
Gwendolyn noticed Aldwin's uncertainty, along with the heavy bags under his eyes, and walked right into his room to set down the tea tray on an empty table. Now, she was unsure what to do, but faked confidence as she poured him a cup, "Whenever I couldn't sleep, my nursemaid would always make this tea. Always soothed my mind and body." Gwendolyn stole a glance at the paperwork, "My Lord," She asked softly, "Can the paperwork wait for one night? It may be easier to work on a full nights rest. I will help with anything you require tomorrow, if you wish."

Aldwin was relieved that Gwendolyn knew this ettiqute stuff, otherwise he probably would've kept her in the doorway all night. If she had any sort of malicious intent she could spread all sorts of rumors about how the King lacked basic manners. Thankfully, Lady Gwendolyn didn't seem to be like that. "I thank you for your concern Lady Gwendolyn, and the tea of course, it smells wonderful." Even his voice was coated in exhaustion, unlike during the day, where he tried to hide it, now he didn't even make the effort to, there was no point when Lady Gwendolyn obviously already knew. "And I suppose it could wait for tomorrow, though I would get behind a little. It would be wonderful to have your help if you're willing. It is tedious work, lots of reports about how the cities are doing, taxes, bridges, the harvest. It gets tiring after a while." Aldwin sighed, running a hand through his messy hair, a gesture he often did when overwhelmed or anxious.

"Sit down," Gwendolyn said soothingly, "Of course I'll help, my Lord. I do hope to contribute to this land, which I am now the Queen of. It is my duty, and one I will do with pride." Once Aldwin was seated, she handed him a cup of tea, and poured one for herself. She remained standing as she sipped the warm tea from her cup. A soft smile appeared on her face as she looked at the cup, old memories coming back, "I can leave when you wish, my Lord," Gwendolyn said softly, "And I hope the tea helps."

Aldwin sat down soon after Lady Gwendolyn told him to, surprisingly, he was already feeling much more relaxed just by the soothing scent of the tea. He was tired still, but he did not look so preoccupied, and the tension was slowly leaving his body. A small smile slipped onto his face when Gwendolyn declared that she would help because this was her land now too. It was such a relief to have someone like her by his side, she didn't try to manipulate him or use him for his riches. She was honest and kind, and somehow cared for him, well he hoped she did, though it seemed like she did because she had just brought him tea. He cared for her too, not in the way of love or anything strong like that, but he cared for her like a friend, for she was already doing so much for him and she'd just arrived. "I appreciate your help and pride in this land, there is much to do, but I hope that one day I can fix all the things that need to be fixed." He paused, taking a sip from his cup, doing a double take at the amazing flavor, it was soothing, even more so than the scent of it. "The tea is helping, I can already tell my Lady, and I thank you for that. I am sorry I have hardly had the time to truly sit down and ask how you are adjusting. I do hope that everything meets your expectations?" He gave her a small, tired grin, blue eyes drifting around the room but always finding their way back to Gwendolyn's face whenever she spoke.

"I am glad you like the tea, and please, call me Gwendolyn," there was a spark in her eyes, "And it is no problem - I have seen how busy you are. The Kingdom comes first, after all." Gwendolyn smiled over the rim of her teacup, and took another sip. She looked around the room, and lightly leaned against Aldwin's bed frame. Since he was normally the only person in the room, Gwendolyn didn't see a second chair, and didn't know if any of the chests were sturdy enough to sit on, or if she even should sit. "Everything has been wonderful..." A new light came over Gwendolyn's face, "Especially the stables. You have some beautiful horses, My Lord, and the Stablemaster - once he got over his shock - is indeed very kind." She had spent nearly the whole day riding. The Stablemaster had found an gelding that was thoroughly trained, and as gentle as a lamb. He wasn't as old as the first horse, and had a slight bit more speed. He wasn't like the horses Gwendolyn would ride back home, but she supposed that here, she was expected to be ladylike and a Queen, not just one of the many children of the Emperor, where no one paid attention to her. A sad loss, but one Gwendolyn supposed one she'd have to get used to.

