Inferno entered the grand dining hall. The large arched ceiling was like the others she had seen in the school. As soon as she left her dormroom, she had gone around the academy and explored, sinking back into the shadows to sneak around. She had successfully found the library, the kitchen, the headmaster’s office, and a little hidden courtyard near the back of the academy. A nice place to read without any interruptions. She thought. Finally, she decided to head to the Dining Hall, slipping inside. Looking around, she saw that the creatures had all decided to sit with their own kind, and Inferno couldn’t blame them. Most supernaturals didn’t mix with others, but she could see some pairs of different species sitting and laughing with each other. Snorting, Inferno thought sarcastically, Must be nice. She decided to head to the Hellhound side, and her eyes brightened when she saw a hand waving wildly at her. Sliding next to the person that waved her towards him, she nudged her friend playfully and said, “Khaos! I didn’t know you were going to this school!” She exclaimed. Her friend smirked and nodded. “I was suppose to be in another school, yeah, but I was transferred just yesterday. Nice to see a familiar face here! I got stuck with a werewolf, he’s not that bad.” Khaos said, pointing towards the group of Were’s sitting a little further from them. Inferno scowled. “I got stuck with a Fae. A water Fae, no less. She’s already flung water at me once today.” Khaos laughed, and Infenro turned her scowl toward him. "Hey hey, no need to look like that." He chuckled, flinging an arm around her shoulders. Inferno shrugged the touch off, rolling her eyes at her best friend for years. "I feel bad for you, but you only have to share a room with her, you don't need to stay stuck to her side 24/7, right? Here, let me introduce you to some of the other Hellhounds here." He poked the Hellhound next to him and called for a few others' attention. "This is my little sister, Inferno!" He said. Inferno elbowed him in the side, glaring playfully at him. "Not his little sister, but his friend. Hiya." She gave the group a two-fingered salute.
Atria stiffened as she heard the female voice complaining at the table behind her. She wouldn't have paid it any mind, had the female not had an already gratingly familiar voice. Tuning out her newfound friends, Atria listened as the Hellhound behind her complained of the water Fae she had to live with. She rolled her eyes as the Hound made friends with the table, noting the male voice that chuckled next to her. So she DOES have friends. With a snort, Atria gave a longing look to her newfound friends before making a decision she was sure she would regret. Standing, Atria turned to the table and found a perfectly empty spot directly across from her roommate. Grinning, she walked over and sat herself between the two Hellhounds on either side of the spot, a male and a female that scented her and turned in dismay. She met their wide stares before turning her attention to the male seated directly beside Inferno, his hand shaking in recovery from being flung off of her moments before. "I apologize for interrupting, but I couldn't help but overhear," Atra started, throwing a pointed look at her roommate, "that a certain water Fae was mentioned. Allow me to introduce myself as Atria. Although you're all... dogs.. I imagine we'll learn to get along just fine." She smiled sweetly at the male beside Inferno, making a pointed effort to ignore the female Hellhound that she was sure would be staring at her.
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Inferno narrowed her eyes as the Fae sat down between the two Hellhounds she had gotten to know as Spark, the female, and Raze, the male. Khaos raised an eyebrow and smirked at her roommate, amused. “So, what are you doing over here, with us dogs, Atra?” He asked slyly. Placing his elbows on the table and leaning forward. “Yes, pray tell.” Inferno muttered. The female next to her, Cresent, grinned and poked Inferno in the shoulder. “Don’t be so sour, ‘ferno! She can’t be all that bad!” Inferno sighed, running a hand down her face while her best friend chuckled beside her. “Khaos, quiet. Flicker, I already told you not to call me that.” The werewolf, one of Khaos’s new friends, just grinned cheekily at her. “Nope, that’s what I’m calling you now! Now, be nice!” Shifting her gaze to Atra, she flashed her fangs at her in a ‘nice’ smile and said with mock cheeriness, “Hi there Atra! Nice to finally get your name, I didn’t get it before. How’re you doing? I hope alright, I can’t wait to see what great friends we’ll grow to be!” She turned back to Cresent and asked, “Was that nice enough for you?”
