
Kaiden instinctively leaned back as the other growled, and stood up, walking over to the far corner in his room, plopping on the pallet that makes up his bed. The boy huffed and broke eye contact, locking in on the water bottles sitting in the other half of the cage. If anything, Kai assumes it might be easier to communicate if he shifts, regardless of if the other is a shifter themselves. His gaze lands on the wolf once more before turning his attention away, shifting as quickly as his fatigue would allow. The white of his hair seemed to stretch everywhere, coating himself in fur as his body changed from a human to that of a wolf. The boy stretched, deciding to lazily walk over to the food trough, taking a quick bite before turning back, eyeing the smaller, darker wolf.

Leaf stopped growling as the human shifted into a wolf. "So you are a shifter. I am too but whatever the scientists did made it so I can't shift for a while." She stared at the meat on his side. "Could I have some meat? I'll trade you for some water." She flicked her tail and waited for a response.
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Kaiden looked between the other, and then to the food. "What did they do to you? Like, what kind of tests?" He asked as sat by the food, tapping his tail gently along the cold floor. "Slide a bottle over here and then I'll give you some food," he huffed, checking the door the scientists walk through to make sure there's no one nearby. Kaiden has always assumed that the scientists have cameras somewhere in his room, but he's never been able to find any, so as far as he knew, the coast was clear.

Leaf sat up. "Well... I wasn't always able to shift. They keep taking pieces of my skin and fur. And in my human form I have a rash from a test they did a while ago." Leaf flicked her tail, sending a bottle of water flying over to his side. "Im Leaf, what's your name?"
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