Wolf Play : Adira x Elaysia
03:08:53 Clacky, Mace
I will PM you something about the books.
 The Starlight Spirit
03:07:41 Spirit, Wander
Late reply. Yes, I read Warriors. Why?
03:07:01 Caitlyn/Starry/Starz
Bobcat, on which wolf
03:06:11 (She) Cat {no bob}
 Whispering Rain
03:06:06 Whisp, Rain
I'm actually currently listening to a warriors themed Blossomfall song by Blixemi
03:05:26 Caitlyn/Starry/Starz
Anyone want my daily 30cp for free?
03:04:35 Clacky, Mace
Yes. I agree

I don't understand.
 Whispering Rain
03:03:34 Whisp, Rain
Top 5 definitely
 Autumn's Fire
03:03:02 Autumn . . . ?
03:02:13 Clacky, Mace

It is!
 Autumn's Fire
03:01:46 Autumn . . . ?
Alright, time to talk to ChatGPT
 Autumn's Fire
03:00:36 Autumn . . . ?
Click, Rain is merely joking.
 Whispering Rain
03:00:34 Whisp, Rain
Warriors is awesome
 Autumn's Fire
03:00:10 Autumn . . . ?
Uhm. No...
03:00:07 Clacky, Mace
 Whispering Rain
02:59:34 Whisp, Rain
Are we talking about warrior cats without me?
02:59:16 (She) Cat {no bob}
Your wolves played: Peril spars with Pup 63.

Really? DG vs. dud pup?
 Autumn's Fire
02:59:03 Autumn . . . ?
I wish Search Engine Optimization was here
02:58:53 Leaf she/her
Snownose wanders up to the cub and boops him with his nose. The cub pounces on Snownose. They tussle and have a great time together. Mother Bear watches closely, and allows it. Your pack notices a Moonflower nearby.
02:57:49 Clacky, Mace
Redscar of pack Leafpool wrestles with Opal in a good natured test of strength.

Stats: Battle +3
Mood: Playful


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Adira x ElaysiaJune 4, 2021 10:56 AM

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Josh's attention was instantly caught as a young woman walked in. His blue-green eyes landed on her, and as she began to approach him he knew in his gut this was her. It had to be. He had been assigned to assassinate or kidnap a woman he'd grown up with, a woman he'd taken the risk to fall for in an organization that was strictly against it.

The woman who had been talking to him quickly dispersed as Alera walked in, and Josh's gaze followed her as she smoothly sat down next to him, sliding into her seat with grace. She was dressed nicely in a casual yet beautiful black dress that made Josh feel as if he was underdressed. He wasn't in anything fancy, but he wasn't looking like a bum either. He was wearing a long sleeve white and light blue plaid shirt with a dark blue tie and dark blue slacks. His shoes were shiny and black, shoes that would normally be worn with a very nice and spiffy suit.

Three of his fingers were adorned with black rings; his right index finger, right ring finger, and left middle finger. He tapped his the glass that held his drink, a small smile gracing his lips as he looked at her. "Alera Kurtz, is it?" he spoke, his voice laced with kindess and a bit of surprise. "I was beginning to think you would leave me hanging and I would have to call off this entire endeavor." His gaze studied her for a quick moment as he spoke, scanning as many features as he could in a matter of seconds. He was trained to do this, to catch all the details in one quick moment in order to avoid suspicion.

"It's been a few years I must say," he told her, his voice lowering a little to be avoided by any eavesdropping ears. "Josh Wright, if you remember," he introduced himself, holding out a friendly hand for her to take. In this moment his mission was gone. On this night he was not an Insurgent but rather a man at a bar seeking out an old friend whom he hadn't seen in many years. His mission was forgotten, and he saw her not as a target but rather as someone to befriend once again.

He was amazed at how much each of them had changed over the years they hadn't seen each other. She was a grown woman now, and he a grown man. Their features and bodies had matured, and along with that came an attraction he hadn't exactly felt as a young teen. His once shaved face was now lined with thin and handsome facial hair, his jaws had sharpened and his chest and shoulders had broadened. She, like most maturing women had gained some curves that were appealing to a man's eye.

