
Levushka Mentions: Cero and Shadow Levushka walks around the room, "Albeit my awakening isn't in a good place, I'm doing quite fine. Well, sorta." He rubs the back of his neck, turning over to the wall that was separating him and Cero. "Zaphara is doing okay, but Sephtis is planning something with her." His face scrunches up, "Ugh, he's back to his girlfriend claiming event." It was strange but also a bit of relief as he still has a connection with the angels. "Cero, Shadow. Sephtis is planning on doing something with the kids. I have no clue on what it is, but it can't be good." Giving a shake of his head, pacing back and forth in his room, "Hey, Cero? Do you think I can seduce my way out? I'm sure it would work." Placing a hand on the steel door, a frown on his face. "Hey, assholes. Let me out!" The door does the unexpected: opening. Levushka was confused as to why the door opened. One of the guards seem to notice his puzzled reaction. "All relatives of Sephtis are permitted free reign of the facility. If you step out of line, he'll surely kill you. However," the guard continues speaking with Levushka listening in silence, "you can't go to the female ward or see the children. If you are discovered in those halls, then Sephtis would be notified." Hearing those words, Lev nods his head and walks over to Shadow's cell. The guard opened the door, Levushka stepping inside the blind man's room. He hears the door closing behind him, Levushka was a bit surprised by the given information. "Well, guess I don't have to seduce anyone to leave." He shrugs his shoulders then sits down on Shadow's bed. Edited at October 30, 2021 10:02 PM by Cereal

Cero & Shadow | M: Lev, Zaphara(ind), Sephtis(ind), Kids(ind) Cero listened as Lev said, "Zaphara is doing okay, but Sephtis is planning something with her. Ugh, he's back to his girlfriend claiming event. Cero, Shadow. Sephtis is planning on doing something with the kids. I have no clue on what it is, but it can't be good. Hey, Cero? Do you think I can seduce my way out? I'm sure it would work." Cero tilted his head, scratching his neck as Lev went to yell at the guards before leaving. Zaphara. Alive and well. Sephtis. Unfortunately alive. Cero leaned back, half growling to himself as he listened to Lev and Shadow converse.
Shadow tilted his head as he listened to Lev before his door opened a couple moments later. "Well, guess I don't have to seduce anyone to leave." Lev said, sitting down close by. Shadow tilted his head to him before saying, "That might be a good thing. However, I'm slightly more worried about the kids. If I know any of the girls, Flame would be setting everything on fire at this point to get to Lily." The name left his lips before he could stop it and he tapped his cane while he closed his eye. Not a name he liked to say. The girl was beautiful yes, but oh Lily. Sighing, he opened up his blind eye again, tilting his head back towards Lev. "How is Zaphara back alive?" He asked, hearing Cero half sigh behind him. If Zaphara could come back, who and how would be the question. Who could do it and how did they do it. Hopefully not Ibex, that just wouldn't be good.
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Amber Lily | M: Cerviel A portal under her leg made her stumble and he slashed at her twice. Once, she could feel him draining her of energy even as she drained him of energy and the other, black darkness sticking onto her fur. She growled, now she was pissed. She suddenly shifted into her human form, slashing forward as her other hand reached up to her earring. Her hand cut along harmlessly on his shoulder but then she bounced away, coughing slightly. She looked back at him, a crazy grin forming on her face as a sword of demon energy appeared in her hand and a spear of angelic energy appeared on her back. Better to keep the balance. Her earring was the perfect place to keep the powers but she could tell that it could only handle 4 powers unlike her normal gem. She smiled grimly before purring to him, "You picked the wrong day to mess with me." The darkness that had been clinging to her had been soaked in and was now transmitting energy into her sword which she swung at Cerviel with ease and skill. Where that came from, she had no idea except for the faintest memory of practicing sword fighting with her...sister? She shook it away, not the moment to be thinking about it.
