
Rylie walked in after Elis, grinning at the men who were sitting in the room. Her grip on his gun tightened, and she slowly and silently flipped off the safety.

Elis said " I didn't call it for myself I for the lady " the guys laugh and said" I thought you need some cops taken care " elis growls and said " I can handle easily but I don't dead"

Rylie pulled out the gun and twirled it around her fingers and she walked closer to the guys. "Say...did you kill two military personnel about...15-16 years ago? One K-9 officer and a weapons specialist?" A crooked grin rested on her face.

The guy said " what if we did look lady we kill a lot of cops so we won't remember " James said " answer the lady " elis looks at them before the guy said " you must be cop if you ask that"

Rylie smirked and pointed the gun at them. "Who says I'm a cop? And even if I was, why would I be with him?" She nodded towards Elis. "Now answer the goddamn question."

The guy laughs and they pulled there guns and elis sighed before he pointed his at them and the second guy said " you have no idea what you are doing here girly elis Don't hire female"

Rylie's smirk widened and she walked closer to the guys, resting the muzzle of her gun against the guy's head. "Put. Your. Guns. Down." She said slowly. "And answer the question, or I'll show you why females can be hired be anyone."

The guys laughs and one of got up and moves away elis steps behind him and said " where are you going " he drops his gun and the other guy caused before dropping his gun

Rylie rolled her eyes. "This is how it's going to go. You either tell me if you killed those military personnel, or I'll shoot one of you at random."

The guy the elis had said " we didn't kill them we were arrested when they dead how would we get guns in a police station to do that"