
Damien went through Jax's cupboards and gathered the ingredients, thank god for Noah doing Jax's shopping with him otherwise he knew Jax would have the bare minumum. He wasn't going to make anything that needed alot of time, just a quick curry. Damien felt like eating something spicy so he figured he couldn't go wrong. Jax just sat down at the table already and started downloading a few movies, he didn't exactly plan to watch any, he thought he'd probably just sleep on the plane but it was a backup plan incase he couldn't sleep. He smiled as he thought about being with Noah, Jax already knew the journey would be worth seeing him. It felt like he'd been away from him for a week already, although Jax knew he was being abit dramatic. He looked up at Damien "How long is it gonna take?!?" He teased him with a small chuckle. Damien just ignored Jax and rolled his eyes to himself, it was taking alot longer than he had originally wanted but once it finished cooking he served it up and handed a plate to Jax. "Thanks" Jax spoke before eating, it was definitely good but crazy spicy "You trying to kill me or something?!?" Jax joked as he drank his second cup of water. He picked up Damien's plate once he finished and just washed both of them before putting them away. He was almost hyperaware of the time and kept checking it every few moments. Damien chuckled as he watched Jax.

Noah was finally officially done with his work in LA, he worked his ass off today so he could spend a full week with Jax. He was so excited and Coal felt like his head was about to pop off due to how much Noah talks about Jax. They roamed the streets and checked on the rest of the guys at the bar, plus Noah wanted to see if Keni was ok and she sure was ok. She wasn't drunk but tipsy, and she was kissing a guy. Noah's jaw dropped when he looked at the guy. "Oh shit Keni…" It was some random dude that was way too young to be kissing Keni. He ran over to the guy and just said, "Get off her!" He was gentle with the person and just slowly guided the guy away from Keni. Then he ran back to Keni and grabbed her, "We are going to the beach to watch the sunset and you are coming with us!" The three walked down to the beach, it wasn't crowded luckily so they didn't have an issue finding a place to sit. The sky was light orange and pink, the sunset had already begun. It was beautiful, "You like it Coal?" He nodded and looked at the sunset, "It's beautiful like you Noah." Noah couldn't help but blush at what Coal said and just looked down at the sand, he glanced at Keni to make sure that she wasn't digging herself in trouble. He stayed silent for awhile and when the sun set down below the ocean, they headed back to Coal's place. "So, do you mind driving me to the airport to pick up Jax?" Coal nodded and wrapped his arm around Noah's shoulder, "Yeah dude, I'm glad to do anything for you." Noah just smiled as they arrived to the house, it was beautiful. It was definitely ocean themed. It looked like every other beach house Noah's been to. "Well Jax will be here at like 6 and we have to get up at around 5." Coal nodded, it wasn't an issue since the agents were so used to getting up early. "That's fine! Wanna have some dinner? How about some shrimp scampi?" Noah immediately started drooling at what Coal said. "Yes please!" Keni was already passed out on the couch, so the two started talking while Coal made them dinner.

Jax got bored after a while of just checking the time, it was like a constant cycle of seeing the time then wondering when to leave but finally he couldn't wait any longer and looked at Damien "I think I'm gonna leave soon" Damien looked back at Jax with a raised eyebrow, he did think it was still a little early so thought of something quickly. "Okay, I could drive you there? We'd need to walk to mine though" he spoke and Jax thought about it for a few seconds before nodding, he guessed it could give Luna a walk aswell before they both had to wait a while. He got up and just got some food for Luna before going back to his room and checking his bag..again. Damien couldn't help but chuckle "Your not going for a month you know" he joked and Jax chuckled, heading back into the kitchen to put Luna's muzzle and lead on. They headed off to Damien's although with Jax complaining every few seconds about his legs being tired. He headed straight to Damien's sofa and almost fell onto Axel who was sat there. Jax chuckled and apologised before sitting beside him, he glanced at Luna hoping she'd be alright with him after remembering what she had done before. Jax just started chatting with Axel hoping Damien wouldn't start getting annoyed.