He had a gun concealed and strapped on his hip just in case anything bad was to happen, but he wasn't planning on using it on her unless she intended to harm him. "Rest of your drinks are on me tonight," he informed her kindly and casually. "Depending on how this goes we could be here awhile. Guess I should get straight to the point." Josh cleared his throat, and glanced around, motioning for another drink before saying quietly, "I don't think it can be avoided that we both have gone our separate ways concerning what we do for a living, am I right?"

He took a drink and set the glass down, keeping his hand around it. "I think it's right of me to say that I know you are still well and working for the Imperials, and just so all cards are laid on the table for you to see...I am working for the Insurgents." He waited, looking to gauge her reaction before continuing. "Your name came up in a mission of mine, and I couldn't help but remember it." He gave her a sly grin that was still somehow charming. "Before I made any vast movements I thought it would be worth it to see if you were who I thought you were, and if I could in any way....disregard said mission if you were....who you are."

He knew he was giving too much information away to her, for she could be completely changed now and would use all of this against him. But he had his strings to pull, and had all of his cards in the right deck. He knew how to manipulate this situation if things went south, and if she decided that she was going to turn on him he had her right here. He could complete his mission if she proved herself to be untrustworthy. He was hoping things wouldn't go in that direction, but as an assassin and spy he was trained to always have that possibility in mind.

Adira x ElaysiaJune 4, 2021 03:50 PM


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Alera raised the glass to her lips and side eyed the stranger.

She began to study him, looking him up and down with consideration, a small smile tugging at her lips.

She held his gaze for a moment before setting her drink down and straightening as he began to speak.

"Alera Kurtz, is it?"

She was almost positive this was a set up, though she was surprised with both his manners and attire, there something strangely familiar about him.

"I was beginning to think you'd leave me hanging and i would have to call off this entire endeavour."

She narrowed her eyes slightly with new curiosity but didn't interrupt, she only crossed her legs and shifted toward him slightly.

"Its been a few years i must say."

And at that, she tilted her head slightly, just who was he? And to his credit, she didn't need to ask.

"Josh Wright, If you remember."

And at that, she nearly spit her drink.

Josh Wright.

The two had grown up together, and she had been nothing short of love sick for the kid, her world has revolved around this boy and the imperials, until they were separated that is.

She didn't handle it well, and earned herself a suspension after she lashed out on her instructor for separating the two.

He claimed their feelings were 'Interfering' with personal training as well as their skill, which she thought was crap not that she had any say in the matter.

She knew that if she continued to act poorly it would only complicate the situation further for the both of them, so she straightened her act and eventually she was informed of his betrayal and was immediately led to believe the boy she claimed was the love of her life at the time was now laying somewhere lifeless in the streets of this corrupt city.

She never really recovered from it, but she had learned to cope, learned to never allow herself to rely on anyone as strongly as she had relied on him.

Everyone and everything was temporary.

Yet here she sat next to the boy she had mourned more than the loss of her own home after the imperials ripped it away from her.

"Rest of your drinks are on me tonight."

The casualty of his tome was infuriating yet thank the saints, she managed to hold her tongue.

"Depending on how this goes we could be here awhile, Guess i should get straight to the point. I don't think it can be avoided that we both have gone our separate ways concerning what we do for a living, am i right?"

She was probably openly gaping at him by this point, looking completely baffled.

She wasn't even aware he was still alive until ten minutes ago and now he was discussing business?

"Your name came up on a mission of mine and i couldn't help but remember it. Before i made any vast movements i thought it would be worth it to see if you were who i thought you were and if i could in any way-" He hesitated.

"disregard my mission if you were..who you are."

She narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, only to end up snapping it shut a moment later, Blinking.

Her calm and collected demeanour now shattered as she looked at him with disbelief.

"Excuse me?"

She raised her eyebrows and leaned back slightly with a scoff.

"You have some nerve inviting me out here. All these years you didn't have the decency to reach out or even let me know you were still ALIVE, yet you have no trouble walking in here to strike up a conversation about some business arrangement?"

