on her wrist, activating her very cool shoes on wheels. Just like that, Harvey was off, jumping onto the next roof top and yelling, "sorry about that dude! You were a really nice captor though!" And like that, Harvey was rushing towards her friends, the heroes very quickly realized that they wouldn't be able to keep up with her and stopped chasing almost immediately. After a moment the heroes had Recrimination in custody, but one person just couldn't be satisfied by this. It just so happened that it was Bronze Fist, someone that Addilyn had never liked in the first place. Even more so now that he was trying to unmask her boyfriend. "Look, it's just easier, and much more fun, to expose them. Right? You can't tell me you don't find it funny to see the looks on their faces." Bronze Fist was talking to the two guys that were keeping Jason under control. "But we got direct orders not to and I'm trying to keep my job." One of the heroes countered while Bronze Fist snorted, "I didn't hear shit. I'll do it if you two are to much of babies not to. Plus, what is the company gonna do, fire me? I'm one of the best they have." Addilyn had not been watching silent, yes, she was still invisible, but she was looking for the guy's transmitter, that had obviously gotten knocked out of his ear during the fight. She'd found it just as he started making a move towards Jason, to take off his mask. Addilyn was suddenly there, her hand on the other man's chest, holding him back with her hand, while the other hand slid the transmitter into his ear. The heroes stared at Silent Shadow as she dared to counter Bronze Fist in that silent, yet stoic way of hers. They all looked at each other as the superiors yelled at Bronze Fist directly into his ear. Addilyn was internally sighing with relief, she had not wanted them finding out who Jason was. Once the yelling was done, and by then Addilyn was pretty sure Bronze Fist should be deaf, he looked thouroughly pissed, at Addilyn obviously. "Always have to ruin the fun without even talking. I was just messing around, didn't have to rat me out like that." He glared at SIlent Shadow, who hardly ever spoke, actually, he was pretty sure he'd never heard her speak. She just shrugged at him and decided to make a pretty rude gesture at him, that left him gaping while she went over to check on the people that were just beginning to wake up.
Marina was crackling with electricity, "Are you alright? Why did he shove you? What just happened?" She hadn't been able to see what exactly had just occurred, but it looked like a minor tussle, with the person who had been holding Harvey being locked up. Had he gone against his word, and the heroes had fixed it? Oooh, Marina would get him next time. - Jason was relieved when Harvey got away safely, although he thought it was overkill to have two people "trying" to hold him down. He wasn't even moving or struggling! So what if his identity got revealed? The worst thing about it is what would happen to Addilyn, but he'd much rather be gotten rid of then have to sit in stupid jail or whatever. Either way, Jason had just been simply waiting for them to unmask him (haha, try it idiot - he applied his mask with super adhesive stuff, and could only get rid of it with some special formula. There wasn't even much of an edge to grab - much less grab with this guys giant fingers) and rub it in his face. He swore heroes were so immature at times. Either way, Bronze Fist had seemed super excited, and Jason just stared dead at him empty eyes. When the heroes holding him said they weren't supposed to unmask him, a flicker of surprise entered Jason's face, then annoyance. They were going to blackmail him into working with them, and his strong moral compass (when it came to promises) wouldn't let him just slip out of whatever crap he got himself into. When Addilyn, with her sassy walk and pretty eyes, out Bronze Fist into his place, Jason held back a grin. His girlfriend was honestly the best. As time passed by Jason got bored, "So.... heroes. Pretty cool job. Kind of. I prefer my profession, but to each their own." One of the heroes holding him looked at him like he grew a second head, "You mean villainy?" "Nah. I'm a pizza delivery boy. This is just a side gig," Jason joked, but the hero didn't laugh, "You guys are boring. You might have been cooler if you didn't arrest me while I was holding onto the reason we all didn't get obliterated. You'd think heroes would have some sense of, I dunno, integrity, and to not just break a deal." Jason signed, and rolled his shoulders. They were stiff from being in this position, "I know your boss decides everything, though, so I'll try not to hold too much of a grudge."
