
Jax smiled as he kept looking at Noah, he didn't particularly want to make him uncomfortable so did try not to look at him too long but that was quite impossible for Jax. He nodded at what Noah said with a quick smile, he obviously didn't mind that he liked butter so much and found it pretty cute, although Jax thought everything Noah did was cute. He smiled widely at him while noticing Noah had been looking down at his hand and tilted his head quickly, wondering why. Jax did have a slight concerned look on his face but he tried to not show it, normally he would probably ask but it was a kinda odd thing to just randomly say. He shook his head quickly as he looked back to Noah "Yeah, I'm ready" Jax smiled as he stood up and waited for Noah.

Noah smiled as he got up and walked over to Jax, leading him to the car. He got Jax in the car and shortly got in himself, he hid his hand and only drove with his right hand. He hummed a few songs and enjoyed riding in his car. He would glance at Jax every once and a while and not often. He was tired but there was something he wanted that only Jax could do to him. Sex. He blushed instantly at the thought as he hid shoulders tensed. He shook the thought off, but almost every date ends in sex, well that's what Noah always thought. He sighed as he pulled up to Max's apartment, "Alright, we are here." He smiled as he got out of the car and opened the passengers door and shoved his hands in Jax's pockets to get his apartment keys. He smiled when he found the keys, he went up to the apartment and unlocked it. He figured a little sex wouldn't kill him. He took off his suit and laid on the couch completely naked. He giggled as he laid completely flat on the couch.

Jax followed with Noah to the car, smiling slightly. He got into the car and just enjoyed the time, he thought back to the day and couldn't help but smile, it had definitely been good although he did glance at Noah, slightly wondering if something was wrong. Jax figured if there was he could tell him since he didn't really want to pressure Noah to tell him if he didn't want to. He did look at his right hand being the only one on the wheel but shook it off. Jax smiled slightly at Noah as they arrived and watched as he went over to him and put his hands in his pockets. He could feel himself blushing and smiled as he got out the car. Jax followed Noah up to the apartment but by the time he got in he noticed Noah was naked on the sofa. He smirked quickly as he went over to him and laid down onto him gently before kissing him. Jax let his hands run over Noah's body and smiled.

Noah chuckled as he saw Jax enter the apartment. He opened his arms and kissed Jax, he noticed that he wasn't getting naked and instantly worried that Jax didn't get the message. He just had to ask, "Your not getting naked!? Oh god I thought you wanted sex, I can put my clothes back on." He was completely embarrassed and got off the couch and got some night clothes on. When he entered the living room again with clothing on, expect boxers, he apologized to Jax. "I'm really sorry, I thought you wanted sex…" He sat back down next to Jax and smiled. He didn't want to make Jax feel pressured in doing anything he didn't want to do so he just sat there and tried not to look embarrassed.

Jax smiled quickly Noah kissed him, although did look at him as he spoke and furrowed his brow slightly. He did sigh at what he said and looked at Noah as he got up. He did want to ask why he had seemed a little odd in the car, but didn't really want to make it a big deal. Jax did just have to wonder about it though. He smiled quickly at Noah as he came back and sat down. "It's okay, it's just you seemed abit odd in the restaurant, I saw you looking down at your hands and then you were only driving with your right hand and I don't know I was just wondering, I'm probably just overthinking it but yeah" Jax spoke in a rush and sighed quietly, he glanced at Noah.

Noah smiled but didn't look at Jax, he was way too embarrassed to look at him. He heard what Jax had to say and it kind of caught him off guard. He didn't exactly want to talk about why he was acting weird but to himself he didn't know he acted weird. He sighed as he looked up at Jax, "I'm fine, I wasn't acting weird I was just nervous. You know? I haven't been on a date in several years." He chuckled as he laid on Jax, he hated the fact that he needed to go back to work tomorrow and groaned at the thought. "I have to get to work tomorrow and I'm going to bed, you wake me up and I'll tell butter that I love it more than you." He chuckled lightly at the joke as he kissed Jax, "Good night, I love you." He got up and went into Jax's bedroom and flopped onto the bed, slowly getting under the covers. He breathed slowly as his mind went into a different universe, he slowly drifted away. Edited at July 26, 2023 12:51 PM by HazelDragonlove

Jax bit his lip slightly anxiously as he noticed Noah wasn't looking at him. He was abit worried that he had annoyed him but tried to shake off the thought. He did try observe Noah's face but still had no idea what he was thinking. Jax listened to what Noah said and nodded quickly "Yeah, sorry I was just overthinking it " he replied quietly. He smiled as Noah led on him and looked at him until what he said. Jax chuckled although wasn't sure how he felt about Noah going back to work, of course he wouldn't try ask him not to go but he was definitely slightly worried. He shook it off as Noah kissed him and smiled "I love you too." Jax stayed up abit later than Noah and just replied to the texts Damien had sent before getting up and going into the bedroom. He changed from his suit and just got into bed carefully, trying not to wake Noah and soon fell asleep.

Noah yawned as he noticed the sun hadn't come up yet, that was a good sign. He got up and changed into a simple white shirt with baggy jeans and his black boots. He was careful to not wake up Jax as he got ready. Once he was done getting his stuff together, he went over to Jax and kissed him on the forehead gently. "I love you." He whispered as he got his keys and went out. The sun was rising as he got in his car and started to drive back to work. He didn't do much on the way there. Once he was in the garage, he was immediately greeted by other agents. He went inside and immediately walked into hell. "What the hell Jason!? You can't just do that because Anna told you to, you know the correct coding I don't care if it doesn't work. Find another coding base!" Millie was yelling at Jason and Anna got frustrated by Jason. Keni was just thankful her partner was better, she was the first one to notice that Noah walked in the door. "Hey Keni." She hugged her partner tight as she caught him up on their project.

Jax awoke and instinctively looked over to the side of him for Noah before realising he had already left for work. Jax groaned tiredly as he looked up at the ceiling before looking at the time on his other side. It was about 8am and Jax got out of bed and headed to the shower. He had a fairly long shower, just relaxing under the steady stream of warm water before getting out and changing. Jax chose a pair of skinny ripped jeans, a shirt with an odd design and just threw on a hoodie. He sent a text to Damien asking him to come over, he probably would have went to his but just instead asked him over. Although Jax hadn't seen Damien for only a day he still missed him and chuckled slightly.

As Millie and Jason went on and on about their conversation, well argument Noah started to work, ignoring the two arguing behind him. Anna wandered over to his desk and smiled, "Oh hey Anna." Noah smiled at her as she checked Noah's neck for a hickey but was extremely surprised when she didn't find one, well she found one that was fading. "Oh hey 'Mister-I-didn't-have-sex-with-Jax-last-night.'" Anna chuckled as she watched her boss get in a fight with her partner, "Well I'll be going now, since your brain is probably thinking of Jax right now." Noah rolled his eyes and slightly blushed. Keni came over after Anna left and hugged him, "So! How was the break Millie gave you?" Noah shrugged as he kept his eyes on the screen, not wanting to really talk to anyone. Keni sighed when she realized her partner wasn't going to speak to her no matter what she says, "Anna's pregnant." Noah almost choked on the air then realized he already knew, "Oh yeah, I heard Millie say that. I'm happy for them, IVF injection?" Keni nodded as she watched Noah work, it was quite amusing.