She turned back toward the bar, finishing off the drink before ordering something much harder, letting one hand drift toward the dagger at her thigh.
"What made you think this was a good idea? I'm really debating wether or not i should walk out of here now or better yet, use this in my favour so Please, enlighten me."

Alera snapped.
It was unprofessional, and she knew better, but she didn't take it back nor did she regret it, she deserved answers and an explanation in the least.

She took a breath and turned toward him.
"I thought you were dead. I'm not the same person i used to be, and neither are you so it seems.
Why am I here, Josh? I don't have time for reunions- Ive made a life for myself, we're not kids anymore."

The words left a bitter taste on her tounge as she spoke, not sure wether she was angry or relieved that he was still alive.

Edited at June 5, 2021 12:10 AM by Adira
Adira x ElaysiaJune 5, 2021 11:24 PM

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Josh listened to her speak, holding back a smirk at her sudden sassiness. After she was completely done, he leaned towards her ever so slightly and said in a hushed voice,

"I never said it was a good idea," He gave her a charming smile, but his eyes were alight with a mischievious gleam. His smile faded quickly however, his expression turning into a more serious and even saddened one. His gaze dropped to his lap and he sat quietly for a moment in thought. "I know we've changed. I thought you were dead too, Alera. I didn't know you were alive until a few days ago." he admitted softly. "It took me awhile you know to move on, it's not like I just forgotten you." He looked at her once more, his jaw setting.

"I brought up business because it seems like that's all we do now. And..." he hesitated, trying to keep any waver of pain out of his voice. "Since it involves your life I decided you deserved to know. You know the real reason I invited you here?" he asked her. He didn't wait for a response, but rather quickly answered his own question so she wouldn't begin second guessing herself or doubting him.

"I invited you because the instant I thought that my best friend may be alive...and that I was sent to kill her..." He tightened his jaw, this time a slight hint of emotion slipping through his voice. "I wanted to make sure that it was you and that you were alive because....I can't lose you again, Alera." He shook his head lightly. "I can't lose you again. It was hard enough the first time but no way in HELL am I going to be the one to take your life from you. No way in hell am I going to carry out a mission like this."

He paused to let her speak, and took another sip of his drink. "I've debated whether or not to tell you any of this, but it's come to my attention that I now really have no choice." He looked her way again, deciding to risk it all. "I've been working for the Insurgents ever since I was banished from the Imperials, and if I'm being completely honest I don't think I've ever been completely loyal to either side." He ran his thumb over one of his rings. "You murdered one of our best workers." His blue-green gaze traveled sideways to her, but despite his words they were glimmering with admiration rather than hate.

The corners of his mouth turned into a slight smile. "Impressive to say the least." He leaned back a little in his chair, taking another drink. "I will say this: no matter what side I'm working for, I will not run the risk of losing you for such a thing." He paused, thinking once more. Here she was, sitting next to him for the first time in years. He may as well lay all of his cards out on the table for her to see, and if she chose to play them against him, he would die happy knowing that at least she was alive and he didn't kill her.

"And I pray to whatever God is listening that He will give me time with you at least once more before I'm killed for abandoning my post." Nothing about his tone was in any way joking, and it was clear from his eyes that he was one hundred percent serious, and that he still cared deeply for her. "I'm sure that by tomorrow morning the Insurgents will have word that I've come into contact with you and did nothing about it. They'll hunt me down for this, but I want you at all costs to avoid them. They want you dead, Alera. If not dead they want you tortured for what you did, and I am not going to be the one to lead that charge."

He slowly rolled up his sleeve, revealing a massive scar running down his left forearm. "If you need proof of my word, I got this for insurrection my first year there," He lowered his popped collar to reveal several more scars around the base of his neck and chest. "And these for insurrection just a few months ago. I'm not loyal to them but they trust me, and that buys you enough time to find a way in and to find a weakness."

