
Aelia had taken out the required payment and held it in her hand carefully, she didn't want to accidentally drop anything. She watched curiously as Ava brought out a beatifully woven basket, with wonderful designs on it. It truly was a marvel, and caught Aelia's attention immediately. She easily slid the basket on her open arm at her elbow area. "Ah, it's not a problem. I could stand to walk with both as long as I get to eat the bread aftewards." She giggled softly and reached out her hand, the money clinking in her hand as she held it out for Ava to grab.

Ava grabbed the money and checked that it was the correct amount. She looked back up to Lia with a shy smile, "I do hope you come back again. I'm here on Wednesdays and Saturday's." Randy mewed loudly, and Ava laughed, scratching the cat on her head, "Randy seems to like you as well. We'd both be happy to see you again."

Surprise covered Aelia's face, staining her cheeks a pale pink. She hadn't expected anyone to want to see her again. Perhaps Ava just wanted more customers, though something in Aelia's mind told her that was not quite right. She just couldn't put her finger on why, but for some reason, Ava seemed ever so familiar. Even the plants seemed to be whispering so, though Aelia could not exactly catch what they were saying, curse her stupid, useless powers. She could sort of hear the whispers of plants, but hardly could ever discern what they were saying. If only her mother's power had been a bit stronger. "Ah, well I'll try to return soon then, I would not want to dissapoint either you or Randy here. It has been a pleasure meeting you Ava, I will come back soon. Have a wonderful week ma'am." Aelia smiled sweetly, almost, almost giving Ava a curtsy before realizing what she was doing, blushing a dark pink, and scurrying away. She was an idiot for saying she'd return, she had duties to attend to, she didn't know when she'd find the time to go out again.

Ava waved to Lia, "You have a safe and peaceful week as well, Miss Lia. I look forward to seeing you again." Lia didn't quite fit into the movement of the marketplace, and yet... Well, she seemed so kind and lovely - like a peaceful tide pool. The blue basket swung from Lia's arm, and Ava couldn't tear her eyes away from it. It was a calming feeling to know that Lia carried a part of Ava with her. This new and pretty woman had captured Ava's interest, and she found herself looking forward to the next market visit.

Ts to the following week? So they can meet again? Unless you want before then.))

following week sounds good!

This is such a relief to write after Ekon. That was not it dude. Got me on the verge of tears.)) ~ ~ Aelia had eaten the bread in literally 2 days, which was odd as she normally ate very healthy and bread and jam did not qualify as particularly healthy. It shocked everyone when the princess was seen walking about the palace, a book in a hand and bread with jam in the other. She had been very upset when the chef said he had no idea how to create bread similar to the kind she was eating. Fortunately, after a long week of paperwork, suitors, council meetings, and listening to people's problems, she was available for one singular day. It just happened, that that day was a Saturday. Aelia instructed the maids to keep people away from her room, her excuse was bad cramps due to her monthly visit. No one questioned this, and the maids agreed to leave her alone only after giving her a few soothing teas. Truthfully, the lavender tea soothed her worries about going out again, and she was grateful for it. Once the maids left, Aelia changed into another itchy, rather ugly dress. Granted, she'd noticed that most peasant women wore even worse things, but she couldn't understand how they did it. These itchy clothes left her scratching for days. Perhaps they got used to it, and Aelia never had to due to her silky satin and softer, kinder on the skin, wool. Aelia left Lucian behind this time, and promised to bring him some fresh vegetables from the market, as they'd bought some last time and he had really enjoyed them. Aelia snuck out again, being quiet and sneak, keeping her head down and her posture submissive. To any guest, she looked to be another maid, going about her daily tasks. Her face would've given her away though. Unlike the townsfolk, people inside the castle saw her often, she roamed the hallways like a mourning spirit. She sat in windows and stared out at the beyond. She stayed in the library until dawn of the next day. There were even rumors that she went down to visit the stables every now and then, though it was unclear if she ever road a horse or not. The secrets surrounding the princess piqued many's interest, not to mention her... different appearance. All around, she was an oddity for the royals to stare at and gossip about. Aelia was relieved once she made it out of the castle's walls, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. She smiled softly as she looked up to the beautiful blue sky. Today it was perfect weather, and she hadn't been able to wear a cloak without looking suspicious. She hoped nobody would recognize her as long as she kept her head down and said nothing. Ava's pretty basket was on her arm as she walked into the market, searching for Ava's stall. Hoping the woman would be there.

SKSKSK SAME AFTER ANASURI))))) ----- Ava set up her market stall like usual, wearing her normal loose, brown wool trousers and a white cotton shirt. Her hair was tied up in a bun, although wisps did escape from it. Buford hadn't been as much of a pain that day, although it was probably due to the fact that she'd given him a fresh apple before hooking him up to the wagon. Currently he was eating some more hay, and was even allowing some of the smaller children who lived in the little houses that surrounded the market to pet him. They were giving him some small nuggets of carrots, which was very much appreciated by the donkey. With Buford taken care of, Ava focused on selling bread and jam to the children's parents, along with other market-goers. Her bread was always freshly made every week, and Ava had been told that on the days that she came to the market, that the baker hardly got any sales. After a while, the original crowd died down, and Ava got to relax. While tucking back some loose hairs, Randy meowed loudly, and pawed at an area to the left of Ava's market stall. Ava peaked out into the street, and waved, " 'Ello there, Lia," She called with a small grin. People calling to one another was not uncommon in the market, and nobody even turned a head.

Aelia's face lit up once she found Ava, oh what a relief it was to see such a welcoming face after such a tiring week! She supposed that she probably looked a bit worse for wear, especially compared to Ava who always seemed to radiate a beauty that Aelia knew she'd never be able to attain. For being a princess, and soon to be queen, meant many sleepless nights as Aelia tried and failed to find sleep's comforts. This past week had been filled with sleepless nights, and her youthful face showed it. Her eyes a bit dimmer, her skin a little paler, yet she looked radiant for that single moment when she beamed at Ava. "Hi! It's wonderful to see you again Miss Ava." Aelia skipped over, the pretty basket swinging in her arm.

"Call me Ava, no need for the 'Miss' part," Ava shrugged, and gestures towards the basket on Lia's arm, "I am glad to see you seem to like the basket. I don't weave a lot of baskets, but the ones I do make I try to give as much personality as possible." Randy jumped down from her perch, and rubbed against Lia's legs, causing Ava to laugh, "The little attention hog," she remarked fondly, "Randy is a social butterfly. She doesn't necessarily like everyone, but she wants all their attention on her." Ava shoved her hands in her pockets, and felt the cool metal against her hand. Her fist clenched it tightly for a moment, then released, and Ava left it alone as she gestured towards the bread, "Would you like some more bread? My blueberries ripened this week, so I also have some of those."