
"Wyatt!" The enraged cry was not an uncommon way for the morning to start, and it was shortly followed by the unmistakable sound of something being thrown, hitting it's target. That target no doubt being the culprit resposible for the wake-up call. There was a scramble and a gleeful yell as Wyatt barely escaped his first victim of the day. Very annoyed and still brushing wet hair out of her face, Liri slammed the door shut behind her as she returned to her room after retrieving the book she had thrown. The nearest object she could find. It was too early to comit to a chase, she'd get him later. She might have let it go, but she could still hear him cackling his way back to his room. However, right now she had to deal with the fact that she was dripping water all over the floor...not a particularly pleasant awakening. Grumbling to herself she exchanged her now wet clothes for a sweat pants and shirt, casting a longing glance towards a very inviting bed. She wouldn't be able to fall asleep again anyways. Instead she found her towel and dried her hair roughly so it could stop dripping cold water onto her back. Take a shower now, or wait? She didn't want to risk losing out on the hot water, especially after the cold awakening. What day was it even? They'd be sent of to where the war was either tomorrow or the day after. She didn't want to think of that now and instead settled for wandering what training they had today if they had had training as she grabbed her stuff to get to the showers. They were provided with a surprisingly comfortable living space. Each with their own room, centered around the equivalent of a small living room. There were showers and a large open room where they were trained. All inside of a giant facility. As she stepped out of the room she was met by a grinning Wyatt sitting comfortably across the room. "Teach you to lock your door next time" he commented smugly. "Shoot, maybe I wouldn't have forgotten if I hadn't been so busy kicking your butt yersteday" she retorted, already turning in the direction of the showers to avoid the potential banter. It was still too early. "Hurtful, Liri" he gasped in mock offense. When they had first met, none of this would have gone over so smoothly. Having to spend time around each other alot helped a bit. "And I hope that book atleast gave you a bruise too" she called over her shoulder, pausing long enough to call out a good morning to Emery when she realized she was awake upon passing her room. Getting a very sleepy response. Then Liri disappeared towards the showers. Wyatt remained seated for a moment. The book had caught with a corner and had indeed hurt a bit, but right now he was planning on who to target next. Delta or Sombra. Everyone was probably awake by, but he could atleast pester one if them. Deciding he'd get the best response out of Delta, he swept to his feet and stalked in that direction. Barging into his room would certainly do the trick, but he might settle for simply flinging the door open and making a run for it. Meanwhile Emery took her time getting out of bed. Making no attempt at rushing into the day. If she had it her way, she'd have taken this morning to sleep in until she absolutely needed to get up. At the same time she was excited to see what lay in wait for the day. And so, she sleepily crawled out of bed, stretching and slowly getting dressed. Needinb a bit of time.to fully wake up. By the sounds of it, today was going to be another very interesting day.

Delta was already awake when he heard someone screaming Wyatt's name and something getting thrown. Whatever it was, he probably deserved it like he always did. This was nearly every morning and he hated it but had to deal with it, he nearly jumped out of the chair he was sitting in when the door flung open.
Hearing Wyatt chuckling and running away, he stood up and growled. "What did I tell you about knocking!!!" Delta got up and ran after the scruffy blonde brat. He managed to reach and tackle Wyatt in the living room.
Sombra jumped awake at all the yelling, he just had a nightmare so his heart was racing until he realized he was in his room. With a sigh he ran his fingers through his hair and got up "It's too early for this..." He mumbled.
Grabbing his regualr pair of clothes, towel, and toothbrush. Sombra always needed a shower before he was fully awake. Taking his stuff and walking out of his room and to the living room, seeing Delta having Wyatt pinned on the floor. Sombra just walked straight past and to one of the open showers.
Emerald pulled her pillow over her head, She usually was a late sleeper and hated the early Wyatt events. Cluthing her plush cow close she tried to go back to sleep, she was able to until someone knocked on her door. Emerald groaned and flipped onto her other side "who is it...?" She asked.