He had no clue what she would think of all this, and he was hoping she would at least sort of understand that her situation was dire. He wanted to spend time with her again, he wanted to reunite with her in a way other than this, but in order to do that she had to be safe, and she had to get out from under the watch of the Insurgents. His gaze fell to the table, and he spoke in a hushed tone,

"Please understand that I miss you, and I am immensly happy to know that you are alive. I want to catch up with you, I want to know what things have changed, and I want to be as close to you as I was before." He looked back over at her, the shadows hiding parts of his face while the light from the bar illuminated the rest. "I just want you to be safe, Alera. I want to be out from under the noses of the Insurgents and Imperials all together, and I want you to remain alive through all of it."

Adira x ElaysiaJune 6, 2021 01:25 PM


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Alera clenched her jaw to keep herself from continuing, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood if only to keep herself from confessing that despite it all, she was beyond relieved to know he was alive.

Josh leaned in slightly, and Alera took a shuttering breath, going rigid. His scent alone bringing back memories she'd tried to desperately to forget over the years.

Memories that suffocated her, leaving little space to think about anything else besides the one person who knew her better than she did herself.

"I never said it was a good idea" He grinned, and a hint of a smile graced her lips, which she quickly corrected.

"I know we've changed, I thought you were dead too, Alera." His tone nothing short of sincerity.

She dropped her shoulders slightly, only then realizing how tense she'd been previously as she met his gaze.

"It took me awhile to move on, it's not like I'd just forgotten you"

She could sense the truth in his statement, which somehow only made it harder to hear.

She swallowed, and he continued.

"-since it involved your life i decided you deserved to know. You know the real reason i invited you here?"

She wasn't given the chance to respond and was greatly relieved because she wasn't sure she'd be able to give him an answer.

" I wanted to make sure it was you and that you were alive because..I can't lose you again Alera."

I can't lose you.

I can't lose you.

I can't lose you.

The only words she was able to take in over the next few minutes, the ones she wasn't even aware she'd been dying to hear.

"It doesn't matter"

Tone coming off a little harsher than she'd intended it.

It mattered.

Of course it did.

"why do you have to make this so difficult? you should be worrying about your paycheck not my life, you're putting yourself at risk by talking to me right now"

She urged before Josh continued.

"-and if I'm being completely honest I don't think I've ever been completely loyal to either side."

She wasn't sure wether to be relieved at that, because in a sense she was more loyal to him and their friendship than she'd ever been to the Imperials.

"You murdered one of our best workers, Impressive to say the least"

She couldn't hide the small grin.

"Im sure he had it coming."

"I will not run the risk of losing you for such a thing. And I pray to whatever God is listening that He will give me time with you at least once more before I'm killed for abandoning my post- They'll hunt me down for this- They want you dead, Alera. -I am not going to be the one to lead that charge. If you need proof of my word, I got this for insurrection my first year there- I'm not loyal to them but they trust me, and that buys you enough time to find a way in and to find a weakness."

The blunt honestly was admirable, idiotic maybe, but admirable.

Alera wanted nothing more than to leave the imperials behind completely and make this work with Josh, but she wasn't one for unrealistic wishful thinking.

She paused, examining the rough scars on his skin and subconsciously running her index finger over one of her own, on the inside of her wrist.

The insurgents had done that to him.

It was sickening to think anyone had laid a hand on him.

"You're not serious, there's no way either one of us could bring down the insurgents or imperials.

I'm not going to sit here and listen to you plan for your own funeral! it's a suicide mission.

I want this, i do. But-"

Her gaze softened and she held his gaze.

" I don't want to lose you again, we don't have access the resources or allies necessary to take either of them head on and trying to bring them down from the inside is too risky, if you're compromised they'll kill you. I don't want to risk it."

She shook her head slightly.

She knew caring for someone to the extent they cares for each other was deadly in their line of work, but Alera didn't regret the choices that had put her in the position she's in now.

For so long she'd convinced herself that Josh wasn't coming back, that she'd be on her own from here on out.

She'd learned to live with that truth that had somehow shaped into a lie over the past hour.

And as angry, and sorrowful she was, she was even more thrilled to have him back in her life.

Even if they weren't in the ideal situation.

