
Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Lean(ind) Shadow walked through the forest, hearing the calls from various moose and deer. He knew that they would be moving on as it got colder but while they were here, him and the foxes might as well have some good meat to eat. Frost had already gone up ahead to scout. Icicle was. . .somewhere. Looking towards the sky, he wondered for a moment how Lean was doing with the pups. Looking towards the ground, his paws led him off the path to a small ledge. Jumping onto the rock, he looked down once before disappearing into bear sleuth territory.
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|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Saya| "Don't worry Saya, I've been there a hunderd times, nothing is going to happen. It'll be quick." He said trotting on.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* M: Killjoy Seya whimpered and sat down. "Please be careful." She told the ground before jumping up and running after him. "I might not be as strong as you, but I can still help!" She smiled a little. This was just so she could keep an eye on him but she didn't say that.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Saya| They passed through the treeline to a once of a kind meadow. It had lush green grass, a pond, and a river running through it. The air was freash, and clean. The best part: it belonged to no animal. Killjoy saw the moose, and stalked towards it. He laid low, until it started to eat. He then jumped onto her back. Her weak legs buckled under his weight, and she went down. He then bit the neck, until blood was pouring out. Then he laid down next to her, and looked her in the eye. "Thank you" He whispered, as her soul left her body.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* M: Killjoy Seya walked over to him and sat down and leaned her head on the moose's body. Another version of a prayer. She then looked at Killjoy and smiled. Her tail wagged happily. "That was incredible!" She said and then nuzzled him.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Saya| "What did I say? An easy hunt." He said with a laugh, and began to drag her to the pack. "I guess we should show the beta's the meadow soon, so that we can claim it as ours. Look at all the herds, Starless Night will sure love it here!" He said, struggling to talk through the moose's fur.
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Shadow | Male | Loner | M: Killjoy & Seya(ind) Shadow walked into the meadow. Two wolves took down an old moose but there was an old buck that Frost had told him about. Ignoring the two wolves, he turned spotting the moose trotting towards him. He spotted the two foxes snapping at it's hind feet, staying a bit aways from the huge beast. They fell back as Shadow charged the moose. It reared before falling. A net had caught on its front and hind legs making it unable to move. Shadow jumped, lunging for it's throat. Sinking his fangs into it's throat, the foxes started cackling behind him. He chuckled, he knew they were tired of fish. He backed up before tearing into the thick fur, pulling it away to let the foxes eat. He walked a couple steps away before laying down, cleaning the blood off his paws.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* M: Killjoy Seya smiled and giggled. She picked up one of the moose's legs and helped drag it. "I'm not sure who that is but I trust you." She said and then gently flicked his nose with her tail. "Still kinda worried they won't really like me. Stayed in the forest for a while. Probably forgot about me, if I'm completely honest." Her ears drooped. I don't really blame them if they did.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Saya| Soon they were near camp. "Saya, your not an easy wolf to forget." He said, panting. "Ug I still can't belive that Illusion is still alive." He grumbled, tearing up the ground from dragging the heavy moose. One of his claws broke, but he barley felt anything.
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Lemon heard "Claim the meadow." from a stuffed mouth he walked towards it and stopped.He let out a sigh and shook his head "We can not claim that territory."he said looking at the two "That territory is for all the packs around.".He walked closer to the two and stopped "I think you two can show that off."he said while turning around and walking towards his sister. ~~ Lean looked down from her hill with the pups around her she sniffed the air smelling the sent of dead and young yet the moss and grass around.She smiled to herself as she smelt two wolves amungst a dead animal.She closed her eyes listening to the things around her.