Atria snorted at the feigned interest from her roommate, looking her over before once again focusing on the male beside her. "Khaos. Interesting, I like it." She winked at the male, exaggerating the movement to be sure it caught the attention of Inferno. "Anyways, dear roommate. Since we have to live together for Gods know how long, I figured you should... introduce me to your friends. I'm sure we can all get along," Atria said, grinning at her roommate. She grabbed a helping of the food that was piled on the table, and flicked her fingers to fill her glass with cold water before looking back up at the group. "Inferno has already almost set our room on fire, so if any of you have any tips for her to not do that, it would be appreciated. I can always just throw water on her, but based on her reaction earlier and the reading my family made me do at home, it might be a little too chilly for your kind." To emphasize her point, she stuck her finger in her glass before flicking the drops at Inferno, intentionally creating a wind shield so that none of the drops would touch the other Hellhounds.
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Khaos's grin broadened, and he said, "Well, you have a pretty name yourself, darling." Inferno just rolled her eyes at her best friend's and her roommate's antics. She knew neither of them meant anything by it. Khaos was firtatious by nature, and she could tell Atra just wanted to annoy her with the liittle glances and overexaggerations in her mmovements. Flicking her fingers, Inferno sent a flash of flames before her, evaporating the water droplets before they could hit her. The flames withered out shortly after. "I have much more control over my abilities than you think, Fae." She said, smirking while leaning back in her chair, eating a peice of chicken that was on her plate. Swollowing, she continued. "Only the things I want to burn burn. Everything else is untouched by my flames." Motioning to the person beside her, she said, "This is Cresent, one of Khaos's werewolf friends. The two you're sittng next to are Spark and Raze. And the one on the other side of Khaos is Flicker, the only sensible one here." Flicker waved, a smirk on their face. Inferno turned back to Atra, a crooked grin on her face. "And what's with your Aeorkenisis? It seems to take a lot out of you." Her sharp crimson eyes had caught how her roommate had put up the air sheilds to prevent any of the water droplets from landing on her friends. She had also caught the tremor that had ran up Atra's arm when she did that, and how her hand shook slightly.
Atria tucked her hands into her lap, frowning at the observance of her roommate. "I don't know where it came from. Fae aren't often gifted with aerokinesis, and I'm sure you've already assumed I don't particularly belong in this school because of my lineage. I just have it." She shrugged, but the effects of her power took a large toll on her, and she felt her stomach growl with hunger. Filling her plate with more food, she dug in, chasing the hunger that came from using her power away. She supposed that was a perk of magic; you could eat and eat, and it only went to fueling your power. "What about all of you? Inferno here has proved time and time again that she has fire, and I saw the shadows earlier when she was pissed off that I existed. Are all of you the same?" Genuine curiosity flooded her face. She had never been around anybody other than the Fae - she had never seen fire, or shadows. Her mother had shielded her from any real world experience, instead leaving her to dig up information in decades old books that she was sure hadn't covered all of the powers of the other creatures in the world.
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Inferno tipped her head to the side, her eyes narrowing with curiosity. Odd. She thought again. Leaning back once more while taking another bite of her food, she allowed one of her tablemates to answer the Fae’s question. “Well, I’m a werewolf, so I don’t have the same abilities as these flaming dogs,” Crescent joked, motioning to the Hellhounds sitting around the table. “But, kind of like them, I can shift into a wolf. As you can see by my hair,” She pointed to her silver hair, a splash of color among the blacks, oranges, and reddish brown hair. “My fur color is silver. I can shift anytime I want, but it’s easiest when the moon is full. I have enhanced strength and speed though, and I heal pretty fast.” Khaos pipped up. “Very nice, Crescent! Well, most Hellhounds do have flames, but shadows? That’s a little special thing that Inferno here has alone.” He said, slinging an arm around her shoulders again. Inferno just rolled her eyes, allowing the male to keep his arm around her. “But the rest of us usually have something to do with the dead. Like, speak to spirits and sometimes control them. We all have our little perks too. Me? I can manipulate bones. The creature has to be dead, of course, but it’s still really cool.” “I can age things. Like, make things die faster around me.” Raze said calmly. “Doesn’t work on supernaturals though, unless I really want to do it.” “What about you, Atra?” Spark asked. “I’ve read about Fae’s, but I’ve never actually talked to one. What do you do?”