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Cerviel Mentions: Amber, Ibex, and Sephtis "Copying the powers of a great being is going to tear your soul apart, Amber. Best if you use such powers cautiously." He says, allowing the sword of dark energy to cut him, and his grin only grows wider. "Thanks for fueling me up. Now I have to return the favor." Two more wings appears, his weapon not coated by dark light. Lifting his conjoined weapons up, creating a large ball of dark light above his head. "I can't wait to turn you and this facility to ash. I hate every single one of you!" He could feel his energy drain rapidly, but he doesn't care. He was getting ready to release it until he felt a tranq dart pierce his skin. Luckily, he falls unconcious quite easily, and the dark light fading away. The one who shot him was an Ibex soldier, gun pointed at Amber now. "Battle is over. Sephtis would like to see Cerviel now." A couple of soldiers drag the fallen angel out of the arena, Cerviel returning back to normal.

Achlys | 16 | Female | M: None, open Achlys’s head was a blur; storming with swirling thoughts and raging emotions. Hatred. Fear. Disgust. All of those feelings were directed towards her captors- Ibex. They were a group of delinquents that should be erased from the world- beings that shouldn’t be allowed to exist. Well, that was Achlys’s mindset. She couldn’t bear the fact that they didn’t allow the experimentals their freedom; was it because they were different? Or, maybe because they were feared. Achlys didn’t really know. She sat on her small, uncomfortable white bed, which was bolted down to the floor. Achlys wished that it wasn’t, she wished that she could just lift it up and throw it across the room in her anger. She looked up at the ceiling with a smirk on her face, thinking of all the destruction that she wanted to cause. But she couldn’t. Because Ibex was preventing her from doing so. IbexIbexIbex. She wanted to kill them. Achlys wasn’t aware of how childish she was being as her maniacal laughs echoed throughout her room. What were they going to do to Achlys? Experiment on her to the point that her insanity got worse? Or, maybe they’d just keep her locked up in this cell forever. Forever and ever. For eternity. But knowing Ibex, they wouldn’t do that. Would they? Achlys lifted herself off of her bed and got to her feet, her footsteps quick and barely hearable as she paced around her room. She couldn’t bare how bright the lights in her room were, as her power source was darkness. This meant that her weakness was inevitably light. Achlys was always most active around night or in shadowy places, it’s where she could utilize her abilities to their fullest and become a foe close to unbeatable. During a sunny day, though, one could achieve a facile victory over her. Triumphing over her was nothing to brag about. “The light, the light, the light.” Achlys said, suppressing a giggle, all while looking at her surroundings and using her brain to find a way of escape. She couldn’t use any of her powers to break or move anything; it was useless and nothing more than a waste of energy. The glass door that was the exit to the girl’s room was extremely durable and considering how powerless Achlys was, it’d be near impossible to break. Not worth her time. Plus, the facility was in the ocean, so even if she did manage to escape Ibex’s facility, how would she swim to the surface? Everything was pointless. Pointless. So Pointless. When would Achlys get up off of her ass and do something worth her while? Something that didn’t involve people. Ew. Achlys kicked at her glass door, pointlessly. It’d do nothing but make a bit of noise. She could see a room across from her, but who was in it? Achlys didn’t know, but did she want to? No. It’d be pointless. Everything was at this point; all Achlys could do now was wait for Ibex to come and take her out for another… experiment.

Amber | M: Cerviel, Ibex, Sephtis(ind), Achlys Amber hissed at Cerviel, ready for his attack when the tranq dart hit him. He fell easily and she stopped using his powers as Ibex came in. She retreated to a corner of the room as they came in and gave instructions that the battle was over. One of the Ibex's guns was pointed at her but she ignored it, staying to the far side of the room as they took Cerviel out. Only when the Ibex soldiers stepped closer and one said, "We are to escort you back to your cell." Did she start forward, containing her own power and moving forward willingly. She didn't want to get tranqed as well. This Sephtis reminded her of something which only made her realize that she needed to figure out her memories before they got her into more trouble. As she got back to her cell, she curled up on the bed as the soldiers left her and started to go through a list of words to try to remember.
A scuffle in the room beside her reminded her that there was an unknown experiment in it. She sighed before leaning against the wall, listening into the other room. She had been asleep most of the time that the other girl had been there but that was no excuse for not getting to know her. Well---maybe a little bit. "Kicking the door does nothing. Neither does yelling at the guards. Although, I would rather stick a sword through their hearts than yell at them." She said through the wall to the other experiment, muttering the last part.
