
Avery nodded, and hurried up the stairs. He passed Robbie's room, and sighed. The door was wide open, and clothes were already strewn about on the floor. He then passed his room, and stopped a few doors down. "This is the first one," he said, pushing the door open. The room was done in a light grey shade, with a sturdy wooden bedframe. There was a set of french doors leading out onto a small balcony. Avery scanned it, and then went down a few more doors, and opened another. "Number two." This room was the nautical one. It had sea prints everywhere, and the bedspread was grey and white striped, with a ship's wheel hanging above the bed.
"And number three." The last room was stunning. It had a high ceiling, and a airy look about it. The bed frame was metal, and had a slight arch, going up into an almost canopy. The room was painted white, and had soft tones of other neutral colours around it. Wispy white curtains held most of the sun back, but it still streamed in through the big bay window. "They also all have bathrooms and parlors," Avery explained. "Which one should I ask the staff to put you in?"
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The first room that was shown was personally Aspen's aesthetic taste. He loved the colors and the balcony. He loved how it seemed more modern than the rooms back at the castle. It did make him question slightly what repairs this home really needed. The second room was surfer vibes, quite the opposite of Aspen. The ship's wheel was also a tad much. However, he was tempted to pick this one because it gave quite the opposite style of home. On the other hand, the thought of sleeping in the room that was so beach like, made him feel more comfortable. So he followed Prince Avery to the last room. The last room he didn't even give more than a look at. As soon as his eyes laid on it, he frowned and turned away. That one looked too much like his bedroom back on the farm with the neutral colors and high ceilings. His family had quite the money and lived on a modern farm house. It was definitely something he didn't want to think about. "I'll take the first one,thank you," He decided. The first one stayed true to his own aesthetic but didn't feel too close to the life he left behind. It also wasn't too drastically different like the middle one had been. And the third room just made him feel uncomfortable with its qualities similar to the farmhouse.

Avery nodded, and talked quietly to a maid. She said she'd make some calls, and a moment later, was gone. Avery gave Aspen a quick nod, and stepped away, heading down the hallway. He stopped at the door next to his, and stared at it, the dusty handle trying to shine in the light. He hesitated before slowly opening it, standing in the doorway to the bedroom. Memories flooded over him, and he stared at the delicate room. It was done in pale pink, and done in a similar style to the last bedroom he'd shown Aspen. Pictures sat on the bureau and books lay open on the desk. Avery shuddered, and glanced at the bed, the covers turned down for someone who would never come.
He glanced at his hands, and realized he was shaking uncontrollably. He quickly stepped out of the room, not looking at the girl in the picture, not wanting to see her smile. He stood in the hallway for a moment, but then opened his door, and sat down heavily at his desk, leaving the door open.
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Once Prince Avery dismissed him, he headed to his new room. It wasn't long after talking to the maid did he find his stuff being placed in the room. He began unpacking what he did bring. He brought a few hawaiian shirts, shorts, a pair of jeans, and a few tshirts. He folded his clothes neatly and put them in the dresser. He also brought his laptop and a few other essentials. It wasn't long before everything was put up. He gave a massive sigh and flipped down on the bed. He couldn't believe he was here or what he was really doing here. It was a nice place with barely any repairs needed to be done.
After a few minutes, he decided to get up and check on the prince. His footsteps were silent as they headed down the hallway to where he saw the prince disappear to. The door was open and he could see the prince sitting at his desk. He leaned against the doorframe, studying him. "So is this what the handsome prince does during his freetime on an island?" He teased after the minutes passed by. Edited at March 15, 2023 08:07 PM by Ashes of Night

Avery flinched at the sudden words, and gave a slight cough. "Well. I used to do everything. Not so much anymore," he said softly, sitting on his hands. They were still pale and shaky, and he didn't want to give himself away, didn't want to have to explain. He knew he couldn't sit forever, and stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Is there anything you specifically want to do here? I know Robbie gave you a quick rundown of everything there is here. He's at the racetrack, and it can get a bit wild, so we probably shouldn't go there. But pretty much anything else is open, except going in to town." Avery tried to focus on his words, but his mind wandered. "And I don't necessarily have to go with you either. The staff knows you're here, and would be happy to help with anything." Avery wasn't sure how comfortable Aspen would be spending time with him after Robbie's comments, and also wasn't sure he wanted to be with someone else on the Island. He swallowed hard, and held up his neutral façade, waiting for an answer. He hoped Aspen had been waiting for a long time, especially hoping he hadn't seen the door.
Since he hadn't brought it up, Avery assumed he was in the clear for now, and turned his full attention to the man opposite him.
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He entered the room when the prince began talking. He sat down on the prince's bed with his right leg crossed over his left. He listened to Prince Avery talk. He thought it was kind of strange how his hands where in his pockets but decided not to question it. "I don't think racing is really my thing. Perhaps if I was four years younger," He frowned a little, trying to think of what he wanted to do,"And I don't mind having familiar company, although I do understand if you are busy and I'm disturbing you." He thought a little bit longer about things he wanted to do. It sounded like there was a ton of things to do but finding things that both he and the prince would enjoy is the challenge. He would like to spend his time getting to know the prince a little more-as friends of course. "What would you like to do?" He asked instead, unsure about what he wanted to do. "I've never been on an island before and it's clearly been years since I've had fun," He decided to joke but part of it was true. He had been too busy to have fun,"What are some of the things you like to do around here?"