Atria smiled at the group of hounds - plus a werewolf, apparently - gathered around her. Her roommate may be insufferable, but at least she was just the weird one of the group. She listened intently to them talk, gasping at the though of controlling bones - like zombies? She nodded at Raze, wondering how hard he would have to try to age one of the supernaturals. What a curious ability. She wasn't expecting to be asked about herself, so she hesitated at the question about her powers. Looking to Spark, she began to talk about powers. "Well, most Fae are given water powers. Some can make it rain if the sky is cloudy - the water vapor has to be there for them to do it. Others can control smaller bodies of water - like a bathtub, or a sink full of water. If I could just do those things, I probably wouldn't be here. "Somehow, I got the ability to create water. Not really, of course, because you can't just magically make it. But I can essentially combine the molecules in the air to make large amount of water appear at my fingertips. They do what I want." She felt a little self-conscious, and looked around the table before continuing. "History says that long ago, the Fae used to be elemental wielders. They could summon all four of the base elements. It's been gone forever, but apparently the Gods thought I was special, and gave me some of that power. As Inferno pointed out, I have some aerokinesis abilities. They don't come as naturally, and it's very draining; it gets better the more i train with it, though. My family thinks that I may have the other elements as well, but I've never seen them appear. It would be cool to have them, though."
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Inferno's head, which had dipped to mess around with her shadows between her fingers, perked up at the mention of the legend she had heard somewhere in one of her supernatural books. Even if she didn't find her roommate all that...agreeable or compatible with herself, she couldn't help but feel excited to have a potentially powerful roommate. Spark looked at the Fae in awe. "That's awesome!" She exclaimed. "Imagine what you could do with fire, water, air, and earth!" "Yeah, but each would probably be weaker than a supernatural who has that one ability." Raze pointed out. He glanced at Atra. "No offense, of course, I'm just saying. It would take a lot to have the same power level as someone who has been with that ability their whole life, especially if you started only now." "I could help you with your fire." Inferno offered nonchalantly. "If you do end up having it." Cresent smirked at her. "Well, look who's finally being nice?" Inferno sent a glare at her, not a mean one, and snapped, "I'm not trying to be nice. I just thought it would be better to help someone with their flame abilities than have them lose control somewhere." Khaos rolled his eyes, but then his eyes glimmered with an idea. "We should go hunting sometime." The hellhounds and the werewolf at the table all turned their gazes toward him. He held up the piece of meat on his plate and continued. "No matter how fresh this meat is, it can never beat the taste of a fresh kill. And I'm pretty sure it's alright with the headmaster, but I can check up with him later." Inferno grinned. "I'm in." {I want them to go hunting, split into a couple of pairs, and one of the pairs, Cresent and Khaos, get attacked by the killer. One of them dies protecting the other, and the other barely makes it out alive. The other pairs hear the commotion and rush back and see the injured. Your character shouldn't come along though, cause you're a nature spirit. Which one should die? I can't pick lmao.}
Atria nodded her agreement with Raze. "You're right. Eventually I could make all of them stronger, but it would take a long time to even come close to it - especially if I haven't even discovered my other two. Maybe you hot-tempered monsters can help me with the fire though," she laughed, eyes twinkling. She grinned a bit at the offer from Inferno, but quickly covered it up. Her roommate was still a terror. She listened to Khaos talk, shuddering at the thought of killing something like that. Even though she ate meat, she didn't think she could actually go through the whole process. It made her nauseous to think about. "You guys have fun with that. I know it's allowed, I read the rulebook earlier this month. I'll stay here, not getting covered in blood, while you go be crazy wolves and hunt... whatever it is you eat." [sounds good! i vote we keep khaos alive for at least a bit, since he's the best friend. just to give him more screen time;)]
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