"Please understand that I miss you, and I am immensly happy to know that you are alive. I want to catch up with you, I want to know what things have changed, and I want to be as close to you as I was before. I just want you to be safe, Alera. I want to be out from under the noses of the Insurgents and Imperials all together, and I want you to remain alive through all of it."

"I miss you too, saints did I miss you but you can't possibly think this is going to end well for either of us, Cardigan will have my head for this betrayal just as I'm sure the insurgents will have yours. We could run, who the hell knows how far they'd follow us, we're gambling with our lives here Josh, a few years back i would have given anything for this-"

She lightly brushed her hand against his, ignoring the small spark that coursed through her body as she looked down, considering.

"Things are complicated, i know you think this is what you want, but is it really worh losing your life over? id much rather go our separate ways knowing you're safe over risking your life at my expense."

She pleaded

" I'm off work right now, due to the..circumstances. I'm not being monitored or contacted for business so if you want to try to get out of here, the next few months will be the best time frame. Running is the only option I'm willing to take at this point, most likely anything else will get one of us killed. This isn't really a great place to chat either, we should go up to my room."

She gestured to the staircase.

Alera knew he may or may not take her up on that offer, it could have easily been a trap.

Edited at June 6, 2021 09:06 PM by Adira
Adira x ElaysiaJune 6, 2021 06:58 PM

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Josh felt a light tingle run through his body as her hand grazed his. No matter how light or soft the touch had been it caused a reaction within him that brought back all sorts of memories from all those years ago. After listening to everything she had to say, he came to the conclusion that she had missed him just as much as he had missed her, if not more.

However unlike him she was logical in her reasoning, and provided all sorts of reasons why this had been a bad idea. No matter the consequences though, he was willing to run that risk. "Running away from problems isn't the best way to solve them," he told her quietly, although a caring smile was planted on his face, his eyes shimmering in the dim light. "But maybe in this case I'm willing to go that route."

She suggested they go up to her room, and he followed her gesture to the staircase. The hairs on the back of his neck rose slightly in response, a few red flags going off in his mind as well as a low burning fire of the possibility of intimacy. He went quiet for a few moments, weighing his options and choices before coming to the conclusion that he didn't much care anymore.

His time with the Insurgents had granted him power and smarts, but that was all it had given him. Alera, in the short time that he'd known her as a teenager, had provided him with so much more, and opened his eyes to the beauty of companionship. He turned to look at her once more, nodding silently.

"Okay." he said, agreeing to her proposal. He looked at the bartender, sliding money his direction before splashing down the rest of his drink. Part of him wondered how drunk he'd have to be before he would make any stupid decisions. All he knew was that whatever happened tonight between the two of them...he wanted to be sober. He wanted to participate in any conversations they would have, he wanted to be able to take in any information she gave him, he wanted to be able to feel and react to her touch and her words. And if things got a little more heated than he was anticipating...he wanted to be there for that, too.

He slowly stood up, thoughts and memories suddenly whirling through his mind. Memories of being a young teenage boy in the black room, grappling with another boy around his age. He could remember feeling the eyes of the other children on him as he trained, trying his best to usurp his opponent and prove himself to the leaders who forced them to do their best.

He remembered the pain of many bloody noses, many bruises that would last for weeks on end, broken bones and pounding headaches. But he also remembered the feeling of Alera leaning against him when everything else seemed to be shit. He remembered sneaking out and talking to her under the cover of darkness, the moonlight being the only light that bathed them.

He remembered feeling the urge to kiss her on many occassions but never had the strength to do so. He remembered the splitting pain in his chest the day they were caught out alone, and how scared he'd felt when they were torn apart. He remembered the fury that burned inside of him as he was thrown in another training group.

Still, he fought to see her. Still he would abandon his post at night and find his way to her. He remembered getting caught there, too, and being pulled into the head office, forced to listen to the higher powers speak about his actions and debate on what to do with him. He remembered the out of body feeling when the decision was made to give him an option: be killed or be cast out.

Of course he'd made the decision to flee, permanently banished from the Imperials. Apparantly word of the truth had never reached Alera, and the poor girl had been lied to the rest of her life, led to believe he had died. Of course he'd been found by the Insurgents, and of course they'd taken him in as a means of finding out more about the Imperials. He was trained harder, quicker, and he was told to feel nothing.

