
Amara slowly started to stir, hearing two different voices. The one of a male sounded rather upset that she was there, though the female voice sounded much calmer. She heard a door slam before she felt like she was being moved to another spot. After a short while when she thought she was alone, she slowly started to open her eyes, glancing around the room she was in. Her vision was blury at first, and she was unable to move, but slowly as she warmed up, she managed to get feeling back in her arms and legs as she slowly sat up, rubbing her throbbing head. She winced as the pain from her wounds slowly started to come in. Amara looked at her legs and saw where the bushes scratched her were cleaned and covered, making her wonder who these others were. She slowly started to stand up, taking in her environment before she stumbled to the wall to keep herself up. Amara slowly slid down to keep herself from collapsing. As she took a deep breath, she started to feel better, though worried about what was going on. She didnt know what was about to happen to her, and it scared her. She looked out the window and cursed to herself. The young elf could tell that with the storm she wouldnt survive if she tried to run again. *I just hope they arent anything like the queen* she thought as she pulled her knees to chest.

+ Ender - 1st Person + I organized everything for a bit and decided to go check on her so I teleported into the room and she wasn't on the bed. I panicked and looked around only to see her against the wall behind me curled into a ball. I quickly knelt down to her level so I wasn't so tall but I was still slightly towered over her so I backed up a bit. She wasn't crying but if I wasn't cautious she might cry. "Hey, do you remember your name?" I asked grabbing a blanket and offering it to her as she was probably cold but didn't realize it due to the adrenaline rush. I had a sympathetic look on my face, one that hadn't been on my face since James was little. "Do you want me to back up a bit more? Would that make you feel more comfortable?" I asked. Edited at July 18, 2023 09:57 PM by Frostyhills24

Amara jumped when she heard someone in the room with her. Her heart raced as fear filled her eyes. "M-my name is Amara" she said, shivering as she spoke. She was grateful the blanket was brought over and took it gratefully. "T-thank you" she said as she slowly wrapped the blanket around herself. She could tell this was the female she heard earlier. "You wont hurt me" she asked. She looked around a bit more before she heard a door slam once more, and feet moving around, along with what sounded like pots and pans. Amara had jumped at the slamming door, scared for what might happen.

+ Ender - 1st Person + "No I do not plan on hurting you, I'm the one that saved you and even killed the guards who dared chase you into my forest," I explained before my brother slammed the door and I bared my fangs a bit. "I'm Ender, the slam you heard was my brother James entering the cabin. Feel free to lock the door, he can't teleport like I can and it will take him a bit to break the door down if he tries so never be afraid to shout for me." I explained, "I apologize if you hear yelling, as I am going to go talk to him." I said getting up and teleporting to the kitchen, as the entryway led to the kitchen before anything else. "She is awake and very weak, she seems more terrified than a rabbit surrounded by wolves," I explained. "I found her on the floor curled up in a ball shaking. I still think it will be a miracle if she makes it through the morning. I think the cold got into her blood," I explained to James.

Amara had given a sigh of relief that this Ender character didnt seem to want to hurt her. She was a bit surprised to hear that Ender saved her. She wasnt used to things like that, and it helped Amara calm down a bit. She pulled the blanket tighter, still feeling quite a bit of the cold. "Thank you" she said again. Once Ender was out of the room, she slowly got to her feet again, this time able to stay on them longer. She looked around the room a little more before she tried to find a way to snuggle under more blankets as she sat on the bed. The bed was the softest thing Amara had sat or laid down on in a while and have a sigh of relief. ~~ James barely looked at Ender. "She should be scared. She doesnt belong here, and I dont trust her. You shouldnt either. If I were you I would make it clear she needs to be gone" he said before he gave a small glare to Ender. "I promised our parents I would help watch after you. I dont care if youre the older one, I am keeping that promise."