Noah watched Coal make dinner, he was very amused that Coal knew how to cook so well. Of course Jax could cook too but Noah hated the fact that he had to admit that Coal was the better cooker. "I think your better at cooking but damn, Jax is better at everything else!" Coal scoffed and served Noah the meal on a plate, "Is he better at making himself an idiot than me?" Noah rolled his eyes, Coal could be rude sometimes but it was just one flaw, it didn't really bother Noah, plus he was going to defend Jax. "Jax is amazing, he's no idiot. Trust me, you'll see what I'm talking about when you meet him tomorrow morning!" Noah smiled and shoved the food in his mouth, he was starving and eating elegantly was no option for him right now. He loved this, eating in a house that's on the beach, not to mention the sounds of the waves. It was so peaceful, and the best part is that it was in LA. Noah smiled at the thought, Coal was taking his time eating the food. "This is delicious!" Noah was done with his food in the matter of seconds. He got up and rinsed his plate off and put it in the dish washer, the house was very nice. It was big with open rooms and huge spaces in each room. There were four bedrooms and five bathrooms with a finished basement and a rooftop with a huge pool in the backyard. It was everyone's dream house, well not for Noah. He would rather live in a penthouse, he pretty much did live in a penthouse but he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to spend the week at a beach house with nice weather. "I'll show you where you and Jax can sleep, assuming you two sleep together?" Noah nodded and followed Coal upstairs, the stairs were glass which made Noah freak out. "It's ok Noah! It won't break." They continued to walk up and to the hallway, which overlooked the living room and kitchen. The room was the very last room on the other end of the hallway where Coal's bedroom was. "Here you go! I chose this room because I don't want to hear you and Jax in the middle of the night." Coal smirked but Noah just rolled his eyes. "We don't have sex every night." Noah went in the bedroom and his body went straight to the bed. "Holy fuck… this bed is my life now." The bed was so soft and fluffy and so smooth and clean. The sheets were white with a ocean themed pillows. The pillows were so fluffy and big, Noah could die in this room. It was very spacious. The bed was a king sized bed so Noah was pretty much squealing. There wasn't much furniture in the room, there was however a massive TV and a glass wall that overlooks the beach. Unfortunately there wasn't a balcony but damn, the view was stunning but there wasn't much to look at since it was dark. The bathroom was stunning, it was once again very spacious. There was a bath that was so big, it could fit 3 people. Noah smirked when he looked at it, he immediately had the idea of Jax and him getting in the bath together. The shower was huge with three showerheads with high pressure which almost made Noah die right then and there. "This is going to be the best vacation and getaway ever!!" Noah yelled and threw his hands up in the air. (Just got out of biology class. I'm literally dying right now) Edited at August 14, 2023 02:21 PM by HazelDragonlove

Jax obviously told Axel about how he was going to LA with his boyfriend, he couldn't help it, he was just overly excited about it. Axel listened in interest which Damien hated, he admittedly was getting abit jealous over Jax talking to Axel instead of him but knew there wasn't really anything to worry about. He knew Jax was only being nice and talkative. Damien shook his head as he headed back into the kitchen and checked the time, due to being the taxi service for the night. He chuckled at the thought and just went back to Jax "Sorry to interrupt but we gotta be leaving now Jax" Damien spoke with a slight glare to Axel. Jax nodded and said bye to Axel before getting his bag and Luna and heading over to Damien's car, he put everything in the car before getting into the passenger seat and grinning over at Damien. It was about 9 and Jax was slightly worried about getting there on time but hoped the traffic wouldn't be so bad at the time. During the ride there Jax mostly just relaxed and chatted about everything, well mostly about Noah. Damien found the drive quite nice especially with the roads being fairly clear. They arrived at the airport and Damien just went into the building with him after Jax had gotten everything. Jax obviously wanted Damien to stay with him but knew that was unrealistic to think of. "Bye Damien, thanks for driving me here" Jax grinned as Damien just smiled quickly before heading back. He took a deep breath before heading to check in. (Ohh godd)

Noah was literally dying in the bed, it was so fluffy and insanely soft. "This is the best Coal!" He screamed and finally after about an hour, he settled down. He took a quick shower in the most amazing one ever, he felt like a new man, living in this house now. Coal walked in on Noah while he was still naked, he was brushing his teeth. "Oh sorry." Coal instantly blushed when he saw how big that…dick was on Noah. He almost screamed and walked out of the bathroom. Noah tilted his head in confusion, Coal had literally just stood there, staring at Noah's naked body. After a few minutes though, Noah put on some clothes, well just some joggers, he didn't bother putting on boxers nor a shirt. He walked out of the bathroom and found Coal's face in a pile of ice. "Someone's melting." Noah joked as he got downstairs and sat on the bar stool. "What were you going to tell me in the bathroom?" Coal lifted his head up and looked at Noah and replied, "Oh I was just going to tell you that the kitchen is yours! You can have whatever I have." Noah smiled and completely ignored the fact that Coal saw his naked body and just said, "Oh thanks." He chuckled awkwardly and just scrolled through his phone. I didn't know where we were going, one second we are in an apartment and the other we are in a house. I growled, I just wanted to be in one spot! I noticed that the human was packing up. I instantly wagged my tail, I loved riding helicopters! I spinned around and waited for the human to get in the car. I loved rides too, I heard the human talk about my human. Wait was I going to see my human!? I barked in excitement, once we were at… wait what is this!? This isn't where helicopters are? I looked around and saw a dog. I barked and thankfully the human didn't put a muzzle on me. I walked next to the human, there were a lot of people here. I was a bit scared but knew I was safe with this human.