Harvey continued on her rollerblade looking shoes, it cost her less energy and didn't make her ribs throb painfully like walking did. "Well I think he's another villain, the heroes started going for him and he shoved me so I could get away. Pretty sure he just saved me from jail, he's kinda weird." Harvey grinned, that guy really was quite strange, she couldn't believe he'd gotten himself captured over some oath. She would've dropped him right there and left him to rot. Julian meanwhile, watched Harvey closely, though he continued to look around as well. She was pretty sure he was making sure the coast was clear, Julian was always worrying. He hardly ever laughed at her jokes anymore which was quite unlike him. ~~~~ Addilyn went around, picking heroes up off the floor. Most were getting up on their own, the one she was most concerned about was Indigo Spirit, who kept dissapating into fog in her semi-concious state. Addilyn looked up with concern and waved speedy guy that she didn't know over to watch Indigo Spirit while she contacted the superiors. The woman walked a little distance away from the others and tapped the transmitter in her ear, whispering secret words that not a single person could hear. She nodded a few times, agreeing despite the fact that they couldn't see her. Finally, she sighed and incoming helicopters alerted her of both the news and the the company sending over the clean up crew. On the streets below, black cars pulled up, sirens blaring. Indigo Spirit was barely waking up, her eyes foggy and Addilyn walked over, eyes concerned. Silent Shadow pointed at Bronze Fist and beckoned him over with her hand. He rolled his eyes and scooped up the limp woman with ease. The other heroes did not question Addilyn's taking over of the group. Of course they worked on their own, but when working with others, it was nice to have some sort of leader. Even if that leader's uniform was ripped in a few areas and a black eye was forming on her face. Soon, they made it to the ground, dragging Jason along and definitely not being gentle with him at all. Addilyn noticed this with a look of soft concern, but she quickly pushed it down. Bronze fist went over to the ambulance and put Indigo Spirit on the stretched with ease. With a soft sigh, Addilyn watched as the Commander, he didn't have a real name, made his way over to where Jason was. "Load him into the last car, it's got a barrier on it so you can't escape Recrimination. It is very nice to meet you, by the way." The Commander's eyes reminded Addilyn of a shark, the way he stared so intensely, and his eyes were pits of darkness. She respected him, but she definitely did not like him.
Marina looked... surprised, to say that least, "Oh." She was surpised, and wondered if there may be some hidden intentions briefly, but was overall just glad Harvey was safe. She sent a silent thank you to the strange other villain, but it wouldn't change the fact that he fought against them and originally captured Harvey. Julian looked quite nervous, and Marina rested a hand on his shoulder, "Let's get out of here. Sky?" He nodded, and twirled his finger to make a flat, spinning sheet of air. This was new thing he discovered he could do. He made three sheets, so two people could ride on each one, and he could get them away faster. Sky never knew if Carla would decide to jump or fly with them, but he never wanted to make too few then her have to ask if he could make another. ---- The heroes shoved him around just because they could. Jason hated it when people in power shoved their weight around for no purpose other than to make others feel weak. So, Jason made it hard on them. He originally just tried to walk forward normally, but they yanked and shoved and it got annoying, so Jason planted his feet, and when they stopped, he'd start walking fast and nearly yank his shoulders out of his sockets while doing so. It was worth it to see the growing frustration. When this man approached Jason, he had know idea who the other was, although everyone else did. Jason appraised the obvious leader in front of him with a skeptical look, "I would say the same, except then I'd be lying, because I don't even know who you are," He said cheerful, grinning. His eyes didn't smile, though. They were silently furious, "And I don't happen to like pompous assholes who don't keep their word either, so..." He shrugged, although his movement was limited by the heroes holding tightly onto him.
Julian watched his friends as his shoulder throbbed, Carla was next to him, just in case he needed a break from walking on his own. He was worried that the heroes would come after them, but Marina's hand was there and he immediately felt some relief. Carla looked iffy about the sheets of air but eventually got on regardless. Julian hopped on with Marina, as everyone knew that he stuck with her always. ~~~~ Commander grinned at the villain's attitude, hopefully he'd cooperate. "Ah, I see, I'm sure those words will work against you soon. I am Commander, we will be seeing each other often now, and I keep my word. I did not make the decision to attack you and the girl you were holding hostage, that it beneath me. What happens to you on the other hand, that is up to me." Commander gave the man in front of him a malicious grin before looking up and catching Silent Shadow's eye, she was listening to a woman explain the extent of everyone's injuries,though she herself was still injured. Commander beckoned over Silent Shadow over with a flick of his hand. Knowing that out of all the people on the mission, she was the most observant and the one to stick to her morals. The woman whispered something in the nurse's ear before nodding and walking over to where Commander and Jason stood, her green eyes flicking over to Jason for half a second before returning to Commander. Addilyn tilted her head, in a sort of, 'what do you want?' sort of way. "I'm asking for a report right now, as well as, what do you think of this villain here? He's got some guts right?" Commander's voice was searching, and Addilyn realized she had to tread carefully, he was trying to figure something out, and she was afraid he was getting dangerously close to their secret. After a moment, she tapped her transmitter, which was specifically modified for heroes like her who had not wish to share their actual voice to people. It was made by some weird techonology gift and allowed hero's thoughts to be turned into words through a small speaker. It was the only way Addilyn had ever spoken in public. In fact, the only one that knew of her true voice and identity was commander. She turned on the speaker by tapping a small button on the transmitter and spoke through that, the voice vaguely feminine and more robotic than any normal voice. "Two people have concussions, Indigo Spirit having the worst, she keeps going in and out. The other is almost completely fine, he has sped up healing so I don't think he'll need to visit the hospital, the nurses are taking care of him here. Everyone else is just a little banged up." The voice cut off as Addilyn prepared her next words carefully. "As for him," she jerked her head at Jason, "he's braver than most of the villains I've fought. If it wasn't for his little trick there at the end we would've lost, and if he didn't knock the midget over in the first place I would be out of commision right now." Addilyn shrugged, the voice drifting out as Commander nodded his head. "My thoughts exactly," he grinned, very creepily, at Addilyn for a moment before turning to the two people holding Jason. "Put him in the car now, he and I will talk later." The two heroes nodded and began to walk Jason to the car, being quite a bit more gentle with him. Commander noticed this with a scowl, Silent Shadow had more infulence over other heroes than she knew. "Go tell the other heroes that we will be having a meeting in exactly 2 hours and attendance is mandatory." The small woman in front of him nodded and walked off to go tell heroes to stop showing off in front of the press and head back to headquarters to get changed for the meeting. ~~~~ (SO, I'm thinking Commander and Jason have a nice little chat? Jason is gonna go to the meeting but after he's agreed to helping. Is that okay?)
