
+ Toby - 1st Person + "You're welcome," I said to Alessandro as I was getting up, I stretched and looked at Garrett and Derek. "I'm gonna go get changed then I will tack up Chic," I said then turned to Alessandro "We will have to put you on a pack horse and we can just tie them to my mare since you technically aren't allowed to ride a horse," I explained "You can be lead around for transport though because horses are our only mode of transport," I said before walking off towards my cabin. Mojo followed right behind like a good boy his tongue hanging out as he trotted along, prancing. Once I got in the cabin I just changed into my swim trunks and threw a hoodie on. I made sure to throw Mojo's glow collar on along with the small cowbell that was attached to his collar. It was so we could see him and hear him and hear him at night. I walked out to the barn and just threw on Chic's bridle, I was going to ride her bareback so I could let her join in the water without worrying about a saddle. I walked over to grab a pack horse and I put a bareback saddle on since he would probably at least need something to hold onto. I attached the lead to Chic and led the two out of the barn. I could care less about being barefoot around the horses, I've gotten stepped on a fair amount of times already. Derek and Garrett came along with their horses as well, they left their hounds behind, they didn't listen to commands all that well and they were only good for hunting. We were just waiting on Alessandro now, I let out a sigh. "She we grab him a step stool, we don't even know if he has ever gotten on a horse before," I said and Garrett paused "I will be back," he said as Derek got on his horse. ------------------------------------------------------ sorry it took a bit, for some reason i thought I responded

I nodded quickly at Toby and watched him stand up before listening to what he was saying. I listened as Toby talked to me about getting me a pack horse to ride, I was certainly nervous but enthusiastic, I hadn't ridden before but was definitely looking forward to it. That was probably a good thing though since I would probably be working with the animals on the farm at some point so being enthusiastic was likely for the best. Of course I knew I could get overwhelmingly enthusiastic towards something but I did think I was getting better at not. I soon followed Toby towards the cabin to change, keeping my arms wrapped around my chest. I headed into my room and looked through my drawers to get my trunks and changed into them, grabbing a towel before heading back outside. By the time I had done all that and wandered over towards the barn, the guys were already outside with the horses. I tried to not grin like an idiot as I headed over. I smiled quickly at everyone before walking towards the horse that was tied to Toby's. I didn't particularly know what to do next or how to get on so just ran my hand along the horses neck thinking about how majestic these creatures were, especially up close. (No worries!)

+ Toby - 1st Person + I watched Garrett come back with the step stool and we talked for a bit, once we saw Alessandro Garrett and Derek got on. "Do you know how to ride?" I asked "If you don't just step on the step stool that is on the left of the horse and then swing your right leg over. After you get on grab this rope that is around the horse's neck. It won't hurt the horse, it just gives you something to hold onto as you would normally hold the reins, which would normally steer the horse." I explained "Now put your foot into this stirrup like this, and I will help with the other one," I said going around the horse and helping then going into the stable for a second. When I came back, I brought back pistols for Garret and Derek. I grabbed my bow for me, "These are for if we run into something or if something comes after us in the water." I added on before hopping on Chic. I went ahead and led the way it was definitely dark, but the horses and mojo knew the way. Occasionally you would see his collar but the cowbell was what you heard. He was a black dog so it was almost impossible to see him without the collar in general. Once we got there I slid off Chic and helped Alessandro down, mainly because he didn't have the step to help him this time. I led Chic to the grass and removed my hoodie as Garrett and Derek did the same. I ended up being the first in the water, it was decently warm despite the cold air. It was only because of the springs underneath that caused it to form in the first place.

I thanked Garett as he brought over a step stool and looked back at the horse, slightly unsure how to get on. I noticed that Toby was speaking to me and listened with a small shake of my head "No, I don't" I gave a small apologetic smile. I listened to what Toby was saying after, not wanting to forget anything and nodded every few seconds just so he could know I was acknowledging everything. I stood onto the step stool and swang my right leg over and took the rope. I shifted slightly to get comfortable and put my foot into the stirrup, as Toby had told me and thanked him as he helped with getting my other foot in the stirrup. I looked over as he walked into the barn and returned with pistols and a bow. "Ah, okay" I spoke with a quick nod hearing what Toby had said. I tried to relax myself as the horse walked and just focused on getting used to the movement. Riding was a totally new experience for me but I did find it relaxing and found myself quite enjoying it. I patted the horse when we stopped and thanked Toby as he helped me down. I felt my face warm and was glad that it was as dark as it was. I noticed the others had already removed their jackets and took my own off before heading towards the water. I stepped in expecting it to be cold so was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be fairly warm. I waded deeper and started to swim. (Sorry it took a while) Edited at July 25, 2023 01:22 PM by Starstruck

+ Toby - 1st Person + I sat down in the water and enjoyed the warmth of it despite the bitter-cold air. Derek tackled Grrett and they began to water wrestle, I sighed watching the two. "If something doesn't smell us they will definitely hear them," I said quietly and looked up at the stars "Were the stars ever this clear in the city? I hear you can never see them at night because of all the lights." I said turning my head to Alessandro it was darker but it was a full moon tonight so it was still considerably bright. It shine right on me and onto Alessandro's back so most of my bull riding scars could be seen. I paused "I hope the fact that I am Bi doesn't drive you out of the cabin," I said, my expression was one of sorrow. I could be seen thanks to the moonlight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- it's fine, I probably wasn't going to respond quickly anyway if you did because I was gaming. Either way, I probably won't be able to respond for a while today, until later tonight, because I am a little busy.