His attempt at escape to safety was a fail as he found out when suddenly he was hugging the floor. A growl rumbling from him. "Oh, I don't recall. Mind refreshing my memory?" Wyatt said mockingly, rather amused with the situation he had gotten himself into. Gathering his strength to shake off Delta, not succeeding but atleast buying himself enough space to shake himself free and bolt out of reach. Or he hoped he was out of reach atleast. Being pinned to the ground wasn't a great way to start a fight. Emery came from her room, peering out first to evaluate how safe it was to step foot into the licing room. She picked her way carefully through the room, avoiding Delta and Wyatt as she made her way over to Emerald's room. Deciding that going over to her friend was the safest place to start the morning. She knocked lightly on the door, hoping she wouldn't be waking her up. "The only other short person here" she offered to the sleepy response, her own voice still somewhat sleepy though still somehow holding the usual cheerful tone. "Mind if I come in?" She didn't like being on her own thay much and would often seek out company as she was doing now. Liri didn't rush her shower. There was more than one shower, so she didn't have to worry about anyone waiting on her. By taking her time here, she would get to skip the first craziness of the morning. She doubted Wyatt would stop at just annoying her and she didn't really feel up to the commotion this morning. The hot water soothed her tension and she slowly relaxed, closing her eyes for a moment. Eventually she turned the water of and dried herself before quickly getting dressed. Determind the keep some warmth from the shower. Even with her bare feet. She had forgotten to grab her shoes. Kind of prefered going without shoes if she could anyways, she'd get them later.

Delta growled again through gritted teeth as Wyatt used his strength to slip out from under his grasp. Oh no, he wasn't gonna let him get away that easily, not if he had anything to say about it. He hardly noticed Emery making her way around to Emerald's room, Delta was too busy grabbing Wyatt's leg and pulling him back.
"Are you deaf or something Wyatt!? Because you're making it pretty hard for me not to think about biting your head off!" Delta growled again. He knew he couldn't do that because the government needed them not to kill each other but, it didn't stop him from thinking about it. "This is the LAST time I'm telling you! KNOCK before opening my door!" Delta tossed Wyatt onto the couch and then stormed off back to his room.
Emerald sat up when she heard Emery's voice, and smiled a little at her comments. "Yes you can come in" She said "I have bed hair though so don't too shocked" Emerald had her hair down whenever she slept, so as Emery walked in she tied her hair into a messy ponytail. "So did Delta tackle Wyatt again?" She asked.
Sombra took his time in the shower, he washed his hair, brushed his teeth, and then enjoyed the hot water for a few minutes. Turning off the shower, he could tell by how quiet it was that the fight had died down or Delta had knocked Wyatt out. Sombra peaked out of the bathroom once he had gotten dressed.
He sighed in relief at seeing Wyatt on the couch, finally the fight had died down without injures he hoped. "Must you piss Delta this early in the morning?" Sombra asked Wyatt as he sat on the couch. They couldn't have breakfast until everyone was awake.

Wyatt twisted around when his leg was grabbed, full prepared to engage in a fight of sorts. Instead he found himself on the couch, mildly disappointed, but also relieved. "The last time? But what if I forget again?" He called after Delta with a chuckle, making himself comfortable on the couch. He looked up with a grin when Sombra returned. "Ofcourse, gotta add some fun in life" he responded cheerfully as he rested back against the couch. No intentions of further shenanigans for the time being. There were many more hours in the day and he had already gotten two people quite angry. Emery carefully pushed the door open. "Oh don't worry, I'm sure mine is not very neat either" she said, stepping into the room. Glancing behind her as the fight seemed to start dying down. "Yes. I don't think a day has gone by where he hasn't been tackled" she said with a soft laugh, pushing the door shut behind her to keep any potential chaos out for now. "Sleep well?" She asked with her usual friendly and caring smile. Liri soon appeared from the showers and calmly made her way into the living room, fling her stuff into her room before finding a open chair to sit it. Making sure to throw the pillow on it at Wyatt before she did sit. Fortunately, he had been caught off guard and the pillow hit him solid in the face. "Wish I'd used a book again" she commented teasingly, amused at the surprise on his face. "What was that for?" He protested as he flung the pillow back at her, all too happy that someone would engage in his nonsense. But all he got in response was a glare as Liri caught the pillow and he chuckled again, knowing very well what he had done to deserve it. He knew she'd be out for revenge at some point during the day. He had learned that about her quickly after the first prank on her he got away with. But still he didn't learn his lesson.