Now, here he stood with the woman who he thought had been either killed or cast out. The woman who he loved first, the woman he could never see in any other way. He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling as he looked at her, waiting patiently for her to lead him where she wanted to go.

"Lead the way," he said, gesturing towards the stairs. "I'll be right behind."

Adira x ElaysiaJune 6, 2021 10:18 PM


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"Okay, Lead the way, I'll be right behind."

Alera sensed his slight unease, which in all honesty was expected, she knew how her proposition must have sounded but talking openly like this was too risky, especially with how many imperials came in and out of the building around this time.


She flashed him a reassuring smile for good measure as she finished off her drink and pushed to her feet, Tugging the seams of her dress lower as she stood and making her way toward the staircase.

She was relieved to know he still trusted her enough to follow, she really wasn't sure what his answer would have been and she half expected him to straight up shut her down due to the risk of this whole thing being a set up.
More than anything, she wanted their relationship to be repaired and as secure as it had been before he was ripped from her life.
she'd spent so many years regretting holding him at arms length when the two of them were together for her own sake.

She was taught that being so close to someone would only serve as a weakness later on.
She was told left and right that her friendship with Josh wasn't appropriate, that it was foolish and she was just a naive girl.

But she'd always been loyal to him regardless, she depended on that boy far more than she should have but she wouldn't have traded it for the world, let alone a good reputation within the Imperials.
She couldn't care less what they thought.
And it was no different now.

Alera paused momentarily, double checking that Josh was following as well as scanning the crowd for any unwanted attention before proceeding.

She rounded a corner and immediately tensed as she came to an abrupt stop.

Cardigan stood only a few feet away, knocking on her door caddy ally before tucking his hands into his pockets and waiting. She spun around, shoving Josh back and against the closest door which was unfortunately locked.

Without giving him much of a chance to react she pressed a finger to her lips, body flush against his as she glanced back toward cardigan who was still blissfully unaware of their presence.

Why was he here?

She glanced back at Josh, assessing his reaction as she licked her lips before bracing a hand on the door behind him and giving it a hard shove.


The movement only managing to bring the two of them closer. Alera stilled, chest to chest with him and struggling not to move away, or come closer for that matter. She shifted from one foot to the over, and pointedly glancing away. All thoughts she may have had immediately cleared as she noted the approaching footsteps. Her breath caught in her chest and she peered over to see as Cardigan began to walk toward a back exit. Alera let out a small sigh of relief as he disappeared behind the door, leaving the two of them alone. She bit her lip slightly and watched the door for a minute longer as her body relaxed.

She lingered in front of Josh for a moment longer then a necessary, savouring the feel of his body pressed against hers before pushing off the doorframe and smoothing down her dress.

"Imperials, Close call"

She interrupted with a nervous grin, looking him up and down before quickly spinning on her heels and making her way toward her door.

She pulled her keys out from her purse, unlocking the door and letting the two of them inside with ease. She wasn't bold enough to comment on their prior situation as she closed the door behind them and gestured toward the couch. "Feel free to sit" she offered and set her purse on a small table beside the door before taking a seat herself. "Can I get you anything while you're here?" She questioned, locking eyes with him and trying desperately to ignore any reoccurring thoughts of what happened in the hall.
Alera removed her heels and placed them beside the couch, letting out a small sigh of relief, heels had always been a pain and she was glad to be free of them for the rest of the night.
"We have a lot to discuss"
She drawled, crossing one leg over the other.

Edited at June 6, 2021 10:25 PM by Adira
Adira x ElaysiaJune 7, 2021 12:41 AM

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Josh forced himself to keep his eyes upwards as she stood, reminding himself that he was a gentleman and this was nothing more than two friends reuniting, and heading someplace to chat privately. Even just walking her movements entranced him, and he followed her slowly up the staircase, following her gaze as she looked around for any unwelcome spectators. The both of them were trained to be on constant lookout, even when off duty. One never knew when someone was watching, or what unexpected thing may happen next.