Jax went through all the security, which made him slightly anxious but when he got through he didn't really know why he was worrying. He got abit lost trying to find the gate but breathed a sigh of relief as he finally sat down and petted Luna. He was definitely abit overwhelmed with everything, it was the first time he'd been in an airport and he was slightly worried he'd mess something up or miss his flight. Jax shook his head from the thoughts, he was just making himself more worried which he definitely didn't want to do. He put his headphones in and played some music although that didn't last long as he couldn't focus properly. Jax put on a movie he had downloaded, finally glad of actually doing that, and relaxed as he watched it. As it ended he looked up at the time with a yawn, he'd have to be boarding soon and got up to join the queue. Jax let out a breath as he finally boarded the plane and took his seat. He patted Luna as he looked out the window and just waited until the plane took off. He looked out the window as they toof off and watched everything beneath, it did seem pretty crazy but before he knew it Jax fell asleep. It wasn't particularly what he wanted now but he was tired so didn't try fight it.

Noah was a bit tired and was just watching something with Coal in the living room. It was midnight so Noah was about dying to get in the bed. The movie was pretty intense so that's what made him stay awake and the fact that he ate three buckets of popcorn. His stomach was stirring and soon the stirring turned into diarrhea. "Oh god…" He got up and rushed to the bathroom and sat his ass on the toilet for about 30 minutes. After the time had passed he finally was able to get in the bed. "Good night Coal!" Noah waved to him from the stairs, "Good night!" Noah went upstairs and went to his bedroom and got in the bed. And well… "What the hell!?" He yelled in the pitch black room, he was falling asleep on the couch yet he was wide awake as soon as he got in the bed. He hated this, he just sighed and closed his eyes, trying to sleep. But after about an hour of trying to sleep, he finally dozed off.

When Jax woke up he felt slightly disorientated as he looked around and realised he was on the plane. He ran a hand over his face as he sat up and stretched as much as he could in the seat. It was definitely a new weird feeling while he was on the plane but it wasn't something Jax hated. He smiled as he looked at Luna and thought about Noah, he couldn't wait to see him and that just made him think about how long he had left. Jax checked the time and realised he'd slept about 5 hours on the plane, there was only around an hour left. He just turned to look out the window and at the night sky, it was pretty cloudy so he couldn't see alot although he still found it nice. When Damien finally got home, he went straight to his bed to sleep, he didn't even check to see if Axel was up but knew he wouldn't be. He fell asleep pretty much right away although did think about Jason abit. Jax was surprised at how fast the time passed and soon he could see the airport in the distance. He was abit worried although knew that was just because he was still quite tired. He pet Luna to just take his mind off the landing but was glad when they finally stopped and could leave the plane. Jax collected his bag and led Luna off the plane with him before taking a look around. It was definitely a weird thought that he was finally in LA. He couldn't help but text Noah 'Finally landedd!' He smiled as he looked around again.

Noah woke up a few hours later, it was actually 5:30, "Oh shit shit shit!" Noah jumped up from the bed, not bothering to make up the bed. He put on a shirt and grabbed his boots, Coal was already up, he was ready to leave and was downstairs. "Let's go! Sorry I woke up late!!" He rushed into the garage and checked his phone and saw a message from Jax. He had landed, he took a deep breath, what a good way to start the morning. "Drive Coal!" Coal was taking his time getting in the SUV Lexus. He drove to the airport which took around an hour even without traffic. Noah was panicking the entire way there, "Chill out Noah, it's your boyfriend." Noah groaned loudly and was dying right now. "I know I know! Can you drive faster?" Coal nodded and drove faster. They finally arrived, Coal parked in the parking lot and Noah went into the airport. He searched for Jax and almost cried when he saw him. "Jax!" He ran as fast as he could to Jax and jumped into his arms and kissed him. He wrapped his legs around Jax's waist, kissing him some more. Luna sat down next to Jax's , of course Noah saw her and jumped down to pick her up. "Aww, who's the best girl!?" He kissed Luna more than he kissed Jax. "Come on, I wanna let you meet Coal!" He grabbed Jax's arm and ran out of the airport and dragged Jax over to the car. He was still carrying Luna, "Coal! Get your ass out of the car!" Coal groaned and got out, he looked at Jax… "This is who your dating?" His voice sounded very rude as he was very disappointed of Jax.