Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* M: Killjoy Seya dropped the moose in shock at what he said. Her fur spiked up slowly, a common occurrence when she's shocked, as she stared at him. "W-what?" She asked and then shook her head. She walked over to him and gently lifted up his paw that had the broken claw and whimpered. She knew that it must hurt having it roke like that.
Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Icicle yawned, her belly full. Frost had already curled up and fallen asleep. Shadow was eating his fill. The moose could last us for a while. No going hungry now. She thought before chuckling to herself, No more fish! She liked fish but it was now icky due to eating it all the time. The rabbits and squirrels were all busy getting ready for winter which was getting closer and closer these days. Which also meant that moose and deer would be migrating away from the forest. Her last thoughts were, At least we still have Shadow. .before she fell asleep.
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|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Saya| "I'm fine Saya! Come on, lets get this home." He said, playing tug with branch for the moose. |Illusion| Male| Lead Hunter/warrior| M: Anyone| Illusion rolled onto his back. "That one looks like a mouse. That one looks like Father. That one looks like a moose." He mumbled to himeslf. He huffed. "How long am I supposed to stay off my feet?" He whined.
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Calli-pup-female-M: icicle, frost Calli walked away from her brother into a little area, she sees two foxes sleeping together she walks over and yips playfully, not caring if they're friendly or not she licks one of them (icicle) and barks at the other (frost)
Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Calli Icicle woke up to a yip and a lick. Shaking her head, she saw one of the pups. "Oh my goodness, your soooo cute!" Was Icicle's first statement. Her second saying was, "Do you want to play?" She lowered her front body in what she thought meant play in the wolf language, with her tail in the air. Frost cackled at her and she swatted him. "Yip yip, you want to play?" She asked the pup again, this time in the pup language.
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Love you walked around the pack checking on everything and not fully knowing what else to do.She padded over to the stream and jumped in happy for the cold water she stayed swimming even tho the water was a little colder than she liked.She got to the bank of the stream and rolled in the grass before shakeing off the water and grass she was happy to have a pack to look up to. ~~ Sparks of love laid awake the outline of her body against the ground he dark pelt matching in with the shadows.Her tired eyes had caught up to her and she bagan to close them.She was dreaming about the pack seeing them run together run together and the new pups playing with each other.She pictured her running in a medow with flowers and butterflies flying around her.
Calli-pup-female-M: Icicle "Yip yip, you want to play?" says the fox (icicle) Calli bows down into play position and barks a "yes!" back to the fox. Calli jumps high into the air and lands on her side. she lets out a little puppy chuckle and says "your turn" to the fox
|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Everyone| Killjoy dragged the moose into the camp, and dropped it with a huge thud. |Sky| Female| Pup| M: Ash| Sky opened her eyes. They were icey blue, with a a tint of purple. She looked up at Ash. "Your not my mom." She said, sitting up. "Can you point me in what way she went?" She asked.
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Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Calli Icicle jumps high twisting in mid air to land facing the pup. Yipping again, she turned in a circle before rolling a moss ball over to the pup. Jumping, she yipped before rolling onto her back and jumping up again. Frost was just watching the two of them while Shadow slept close by. She couldn't see much of Shadow other than his black fur.
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Calli-pup-female-M: icicle Calli jumps and tries the twist but lands on her back she sniffs the moss ball and licks it "EW!" she says and spits out small grains of dirt. Calli tries the jump twist again but lands in a mud puddle. she shakes her coat dry but splattering the mud evrywhere.