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Ava || Mentions: Sephtis, Abominations Slowing to a stop, Ava looked directly at Sephtis as he drew near, a wretched feeling in her gut. He mentioned mindreading, and she tensed up. So, basically, everything she would think of, or even say in her head, he would hear. Now, isn't that just fantastic. He drew closer, speaking, a hint of mischief in his eyes, and with a snap of his fingers, Ava's arms were wrapped with large hands, reptile-like creatures holding them. Her eyes grew in flame, but stopped when Sephtis mentioned her powers were basically useless, she tried to jerk her arms out of their grasp but they wouldn't budge. Too focused on her arms, Ava didn't even realize Sephtis was inches away from her before he grabbed her chin, giving it an uncomfortable squeeze. He was close, too close. God, didn't she had a dying urge to upchuck him right in the sack. She glowered at him, her eyes pinned on him. She felt uncomfortable, and vulnerable at the moment. She hated that feeling, she loathed it. Speaking as if he could do anything in the world, her stomach began to swirl, and her muscles became tense, her eyes twitching slightly. The many ways that he could dispose of her made her feel ill, her legs felt numb. She grinded her teeth, jerking her head back as he pulled away, trying to push herself back, away from the man. "Either obey me, or I punish." Those words stuck to her, and she hated him even more, who puts "obey" and "punish" in the same sentence? He does, apparently so. She couldn't think of what to say, to respond back with a nasty response or lunge at him with her foot, kicking him where it hurts. She couldn't think, for one, he obviously had the ability to read her mind, or, had one of his abominations to do it for him. Second, she simply couldn't figure out what to do in this particular situation. Ava could only wait for the outcome. Arms free, Ava yanked them back to her body, wrapping them defensively around her chest, taking a few steps back, not knowing she was a few feet away from the wall, and cornering herself. She then looked over her shoulder to see she was indeed feet away from the wall, and grinded her teeth, knowing she was in a diffuclt position, mentally and physically. "What'd you say, Ava? Do you agree to be my girlfriend?" Ava looked up at him, the qustion pondering in her head. No, she did not, she would rather die.. but at the same time, she didn't want to die, she wanted to lvie her own life, away from Ibex, but unfortunately the little cockroaches always found a way to invade her life and snatch her away from it all. Should she? Reasons why she should say yes: Nothing. Reasons why she should say no: He is a physcopath. He just explained to you how he would watch you die. He can waltz around the facility, and not get snagged by teh scientists, so he obviously has a powerful role which means bad news. Not including all the other hundreds of reasons why she should say no. The only way to survive was to deal with it all.. he'll probably become bored of her shortly, there was nothing for them to do there anyways. She gritted her teeth, and glanced down at her feet, her arms tight around herself. "Fine."

Achlys | 16 | Female | M: Amber Eventually, Achlys started to not only kick at the door, but she banged on it, too. She was completely aware that all it’d do was make some noise and fingerprints on the glass, yet she continued to do it for no other purpose than she needed something to take her anger out on. It wasn’t like there were any other experimentals in her prison cell with her, and she couldn’t reach those that were contained in different rooms. Not that she wanted to see the sight of any other people, anyway. In the middle of her childish tantrum, though, Achlys heard a voice. "Kicking the door does nothing. Neither does yelling at the guards.” The voice said, and from what Achlys could tell, they mumbled something inaudible after that. The girl looked in the direction from which the voice had come; she was certain that it had to belong to another imprisoned experimental. Achlys persisted beating up the door, though, she’d continue until her rage was no longer extant and it was carried away by the nonexistent wind. She began to strike harder at the door; the words of the one who’d spoken to her earlier only made her mood worse. Didn’t the experimental know that Achlys knew she couldn’t do anything? That she was powerless? “I know that,” Achlys finally replied in a gravelly tone that was edged with the slightest hint of disdain. “I’m not stupid, so don’t get the wrong idea of me.” “Who are you? And, how the hell did you end up in this shitty situation, anyway?” Achlys asked the other experimental, wondering if Ibex had used the same methods that they had on her and going off on a childish rant. “Did they perhaps knock you out and drag you here by brute force? Or, maybe they used the same method with you as they did with me, using poisonous gas to render you unconscious so that they could lock you up here and deprive you of your freedom.” Achlys paused, giggling. Childishly. “But one thing’s for sure, we’re never going to get out of here. There’s no way. The freedom that we used to cling to like the desperate little maggots that we are isn’t going to present itself ever again…” “...how unfortunate.” Maniacal laughter erupted throughout Achlys’s cell before fading into silence. Edited at October 31, 2021 04:11 PM by Glacialis

Amber | M: Achlys “Who are you? And, how the hell did you end up in this shitty situation, anyway? Did they perhaps knock you out and drag you here by brute force? Or, maybe they used the same method with you as they did with me, using poisonous gas to render you unconscious so that they could lock you up here and deprive you of your freedom.” The girl said beside her and she chuckled, "No, Ibex decided to stoop all the way down to taking me when I was in my dormant form. Cowards."
