
Night | Female | Loner | M: Ash Night hears a howl of life, she knows it's not meant to be to her but she howls out anyway it is somewhat high-pitched but full of emotion, fear, sadness, joy, and somewhere deep in there. Love.

Ash-Female-Mother/Scout-M: Night(ind.), Calli, Louvel Ash felt the snuggle that one of the little bundles of fur made. Hugging them close to her she also heard a howl answering her's. It was a howl just like the one she made. Ash could hear the emotion in it. Looking around she saw some shadows. "Come out, I don't bite." She told the calm and quiet forest.

Night | female | loner | M: Ash Night heard the voice she replied "all wolves bite silly" she walks out to where the wolf is (Ash) She notices she has pups. Night walks a little closer but keeps her distance all the other wolves she tried to befriend betrayed her she looks at the wolf (Ash) and asks "who are you"

Ash-Female-Mother/Scout-M: Night "All wolves bite silly," The shadow in the forest turned into a black wolf. "Smart wolf." Ash said back. The wolf(Night) still kept her distance but Ash could see that the wolf wanted to come near. "who are you?" The wolf asked. "I am Ash, who are you? Don't worry, come closter"

Night-female-loner-M: Ash "I am Ash, who are you? Don't worry, come closer" Ash says, Night walked closer, she can sense the kindness in her voice. "I'm Night," she says and walks as close as she'll dare, she is about three feet away from Ash and her pups. "are there others?" Night asks

Ash-female-Mother/Scout-M: Louvel, Calli, Night "I'm Night," The wolf said, "are there others?" and she nodded at the pups. "No...I mean I had more pups but..." her voice trailed off "I don't know what happened to them." Ash looked back at Night "They were always getting into trouble and ran off together one night." Ash pointed to Louvel "this is my third male pup," she nodded to Calli "and this is my first female." "Have you ever had pups?" Ash asked Night.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Saya| Killjoy let Saya go. "Sorry" He said, his head down. He laid down with his tail between his legs, and buryed his nose in the ground, his way of saying sorry.
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Gwendolyn- omega- m:Illusion Once Gwendolyn finished eating her fil lshe cleaned the blood from her muzzle and went over to Illusion. "Hello I want to thank you for bringing in the buck. My hunting attempt earlier failed I just couldn't bring myself to kill a mother rabbit with your young ones." She was a little shy around Illusion. Glacier- beta- M: anyone Glacier went over to the pound and lapped up some water getting a drink. She then stretched and let out a lazy yawn. She decided perhaps she should patrole their little camp and make sure everyone was safe.

Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* M: Killjoy Seya hugged him. She whimpered. "It's okay. Don't worry about it! It's not your fault." She patted his back and nuzzled his shoulder. She didn't like seeing someone look or act like that. She wanted to make him feel better but she didn't know how to.

|Illusion| Male| Lead Hunter/warrior| M: Gewndolyn| "Of course!" He said sitting up. "Want to go hunting with me? I can show you all of the best places to hunt!" He said sitting up and shaking himself off
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