Which is why Josh was both shocked and at the same time completely calm when Alera suddenly shoved him hard and fast back around the corner and up against a closed door. Despite her astonishing strength, his quick thinking and reflexes allowed him to tense up his body enough so that when it hit the door it muted the thud, eliminating any sort of clue to whomever or whatever she had seen that they were there.

One hand pressed firmly against the door to steady him, and the other arm instinctively wrapped around her as a sort of protection and brace. He had no clue who or what Alera had seen in the hall, but he was smart enough to know that he needed to stay as silent and as still as possible, her quick silencing gesture comfirming that theory. He stood still, trying to calm his beating heart, their bodies flush against one another's. His heart was racing partially because of the position they were in, and partially because of the unknown obvious threat that they were hiding from.

She moved, reaching to the door behind him and pushing but there was still no movement from it. He tensed slightly as she did so, trying not to make any sudden movements to make this any more awkward than it was, no matter how much his childish heart was racing with glee. The two of them waited in complete silence as she peered to keep watch. For a few moments he closed his eyes to help himself concentrate on being quiet, silencing his breathing although his chest still rose and fell to the natural rythem. It seemed as if hours had passed when they finally heard footsteps. Josh opened his eyes, watching Alera and trying to judge any expressions she may make as she watched whoever it was walk away.

She finally looked back at him, and he felt his heart take a rather unnecessary flip, as if he was a lovesick teenager again. Holy hell, this was going to be an interesting night, wasn't it? He physically felt her body relax into his, so he naturally assumed the coast was clear. However still she lingered against him, and he couldn't help but wonder if she didn't want to pull away. He knew he didn't exactly want her to either, but he also knew that it wasn't practical for them to be standing here like this anyway.

Finally she released herself from him, smoothing out her dress. He gave her a slight apologetic smile but said nothing, not sure if she would appreciate any sort of flirtatious comment after something like that. She informed him that it was an Imperial, and he nodded.

"A close one indeed." he answered, his tone carrying with it an underlying flirty flair, which let on the fact that he was using a double meaninig. Implying of course that it was a close call with the Imperial, but also a very close moment for them as well. He couldn't keep the small grin off of his face, his eyes gleaming with the playfulness of his youth, as if it had never fully left him even after all the years of murdering for the Insurgents.

He stuck his hands in his pockets and followed her casually to her door, his gaze traversing the hall on instant lookout for anyone else. He couldn't see anyone, and he trusted Alera's judgement on whether it was safe or not. He walked smoothly into her room, hearing the satisfying and familiar click of the door closing behind them.

He took a brief moment to look around, his brain automatically and instinctively analyzing everything in the room, as he was trained to do in any situation. It wasn't exactly intentional, just a natural reaction at this point to analyze everything in the room and everyone, to get a feel for them or his surroundings. It came in handy as both an assassin and a spy.

He turned to look at her as she spoke, telling him he was free to sit and asking if he wanted anything. He gave her a grateful smile but shook his head. "No, I don't need anything. Thank you though." His hands remained in his pockets, and he lingered where he was for a moment longer before walking slowly over to the couch, sitting down and resting his hands in his lap.

He ran a hand through his dark auburn hair, his rings glinting in the lamp light. Alera sat down next to him, crossing one of her legs over the other, delving into the start of a conversation straight away.

"We do," he agreed, offering her a small smile. He paused for a moment or two, thinking over what he wanted to say. He decided maybe it was best to start in the past, to establish how they'd both felt back then, and then lead to what has changed. "You know I never really stopped thinking about you." he said quietly. "Not back then. Not now. I don't really remember much of my life before the Imperials. And...as cheesy as it sounds I think most of that has to do with you."

It was true, every word. He remembered the fire, and he remembered being captured by the Imperials and taken "under their wings" but not much else. He remembered meeting Alera for the first time and everything before that had become blurry, as if his previous life no longer had meaning. In reality...it really didn't anymore. His parents were dead, most of his friends were gone, and he had been kidnapped. What left of his previous life was worth going back to?

His gaze dropped to the floor, and his words became quieter, as if he was a bit shy to say the following.