Aldwin smiled as Gwendolyn corrected him, but let her continue answering his questions before replying. It seemed that she was slowly adjusting to life here, and she seemed happy with the stable master. He was a kind man, just a little too much of a man at time. Regardless, it seemed that he had helped Gwendolyn and allowed her to ride to her heart's content. It was nice, to see her face relax as she spoke of riding. There were very few women that Aldwin had ever met that relaxed around him, as they often were trying to flirt or just seemed cautious of him. The latter was understandable, his dad had fathered many bastard children with women under his rank, although his father had been a kind man, he did enjoy women. Which was something Aldwin had never understood and hoped he never would. "Ah, I am relieved to hear that you are adjusting well, and happy to see that you have found a place in the stables. Don't hesitate to ask the stable master for other horses to ride or ask anyone for help with anything. Everyone in this castle should treat you with the utmost respect." He paused, trying to form his thoughts into words for a moment. "As for your title, if you would prefer for me to just call you Gwendolyn that is fine, but in return you should just call me Aldwin. There is no need for titles between us, we are equals. So please, just refer to me as Aldwin." The king smiled softly at Gwendolyn, no one really was technically allowed to call him just Aldwin, but he truly hoped Gwendolyn would. It would relieve some of the awkwardness between the two and make him even more relaxed around her.

Gwendolyn raised an eyebrow, and would have crossed her arms, had she not been holding the teacup. Equals? "Alright then, Aldwin, but I am not sure of the accuracy of your statement," She tested out his name, free of burdensome titles and royal hierarchy. It made him seem a bit more human, and more of a person Gwendolyn could actually grow to know. "Everyone has been wonderfully kind," she assured, "If a bit startled that I started a conversation," She huffed a laugh, "I feel bad about startling the cooks so much when I walking into the kitchen to thank them after a meal."

A chuckle escaped from Aldwin's lips at the mention of the staff being shocked. Although he had often slipped into the kitchen when he was younger, befriending the staff and even helping them prepare meals when his father was to busy to care for him, he now had hardly no time to visit. The kitchen staff especially held a special place in his heart, for they took care of him better than any of his maids ever could. Aldwin had definitely not been the easiest child, and had always felt more at home in the kitchens than dressed up all proper in fancy dinners and royal balls. "Ah, they do not get many visitors, very few ever think about the people who are behind the extravagent meals they are eating. I do not think you understand how pleased I am that you have even spoken to the staff, let alone thanked them. They all work very hard to prepare the meals we eat, I wish I could visit more but alas," he gestured to his desk full of paperwork, "I hardly have the time to. Thank you for the kind gesture though, I am sure that they were overjoyed that they were recognized by their new queen." Aldwin spoke truthfully, as he knew that many of the staff seriously would be pleased to know that the food lived up to royalty's expectations.

"In Rome, we had... I do not know the word in this language, servus, is the word. Anyway. My family had many, being high in power, and the women took care of me when I was a baby, the men taught me to ride and hunt, and they made the most wonderful meals. They are much like the maids and cooks that you have here," Gwendolyn always thought fondly about the people that worked in her home. They were good people. The thought of her home brought mixed feelings. There was a bitter taste as she remembered how her father gave her away without a second thought, or how she had raised herself, as the women had other work to do. Then there was also the fond memories of tagging along on her brother's adventures, hearing stories of great Emperors, the Gods, and heroes!

Aldwin smiled as Gwendolyn's face lit up im when she spoke of the people who took care of her. He too felt the same way about the people who had raised him. He was so utterly grateful that they had taken the time out of their own day to teach him real manners and respect. He'd had no mother to mother him, and the maids had picked up the role as if they were made to do so. Granted, they probably had been trained to do so, and many had children of their own running through the streets and helping them in the kitchens. So Aldwin understood that light that lit up Gwendolyn's face, and felt his own face beam when he began to speak of his own childhood. "Ah, I do understand where you are coming from. My own mother died during my birth, so I was raised by many of the palace's servants and cooks. My father had no time for me after my mother died, though he loved me, he could not care for me like he would have had my mother lived. I was raised by the people instead, that is why I try my hardest for my kingdom, for many people took a part in raising me. I only wish to return the favor by being the best I can for them." Aldwin smiled softly, the tea returning to his lips again.