The girl giggled in her room, "But one thing’s for sure, we’re never going to get out of here. There’s no way. The freedom that we used to cling to like the desperate little maggots that we are isn’t going to present itself ever again…" She laughed manically before fading into a silence. Amber blinked before rubbing her head. Perfect, she didn't remember a single thing and she had a slightly insane neighbor. Something popped into her head. This had happened before. "Well, not impossible. We have escaped Ibex before and we had quite a few years trying to avoid going back." Amber said, trying to concentrate on that memory. The only thing she kept getting was fire all around her. Argh.
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Nyx || Mentions: Ibex, Dr. Coin Being escorted down the hall by 3 guards, and 3 scientists, Nyx was clutching her flat stomach, wincing, holding back everything. She didn't know if they knew about her pregnancy, but she didn't want to risk it, so she used her muscles and all her strength to suck in her stomach, holding in what used to be her baby bump. Nyx was still dressed in her clothes from days before, she could slowly smell an odor clinging to her clothing. She was surprised by teh fact they hadn't cuffed her hands or put anything on her mouth to keep her shut, it was odd, and she wanted to know why. "So... where are we going?" Dropping to the floor on her knees with a thud, Nyx sucked in air, clutching her stomach, her eyes squeezed shut. The guard behind her kicked her in teh back after she spoke, and he leaned down, and whispered into her ear, "Shut up. If you don't, I'll make you." She tilted her head back, looking at him in the corner of her eye, whispering back. "Oh no. If anyone is going to shut up," she stared at him, her eyes glowing brighter slowly, "Its you." She twirled around, reaching up for his throat in a split second, squeezing, breaking off his circulation, she stood up as if nothing was holding her down, shoving him into the wall. His body fell limp, and the scientists in front of her gasped, and the last remaining two guards yelled into their walkies and walked towards her, holding up electric prods. Being the dumbass fighter she is, she lunged at the two guards, killing them both within a period of 5 minutes. and she swung her head, looking over at the scientists. One had ran away down the hall, while two remained. Dr. Coin and some other Doc she didn't know. "Well, you are much stronger than your sister, Glory.." Dr. Coin spoke as Nyx grabbed her throat, pinning her against the wall. "Don't talk to me about that wretch," she hissed. "I was contemplating putting her on the bus, along with her opponent, but you... you seem more promising," the Doctor managed to speak, staring at Nyx. "Even if you kill me, more will come after me. No matter where you are, you will, you all will be ours. You all belong to us, we own you." "I belong to no one." Snapping the neck of the Doctor, she stepped back watching Dr. Coin's body fall down, collapsing on the floor. Nyx began to turn around when she was struck in the side by an electric rod, then another, then another, falling down on the ground, shaking horribly, being grabbed roughly. "Take her to Room B. If she is going to be like this, we might as well get something from her before she cools down," the other Doctor demanded, walking towards Nyx. "I think its time for a timeout, don't you?" And with that, Nyx was shoved the other way, led down the hallway to certain doom.