"You always seemed to make the pain go away. After training. After a beating. You always made it better. No matter how rough the day had been before...you made it better."

Adira x ElaysiaJune 11, 2021 08:55 PM


Posts: 694
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Edited at June 11, 2021 09:16 PM by Adira
Adira x ElaysiaJune 11, 2021 09:01 PM


Posts: 694
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( Double Post )

Edited at June 11, 2021 09:17 PM by Adira
Adira x ElaysiaJune 11, 2021 09:04 PM


Posts: 694
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Alera observed Josh scanning her small apartment building and for whatever reason, she was suddenly aware of every uneven picture frame or small chip of paint missing from the pale dry wall. Her place was decent, but it wasn't exactly impressive by any means. Regardless, She gave an easy smile, making her best attempt to keep things casual as he took a seat across from her. Her entire body was hyper aware of how close he was, and despite her better judgment she found it hard to pay attention to much else. Alera forced herself to meet his eyes as she searched his face for any hint of what was going through his head as he began to speak.

"You know I never really stopped thinking about you. Not back then. Not now. I don't really remember much of my life before the Imperials. And...as cheesy as it sounds I think most of that has to do with you."

His tone was quiet, reserved and maybe even a little embarrassed. Alera watched him thoughtfully and followed his gaze toward the floor.
She'd remembered the majority of her time growing up with the imperials, those memories came far to easy for her and In a sense she was relieved that Josh didn't have a very clear memory of what went on back then.
It was rough but they had always managed to pull through.
The training had shaped her into the woman she was today and despite her slip up with her last job, she had faith in her abilities. She wasn't exactly regretful of her slip up though, after all every small decision she made had brought her to where she was today and even if she wasn't necessarily in the best situation, it had still brought Josh back into her life which was plenty reward enough. Regardless of the ammount of lectures, beatings and punishments they suffered through for their relationship she never really understood their reasoning. It never really clicked for her, they had said it interferes with training and their focus but she couldn't bring herself to see it that way. The two of them were pretty good kids at the time and even better trainees. They worked harder than half of their team and yet their loyalty toward one another was a deal breaker? It was ridiculous and her opinion still hadn't changed since then. Maybe their relationship was considered 'unprofessional' but they were kids, kids who were going through the most confusing period of their lives and growing up, yet expected to behave as if they didn't feel. It was a box she'd never really fit into, she'd never excelled in concealing her emotions. She still didn't. This may not serve her well in an interrogation room, but her emotions weren't something she had never had much control over unfortunately.

"You always seemed to make the pain go away. After training. After a beating. You always made it better. No matter how rough the day had been before...you made it better."

Her gaze softened as she inclined her head toward him slightly.

"I think in a way..helping you helped me.

Maybe it was just the distraction, being able to get out of my own head for a few hours, but..i didn't- don't" She corrected "-have anyone else. You were really the the only person i cared much about. my point is, it had always been just the two of us, we'd gone though everything together, and this is no different. we're going to figure this out." She reassured him, looking him up and down with admiration and a soft but almost distant smile playing on her lips.

"I just got you back, so don't go doing anything reckless." she grinned, but her features were clouded with worry and unease as she spoke.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again, it's..a lot to take in, as I'm sure you know." She frowned slightly as she gazed at her hands, momentarily lost in thought.

"This is really going to screw our careers over isn't it?"

She almost laughed, but her jaw quickly hardened as she continued.

"I have a couple thousand stashed here that may be able to get us out of the city and just far enough from here that we'll be out of harms way. depending on how you'd like to handle the situation and how much time we have."
Alera confessed, all previous training going out the window as she openly admitted she had a hefty stack of cash somewhere in her room. Not her smartest decision yet, but not one she regretted either. She
wanted their relationship back and open honesty was a good step toward it.
They'd find a way out of this together, or they wouldn't get out of It at all, simple as that.
Right? After all they didn't have much choice considering. Either one could rat out the other at this point and if what Josh had told her was true..neither one of them really stood a chance on their own.

Edited at June 12, 2021 09:10 PM by Adira

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