"I'll knock you out the next time!" Delta yelled back at Wyatt "And I don't care if the scientists tell me I can't do it!" He forcefully shut his door and sat down in his chair angrily. Why did Wyatt always have to make him so riled up in the morning, it was annoying and it made him hate the blonde brat more and more. Delta opened a drawer and pulled out a notebook "Just, calm down before you go out and almost bite Wyatt." He was only able to do that during training, so he had to save his anger.
"Can we have one morning of peace?" Sombra asked Wyatt as he opened his room door, and tossed his clothes inside. He returned to the living room area and sat down on one of the couches, chuckling when he saw Liri hit Wyatt with a pillow. "Best be on your guard today Wyatt" Sombra said as he waited for Emery, Emerald, and Delta to come out so they could eat.
"Maybe we should keep count of the number of tackles," Emerald said before shrugged at Emery's question, "I slept alright, would have enjoyed a longer sleep if Wyatt decided to be respectful for a change" She said with a giggle. She grabbed her plush cow and placed it on her lap "How about you? Did you sleep alright?" Emerald asked. She was happy to have peace and quiet, in and outside her room.

Wyatt gave a slight smirk at Dleta's response, he'd be nice and give him time to cool down. He didn't want his head handed to him on a platter afterall. He turned his attention back to Sombra. "Mm I might consider it" he offered. While he did like to work on everybody's nerves very much, there was a balance to be maintained to avoid becoming just a complete nuisance and got himself in actual trouble. He knew the limits even if it didn't appear that way. "Yes, I certainly will be" he agreed witha nod, realizing the hole he had dug for himself today. He'd be the target during training, nothing unusual really. Maybe he would give them the next morning of pace to save his own hide for once. Liri gave a glimmer of a smile. "Don't worry, I'll just wait until you don't expect anything" she promised, curling herself up comfortably in her seat. Wondering how long it would be before they could eat. She had patience, but she was also starving. She was certain everyone's appetite had grown healthily since the experiment. Their bodies needing the extra food to keep up with the amount of energy they used. Emery gave a soft laugh. "He'll grow up eventually, I hope" she said, shaking her haid slightly. "Nothing to complain about myself" she answered with a smile. She didn't have many nightmares to worry about, but knew quite a few of the others here did. Their pasts weren't common knowledge and she only knew what had been told by them, but she was able to gather enough that they came from harsher pasts than she did.

Sombra laid down on the couch and stretched, he smiled at what Liri said to Wyatt. "So, I had another one of my nightmares again," Sombra said to start another conversation. If he had just met these guys he would have never told him about the nightmares he had from time to time but, with them being so close now.
He felt as though he could trust them enough to give a vague description of the nightmare to not make them worry too much. Sombra did this now because Emery, Emerald, Liri, and even Delta would notice that he would be not himself for the rest of the day. So he told them just in case he wasn't going to feel like himself today.
"We can only hope he can," Emerald said with a chuckle. She got up from her very comfortable bed and put her plush down. "I think the others might be waiting for us, best not keeping them waiting so we can eat," Emerald said as she did her hair quickly in a neat ponytail. "Ok, let's go"

Wyatt quieted down when Sombra mentioned that he had had a night mare. While he wasn't the one people came to with these type of things, unable to be of any help, he could still behave himself when they were spoken about. Nightmares was one of the things he wouldn't be a jerk about. He had a few of his own from the past and knew they could be bad. Liri looked over Sombra, her expression subtly changing to one of worry. "Oh? Anything you want to talk about?" She offered, her formerly sarcastic and teasing voice turning gentle. Even if she didn't actively show it like Emery might, she did care for the other five and would always pause to check on them if they mentioned something like nightmares. Emery nodded in agreemant. "Yes, they'll be calling after us soon if we don't appear. I'm rather hungry myself" she said, waiting for her friend to finish her pony tail before turning towards the door and opening it again. It seemed peaceful enough in the living room and hopefully would remain that way for a while longer. Atleast until training started. The morning had started off rowdy enough in her opinion.

Sombra closed his eyes and thought for a few moments, thinking back to his nightmare. "Maybe...I'm not sure" He answered to Liri's question. "I was falling in darkness while my own voice told me how I was 'unwanted' in many different vocabulary terms" He sighed and opened his eyes, taking the couch pillow and holding it close to him. "It's my second nightmare in a row...I think the nerves of the upcoming battle are getting to me" Sombra said.
Emerald stepped out of her room after Emery, seeing Sombra and Wyatt on the couch and Liri sitting in one of the chairs. With Delta not in sight, she assummed he must have been cooling off in his room after what happened with Wyatt. She heard Liri asking Sombra a question that she couldn't quite catch, though as she sat down with Emery she heard Sombra's response.
"You had another nightmare Sombra?" Emerald asked. She knew they all had nightmares from time to time about their pasts, but Sombra was kinda open about his whenever they happened. Since it was easy to tell whenever something bothered him, but this would be his second nightmare in a row.