I swam around a little while just for the sake of it. I loved swimming, it was definitely one of my favorite hobbies so wasn't going to pass up the opportunity. I stopped to rest and looked up at the night sky, breathing in the chill air. I glanced over at Toby hearing he was talking and chuckled, albeit slightly nervously, I wasn't exactly too keen on the idea that something could hear Garrett and Derek wrestling in the water. I turned my head to Toby and followed his gaze to the stars, the sky was absolutely breathtaking and I wanted to bottle the moment. I looked at Toby as I replied "Nope, never like this. Sometimes you can see them but it's very rare and usually on a very clear night. The night's can be abit bland but the lights can bring something totally different to the city, it does have it's perks at times" I cast a quick smile, not letting my eyes to fall onto his scars. I heard what Toby said after and noticed the sorrowful look on his face and frowned slightly, I hadn't thought of mentioning me being queer to someone but felt like I could. "Quite the opposite honestly, I'm queer myself so it's quite nice really" I said with a smile before looking back at the sky. Edited at July 25, 2023 05:14 PM by Starstruck

+ Toby - 1st person + I let out a sigh of relief and even a reassured smile appeared on my face as well. "Well don't worry about anyone making fun of you, most of the guys will just jokingly pick on ya if they find out. All of them know I'm Bi, so." I said. "Also I see you are trying to look at me but not at the same time. get yourself a pair of safety sunglasses, that way you can wear them while you work and you can look anywhere you want and no one will know," I said with a chuckle "But if you are wondering about my scars, don't worry, you won't get any like this anytime soon. You don't even know how to ride a horse yet so you probably won't be getting on a bull anytime soon either," I laughed "But I get them from bull riding when rodeo season starts up. that will be coming up in August, around the same time you will probably be leaving unless this isn't just a summer job and it's a full-time one." I explained looking at him questioningly. In the background, the horses were eating grass, while Derek and Garret were still messing around with each other.

I had a small smile on my face as I looked up at the sky, it really was something beautiful, especially with how the moon cast it's silvery glowing touch to the ground. Sure, I loved the sun and warm days but the night just had it's own beauty. I glanced over at Toby with a small smile and listened to what he was saying, I was definitely glad to hear that no one would disrespect my sexuality although didn't particularly want to mention it to anyone. I was more of a 'if you ask' kinda guy in that regard. I wasn't ashamed by any means but I did find it could complicate things. I focused on Toby on hearing that he was talking again and instantly blushed when he mentioned seeing me look at him. I nodded at what he suggested and chuckled, if I was going to keep this up it might be a possiblity. I chuckled again at what Toby said about bull riding, I was definitely surprised that the scars were from that but guessed I shouldn't be. I was certainly intrigued as I had never seen anyone bull riding before. I shook my head at Toby "I did originally plan to stay here until August, but I guess it just depends how I get on" I shrugged casting a look around us before turning to look at Toby "So, have you always lived here?" I asked wondering where my sudden curiosity came from but at the same time did want to know more about Toby.

+ Toby - 1st Person + I stared at the sky as I sank into the water more. "Yeah, I was born and raised here; never seen a doctor; never seen a dentist; never went to school because I was homeschooled; I like it though." I said with a relaxed smile "I like it because I got the childhood most children can only dream of or think isn't real. Sure I've had my fair share of bullies because the women take care of the children while us men take care of the animals and put food on the table. So all the kids are born and raised here and all the women are midwives." I said and thought "I know it sounds medieval almost or as if we are backtracking and not keeping up with society. But why fix something if it isn't broken, it works and it is how we put food on the table of so many people." I said then paused "This is random but I'm not a big fan of vegans. not the overall group but the ones who try to push the people around them to be vegan. No that is a topic I am passionate about," I said with a chuckle "I could easily horrify a vegan if they even tried," I snorted ------------------------------------------------------- Hate the character, not the writer. Edited at July 26, 2023 02:38 PM by Frostyhills24

I looked at Toby for a few seconds before averting my gaze, I didn't want to be caught staring at him again. I looked around taking in the scenery in the night's glow. I glanced at Toby as he talked and listened interestedly, I was quite surprised at what he told me. Being homeschooled definitely sounded intriguing although I couldn't imagine staying in one place my whole life. I liked to move around alot so it always surprised me to learn that people were content, and even liked, living in the same place. That was just me though and I did know alot of people who were different in my perspective. I listened to Toby explain how he and the people that lived here were, it was quite contrasting to how alot of modern people lived but I did understand and nodded "Yeah, if that's what works then it's understandable" I did speak my honest opinion and I always hated when people wouldn't atleast try to understand how different people lived. I listened to Toby speak and chuckled quietly, my opinion on that was the same as before and I nodded again "I can imagine" I spoke with a small chuckle. "Is the work difficult around here?" I asked, quite randomly but I was fairly interested to know and wanted to keep the conversation going with Toby. (All good, honestly though it's so hard to write as an extrovert when I'm so introverted lol)