Marina felt Julian hop on the air beside her, and turned her head slightly, "Your shoulder - how is it? And do you think that bullet was reinforced, or normal?" Worry about Julian caused her forehead to crease, "And... I get that many people have the same talent - but what about that villain? He could absorb my lightning and could turn into stone." Rick got onto the sheet with Carla, figuring if he fell, she'd be able to catch him. Heights, while they didn't scare him, were bothersome enough for him to notice, but not be petrified in fear. This air sheet, though... that may cause petrificafion. That left Sky with Harvey, and he turned toward his teammate once they were all in the sky and moving away from the scene. His face was still focused, but it was a lot easier to manage three disks in the sky where there was nothing to hit than many full blown tornadoes in a crowded city, "I.. uh... I was worried... about you. We all were. I'm really glad you are okay." - Jason laughed, "Whatever Commando," the mistake was on purpose. When Addilyn came over he didn't let any relief show about her safety. Instead he continued to look like the jackass 'Recrimination' was. After Addilyn finished her report, Jason bumped the shoulder of one of the heroes holding him playfully, "Hear that? For at least one minute, I was a hero too." Then, his entire face changed into something feirce and deadly, "And for everyone's sake, I hope your boss Commando doesn't think that it will last." Jason stopped with irritating his captors - he didn't really blame them, they were just following orders - and walked along with them. It at least gave his shoulders a moment of rest. --/-- sounds good with me!
Julian gave Marina a grin as she worried avout him, he would be completely fine, it was just a bad bruise. His face darkened slightly at the mention of the other villain, who he too had been confused about. "I will be fine, it was a normal bullet and it was not shot with the intent to kill. As for the other villain, I do not know, it is confusing to me as well. And.. worrying if he works with the heroes." Julian had made all these observations while fighting the other man. The other man had been using villain tactics, and had used everything he could against them with no sense of his morals. A villain working with the heroes could be a dangerous enemy. ~~~~~ The heroes dispersed as soon as they reached headquarters, each having their own things to do and injuries to clean up. Addilyn was one of the last people to leave, though she normally was on big missions anyways. She had to make sure everyone made it through the car ride okay. Sometimes, people didn't, and the drivers often did not alert the superiors of this, they drove them back to their homes. Though Addilyn supposed there was more than one reason why she was lingering behind. She had to make sure that they hadn't killed Jason or anything in the car ride back. They hadn't to her relief, but she quickly disappeared as soon as she verified it. Addilyn didn't want anyone to get too suspicious, besides, her body ached and she was sticky with sweat. Each hero had their own assigned room, and they had changes of clothes there as well as showers and masks. It was there Addilyn went to clean herself up while Commander told a hero with barrier powers and another hero with strength to haul Recrimination out of the car to the interrogation room. Commander knew that he'd have to bribe this villain as he often did when using them in hero work. There were very few villains that had ever had the opportunity of working with heroes, but it wasn't unheard of. Commander would do everything in his power to make this villain work with them, as he would probably save the heroes from failure again in this next mission. Commander prepared himself while Recrimination was being escorted (roughly) to the room, where he was sat on a chair, his hands still in the cuffs. And just like that, he was alone, not a single hero had said a word to him, and they wouldn't ever. It was ten minutes later when Commander entered the room, a viscous smile on his face.
"If he does work with them," Marina pondered, "I don't think it would be out of the goodness in his heart. I bet he's forced into it... and we can use that." It was easier to turn people to their cause when they didn't believe in their original cause. Marina didn't know if she'd actually want to work with this villain, but it would be nice to not have him on the enemy team. -- That was the last time he let heroes have it easy! The guards were once again unreasonably rough, even though he'd just been trying to walk like a normal person. It was annoying, and Jason couldn't help but want to punch them in the guts. In the time he was left alone, Jason picked the cuffs on his hands, and sprawled out in the chair he was sat in. No one bothered him about it, so Jason either figured there weren't any camera's or the people watching them weren't concerned. Either way, it was something to note. He didn't even look up when Commando came in. Jason was picking the dirt out of his nails with one of the knifes the heroes missed while searching him of weapons. There were also others that were concealed that they had missed. "Fashionably late - maybe meant to make me uncomfortable about waiting," Jason noted out loud, quirking up an eyebrow and looking at the shark-like leader out of the corner of his eyes, "Or perhaps make me underestimate my importance if you let a villain just sit here unbothered." Jason shrugged, "Either way - whatcha going to threaten and bribe me with to do your dirty work?"