+ Ender - 1st Person + "you forget I can teleport, if she does try anything I can just teleport away or to you," I said "How about this, once we notice that she is healed we send her off so she is out of our hair, unless you find out you want her around, WHICH, probably won't happen," I said emphasizing the last part so the sentence wouldn't trigger him into being angry. Because I didn't exactly like having a stranger in the house but I also knew what it was like to be hunted and to have no one to protect you while you are injured. The number of times I was brought close to death before I had James with me. Let's just say there were a lot of close calls and the only reason I lived was because our mother taught me first aid and how to treat wounds of our species. It wasn't smart for us to travel as a family so when I turned 16 I went off on my own, I returned because my mother wanted me to take James, as the bounty hunters were getting too close to finding our mother. The bounty hunters didn't know we existed, but if we aren't careful the kingdom might speak of us. James doesn't know the bounty hunters are what killed our mother, they probably killed our father or locked him up for such a thing.

James crossed his arms as he looked at Ender. "I still dont see why you dont get rid of her now" he grumbled. "I wont be feeding her" he sneered before he got back to cooking. He knew there was no use in trying to keep fighting right then. Some times he wished he was able to teleport, as he figured times like these would be perfect, getting that random female out of here before getting back without Ender knowing he was gone. That was really the only thing he ever tried to learn, and once he realized he couldnt, James didnt bother trying to learn if he had any sort of powers. ~~~ Amara ended up passing back out from exhaustion as she was curled up under a few blankets she found. She hadnt been on anything so soft before that it was easy for sleep to kidnap her.

+ Ender - 1st person + "You aren't the one that brought her in the house so I don't expect you to do anything for her," I said "You can ignore her for all I care, she will probably stay in the guest room," I explained getting up, "let me know when you are done so that way I can cook," I said going down the steep stairs leading down to the forgery. I started working on the stuff for the molds by getting the sand, the flask, and the powder. Once I prepped all the I made the mold and adjusted it to how I wanted the axe to be designed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are actually interested I could type the whole process of how to metal cast, I just didn't want to do it because I didn't know if you would find it too boring. For context, I was taught how to in high school in my shop class lmao. Edited at July 18, 2023 11:21 PM by Frostyhills24

James finished cooking his meal rather quickly, having learned how to make the food when he was younger. He could practically cook blindfolded, though he didnt dare try to. He did inform Ender that he was done once he finished eating his meal. James didnt plan on letting that stranger eat that quickly, though he knew Ender would just get upset if he didnt tell her when he was done cooking. She didnt mention he couldnt wait until he was done eating, so he could use that as a counter argument. ~~~ Amara tossed and turned quite a bit in her sleep, having nightmares of serving the queen. She broke into a sweat from the tossing and turning while being under so many blankets. Her eyes shot open as she let out a gasp, unable to even scream. Her breathing was heavy as she took a moment to remember that she wasnt in the palace anymore. She pulled a blanket around her as she tucked herself into a corner, trying to make herself feel safe.

+ Ender - 1st person + I paused as my sensitive ears picked up the movement in the spare bedroom. She was clearly struggling to sleep, I let out a sigh. It wouldn't be smart to give her food at the moment anyway as her body might just reject it and force her to throw up. It would only wear her out more. The most I can do is take her water to drink, so with a long sigh, I got up. I headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water and then teleported to her room; only leaving her water on the nightstand and leaving without saying a word. I went back to the kitchen and started making food for myself. On a normal day, I would ignore the fact that he didn't tell me he finished cooking for himself. After all, there was a random person in our house, but he and that random person aren't the only ones who need to eat. My stomach growled loudly enough that the random girl could probably hear it "You forgot that you aren't the only one who needs to eat," I said casually "I had a small breakfast because I was so worried about you getting caught in the storm," I said "So how about you forget that there is a random person in the house and consider the fact your sister is starving because she was worried about you," I growled before taking my food upstairs. I wasn't even going to eat next to him. He claimed he promised our parents he would protect me, but who is really looking out for who at the moment? Who takes care of all the soldiers that enter the land; who is the one considered to be a monster because they don't even look slightly human and are unable to hide their features? If he wasn't my brother I would have kicked him out a while ago, I did fine on my own, and now I am settled and content. Half my stress is from him if not all of it, because he isn't as accustomed to the cold as I am. I don't even know if he has white blood like I do, it isn't dark so it doesn't attract heat. So even my blood is ice-cold and not warm, unlike most creatures. ------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry it took so long, I had to type up some stuff from DnD, and then my puppy made a mess and tried to eat it. Then my body tried to throw up despite there being nothing in my stomach, so I did 5-minute abs for a bit. Edited at July 19, 2023 05:36 PM by Frostyhills24