Avery took a deep breath, and stared at his hands, fixing his face. "I used to like to go cliff-diving, but that's not really my thing anymore. I enjoy simply taking walks through the gardens, visiting the kennels, and occasionally going to the beach. If you'd prefer to be alone, we have a large selection of artwork you could peruse if you felt so inclined." Avery still couldn't read the man's tone. Aspen had said he'd enjoy the company, but he might have just been trying to be polite. As for Avery himself, he hadn't been on the Island since he was 15, and that felt like a lifetime ago. Of course the rooms had been cleaned since they'd left. Well, most of them. Avery shuddered, trying to keep his mind focused on things Aspen might enjoy. "There's also a library and kitchens, if you like reading or baking." Avery took a deep breath, and pinched the bridge of his nose. The headache was back at full force, and Avery looked at his bag, still sitting on the bed. The temptation was back again. It would be so easy to just take a couple more pills, so that he could be fine for at least a little bit. Instead, he picked up a glass of water. He knew he ought to get the alchohol out of his system, and drank most of the glass. "Do any of those catch your attention?"
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Normal men about their ages would be going to parties, racing each other on the streets, skydiving....and a lot of chaotic dumb things younger people tended to do. However, it seemed like they both had grown too mature to enjoy things like that. For Aspen, it had been leaving his home that caused a great riff between him and his youthful spirit. However, he wasn't quite sure what Prince Avery's story was. "Do any of those catch your attention?" "Why don't you show me those gardens?" He decided on going with the first thing Prince Avery mentioned. He stood up and gave a friendly smile,"But I'll keep the art part in mind." He just wanted to have a good time and figure out his purpose here. Clearly it hadn't been restoration, this palce was almost in perfect condition. He also knew that the older prince wouldn't had fought so hard for him to join them if it had been as simple as a job opportunity. Perhaps, Prince Robbie was right about his brother liking him and was just trying to provide an opportunity for them to strengthen their bond. Edited at March 15, 2023 08:55 PM by Ashes of Night

Avery nodded, and headed towards the door, letting Aspen exit his bedroom first. Avery left his door open, though usually he preferred closing it. "As always, there a few rooms that are off limits," Avery quietly explained. "Those doors will be closed, and no one is allowed to enter. All other doors will be open," he finished firmly. He paused by a maid, making sure that the staff would make sure that most of the doors were open, save for a few. Then they went down the staircase they'd come up only a few minutes before, but this time, Avery didn't turn towards the doors. He turned towards the back of the house, weaving through fancy parlors, dining rooms, and a ballroom, before reaching his goal: another set of french doors. They were framed by heavy red velvet curtains, and let in the bright sunlight. Avery pulled them open, and stepped onto the wrapparound porch, and when he saw the swing on the porch, his eyes widened, and he hurried down the steps, into the gardens. He turned back to Aspen, and tried to think of something to say. Thankfully, his mind supplied him with one. "My mother planted these gardens when she first married my father," he explained. "There's a rose garden, a peach garden, a tulip garden, a peony garden, and a hyacinth garden. Do you have a preferance which to walk? Oh. There's a also a lavender maze, like a corn maze, but better smelling."
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He walked out first but slowed down his pace so the prince and him were walking side by side. He did keep a small distance between the two of him, wanting to avoid any awkward encounters of them bumping into each other. He gave a nod at the mention of certain places he wasn't allowed to be. Open door good, closed door bad. At least he didn't have to be escorted by the prince all of the time. The royalty must have less secrets here which in his opinion, was a good thing. Aspen followed him to a wrap around porch and it seemed like for a moment, Prince Avery was bursting with energy. He raced off the porch and into the gardens. Aspen caught up a little more slowly, a smirk playing on his face. "My mother planted these gardens when she first married my father." He listened to Prince Avery as he described the gardens. He wanted to avoid all things peaches but wasn't sure how to voice that without causing the prince to be a bit curious to why.
"Hmmm, I know you're itching to see one of the gardens. Why don't you show me that one?" Easy fix, he highly doubted the prince would show him the peach garden. Peaches were everywhere after all.