
For some odd reason, it felt natural to follow Ava over to the rock, to go with her. Aelia quickly shook the odd thought out of her head, wondering why she was acting so strange. Trying to ignore her pounding heart, she lifted the gown up for Ava a bit, her feet aching as she did so. Lia watched, entranced, as Ava performed real, real magic. Of course she'd done it earlier but it hadn't quite hit Aelia because she was still pumped full of adrenaline. Now that she was calmer, the reality of it came washing down, and made her thoughts stray. If she had been born to two nymphs, would she have had cool powers too? What would they have been like? Would she have a tree to call her own? Would she be stronger and less sickly? So many questions, none of which she had an answer to. Aelia was pulled out of her thoughts as the odd feeling of water fixing up her injuries surprised her. She watched with interest as the water cleaned and healed her injuries. Truthfully, Aelia had never seen real magic before, her green thumb and ability to slightly understand animals were the closest she'd ever gotten. Lia caught herself watching Ava's face, she looked so at ease, like she healed people everyday, and maybe she did, Aelia didn't know. When Ava pulled back, Lia quickly looked away, not wanting to be caught staring. "Thank you Ava, I didn't know you could do something like that. You're incredible." Aelia finally looked at Ava, a large smile on her face.

Ava rubbed the back of her neck shyly, it visibly flushed red, as her hair was in a low bun, "Y..yeah.. Growing up I trained under a water magic master. She was able to teach me a lot, so I know quite a variety of spells." Standing up, and dusting the dirt off of her knees, Ava offered a hand to Lia, and clasped her forehead warmly as she hauled the princess to her feet, "I'm glad I can help. Now, let's get you home, so all of those other scrapes can be fixed right up." ... Ava had actually trained under a water magic master from a young age. Most children didn't get that - something she conveniently left out. Ava was born as part of group of four - the Guardians of the Elements - and as a result, she had been trained and worked under the previous Water Guardian since the age of five. Luckily, water is a relaxed element, and most Guardians are that way as well. So, unlike the traditional Fire, Ava was able to be trained from her home. She would spend the days split between her family, and the teachings of the Guardian. Hopefully, a tiny bit inside Ava whispered, she's really be able to tell Lia about it one day. For now, though, an omittance of some information was for the best.

Aelia smiled up at Ava as she gently took the other woman's hand and used it to pull herself up, wincing as she did so. The cuts had been healed on her feet, but her body still ached and her feet were bruised. Walking all the way back to the palace seemed like an impossible feat, but she was pretty sure that as long as Ava was there she could do practically anything. "You must be very powerful then, having learned under a master I mean. I'm not quite sure how magic works to be quite honest. I'd know more but.." Aelia trailed off, shrugging as Ava continued. She didn't say anythingin reply though, her brain was stuck on the word home. She wasn't even sure what that was, last she'd checked, home was where one felt safe and loved, and feeling those things within the palace walls was pretty rare for the princess. For awhile, Aelia walked in silence, looking up at the trees who whispered faint words that she couldn't make out. They seemed more alive than usual though. "Ava," Lia's voice seemed unnaturally loud in the relative quiet of the dark forest, "thank you, for everything. You have been so kind to me, even when you did not know who I was. You came to my aid when you could have just stayed home and ignored me. Thank you Ava." Aelia grinned up at the other woman, her cheeks coloring a light pink, as did the tips of her ears that just managed to peek out from her curly hair.

The back of Ava's neck was flushed red, although her face maintained its cool complexion, "Of course. It's what friends do for one another, after all." They then fell into a soft and easy silence. Their hands remained connected, but Ava purposefully didn't let go, nor mention it, and Lia didn't seem to mind it either. All too soon, they neared the edge of the forest, and they could hear the sounds of the guardsmen searching for Lia. This would be as far as Ava would be able to go. "Lia," Ava broke the comfortable silence that had fallen over them, "I know you need to go back now... but if you ever need to get away - for however long - I am only a call away." After a moment of hesitance, Ava gave Lia and tight hug, and held her by the shoulders, "Be safe." With that, Ava let go of her friend, and Randy hissed a warning, "I better go. They guards will be here in a minute."

Aelia felt as if the easy silence between the two would never end, and she honestly wished it would stay that way. Ava's gentle hand was warm, and whenever Lia felt afraid she only needed to remind herself that Ava was there before feeling safe again. The sound of the guards in the near distance broke the magic of the cool night, and Lia's face slipped into a frown. Oh how she wished not to return! Only the gods knew how long her father would keep her in bed, worried for her frail body and safety. If only she had not been born so weak! Her handmaidens would not leave her side for many months, lest they risk angering the king. Aelia began to tremble slightly at the thought of returning to a palace filled with people that hated her, and a father that more often than not kept her locked away in the name of safety. If only she was strong enough to leave! Dragging herself out of her head, Lia listened to Ava's reassuring words and nodded mutely at them. The hug surprised her, but her arms wrapped around Ava within a moment. Aelia found strength there, and when she pulled away, a small smile had appeared. "Thank you again Ava. I know not when I might see you again, but know that I am forever in your debt. Go now, before the guards come and take me back to my father. I will miss you my friend." Aelia gave Ava a grim smile before turning towards the sound of the knights in the distance. Looking back at Ava one more time before disappearing into the trees to end the search for the princess.

ts? or is there more that is gonna happen rn?


hmmm i can think of a few things? not sure about any but i'll throw them out there: 1) lia gets tired of the castle/someone attacks again, and she calls for ava and the two of them start their cottagecore dream together 2) lia sneaks out and meets one of the other element masters (probably earth) on accident, and earth master would be like: woah u got some powerful wards on ya. this is ava's work, eh? ooooo are you two together? and effectively set off lia's sexuality crisis .... idk, just two ideas. im up for anything tho

I have another idea, we don't have to do it or anything but I'm just gonna throw is out there. Aelia's father can't wait any longer for Lia to choose a suitor especially since she's already quite a bit older than most women are when they get married and she still needs to give an heir so he announces that Aelia is gonna get married. Well Aelia isn't real happy about that and kinda just runs off as soon a she can to Ava's market stall. We can't have the whole running away bit just yet cuz I still want Aelia to be stolen away during her wedding.

sounds good w me - can you start? we know itll occur on a day when ava is @ the market.