
Late into the night, when her aunt was high in the sky, Zytia was still awake. Finally she gave up on trying to sleep, and she rose to her feet, careful not to wake any of the wolves. A few did stir and turn, but none woke. The goddess carefully made her way through the pack, until she was away from them, though still within the meadow. Trailing her hand along the tall grass, she roams the meadow. It was a decently large meadow, so she didn't have to worry about running out of room to walk. The goddess comes upon the pond that the meadow had, and stops, staring down into the clear water. Some of the fish were still swimming around and sending little drops of water everywhere.

His ride continued for a while, almost until dawn actually. His legs were rather stiff as he dismounted at the top of the valley and watched the sunrise with his horses. His mind wandered to Zytia again, and a weird longing clung at his brain as he tried to get rid of the image of her kind face that clung there. He sighed deeply before mounting again. From there he rode back to the meadows, and, calling to Gebo, he left his horses and walked towards the pathway to the outside world. From there, he went straight to the archery range, eager to get Zytia out of his mind.

The rest of the night, sleep refused to come to Zytia. She didn't know why. But she still felt like she had been too harsh on Arcas. She supposed she didn't get out enough, maybe she had read that whole situation wrong. She wasn't the best at social interactions. Should she apologize? Before she knew it, the sun was rising and so were the wolves. They were playful and energetic and the sight of them bowing each other over made the goddess smile. She got to her feet,"Come. Let us walk the border." They did it every morning and every night to make sure nothing appeared on the border. Weather good or bad.

At the archery range, he met Apollo, who was technically his brother, despite him being old enough to be Arcas's uncle. He nodded his head to the god, before grabbing a long-bow from the rack at the side of the archery range. He knotched an arrow and aimed, ready to fire, when Apollo came into the side of his vision. "Bro, you've got it ALL wrong!" He chuckled. Arcas's cheeks burned and he lowered the bow. Great, he thought. A lesson from Zytia's dad, and my damned brother...

The walk was relaxing and easy, and Zytia eventually grew bored. Perhaps she'd go and meet her father, she knew that he would be at the gods archery range. So, choosing her Alpha pair, she set off for the range. Stopping only to grab her bow and quiver. Shade and Amethyst flanking her. It was not a long trip and soon the trio arrives. However, when she enters, she finds not only her father. But the god from last night, Arcas. Shade and Amethyst trot straight over to Apollo, quite happy to see the god. Zytia, thin lipped, simply nods at the sun god. "Father."

He fired a few arrows, marvelling at how much the new techniques from Apollo had helped him. Inside he was slightly embarrassed, but anyway, he had talents of his own. Just as he was packing up, planning on going for a long run, later that afternoon, he saw Zitia rounding the corner and walking into the archery range. Oh. Shit. His thoughts ran madly as he suddenly sped up his packing, storing his arrows and bow back in the rack with supernatural speed. "Zitia." He nodded once at her, then said a quick thanks to Apollo before making his way across the field, his heart racing as he tried to keep his composure.

Apollo nodded a hello to his daughter, but just as quickly seemed to get distracted by the wolves. Petting them and cooing at them. The wolves may be creatures of the night, and therefore animals of technically Artemis and Zytia. But Apollo loved the wolves as well. Zytia blinks at Arcas as he suddenly starts moving faster. She wanted to say something, apoligize again for last night. Tell him she could leave, that he didn't have to. But she couldn't. So when he nodded at her, she simply answered with a nod of her own. "Arcas." Then her eyes track him as he rushes out of the field. Apollo muses,"What'd you do?"

He heard Apollo's voice saying something to Zytia as he hurried out of the archery range. What it was, he couldn't be sure. He new that his frustration could only be calmed if he could spend some time with his horses. He broke into a run, once he was out of sight. His limbs stretched over the rough ground with ease, his senses naturally taking him back to the waterfall entrance to his haven. Once he arrived, he called to Pego and Tala again, this time wanting to go for a longer ride, right up into the high country where he knew a wild herd had their grazing grounds. In fact, he had chosen Pego and Tala from the herd, to be granted with immortality and become his faithful companions, just as Gebo had. The high country was vast, misty, and diverse. The horses were just above the bushline, grazing peacefully. With prcked ears however, they trotted over to Arcas and the horses. Later on, Arcas finally made his way back to the forest, soon he would be accompanying, his sister Artemis on her nightly patrol of the sky. Somehow he was excited, even though he knew they would probably talk about Zytia.

Zytia shrugs,"Nothing." The sun god scoffs,"Oh, don't lie, Zy. You're not a good one." Zytia rolls her eyes,"Probably get it from you." That received quite the smoldering look from the sun god. Zytia reluctantly relents,"He asked me out. I turned him down."
Apollo muses,"You turned him down?" Zytia could only stand so much of her father. Sometimes he could be incredibly intelligent and easy to deal with. Yet, most of the time... He wasn't. "Yes, Father, that's what I just said." Apollo wonders,"Why'd you turn him down? You're not a sworn virgin like Artemis and Athena are you?" Zytia shakes her head,"No. I just... My gut told me to turn him down. My gut has never been wrong." Right?
Apollo opens his mouth again but this time his daughter cuts him off. "Look, I came to do some archery. Are we going to fire bows or are we going to stand here and discuss what happened?" Zytia quickly continues before Apollo could answer, knowing what the sun god would say. "Let's shoot bows. I'm not going to discuss this with you." The sun god sighs, but knowing how stubborn Zytia was, relents as he gets his bow and quiver. Watching as Zytia move to grab her own. The wolves trotting out of the way before laying down.

Artemis landed her chariot near the entrance to his haven, in a small meadow below mount Olympus. She beckoned to him and Arcas climbed into the silver coloured chariot. It was pulled by four dapple grey pegasi who Arcas immediately connected with through his mind. Artemis told him some instructions for the horses and he relayed them in a more friendly manner than his older sister. They sailed into the sky, heading for the far horizon. All was peaceful until Artemis mentioned Zytia. "So, I heard about your's and Zytia's little spiff and the party." She mused. "It was NOT a little spiff. She just rejected me, that was all." Arcas replied coldly. "Rejected you! Did you ask her out!" Artemis started laughing. "Yes. I did. And now that that's happened I can't get her off my mind. Yes, go ahead and laugh for all I care, but it's true and very annoying!"