
Night | Female loner | M: Lean Night smells a smell of pups and a wolf she slowly walks toward them to try not to alarm them she circles them once, then twice, she thinks to herself what it would be like to have a family of her own. she walks toward a low branched tree and falls asleep.

|Killjoy| Male| Hunter/warrior| M: Saya| Killjoy laughed as she pounced on him. He rolled over, and began to play with her. He play growled, and gently grabbed her by the scruff, and gentley shook her. |Illusion| Male| Lead Hunter/warrior| m: Glacier| "Your welcome." Illusion said relaxing a bit.
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Lean caught the sent of a Female she walked out of the den.She scanned the area then went back into the den not fully knowing. She curled into a ball and fell asleep praying Shadow would come back to her. ~~ Lemon fallowed Shadow into the woods he let a high pitch howl out. Waiting for a reply he sat down getting the black ashes on his yellow pelt.His heart skipped a beat for the love of his sister and Shadow.

Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Lemon Shadow walked through the woods before hearing a howl. Turning, he trotted to the stream where he sat down. Letting out a returning howl, he dipped a paw in flipping out a fish. Flipping out another one, he laid down digging into the soft body of the trout.
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Lemon troted to Shadow and laid down not waning food but to talk "Shadow I have always liked you with my sister and well when you ran her love stayed and mine ran away with you,I guess what I am asking is why did you run?"he said with a sigh.

Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Lemon Shadow looked at Lemon before closing his eyes. Memories filtered in and out. "I never ran, the question you should be asking is why I didn't come back." He got up before stretching, a long bear-claw mark was now fully seen on his shoulder. "The bear sleuth decided they wanted Lean's territory and were going to drive us out. Thanks to a little help from the foxes, I turned it around. It, however, also spread some nasty rumors." He shrugged, "Some are true, some aren't." He looked deeply into Lemon's eyes before saying quietly, "I went back to my father's territory, something that I wouldn't have done if I didn't know Lean was in trouble. Now, I must make sure that I finish my father's dying wish: To see this forest back to it's way before the fire." He dipped his head, "There's your answer." Talking too much already, he turned disappearing into the burned woods.
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Seya | Female | Wolf| *Shy, Anxious* M: Killjoy Seya yelped when he grabbed her by the scruff. She tried moving away from him but couldn't. She was just too weak compared to him to even do anything. She looked at him with pleading eyes. She had never played with another wolf before and it terrified her. (Sorry for the late response! Had to do important stuff)

Gwendolyn- omega- anyone in pack Gwendolyn wandered around the camp she went over to the buck that Illusion had brought into the pack and ate a little bit off of it watching Glacier inspect Illusion. Glacier- beta- M: Illusion Glacier once finished thanking Illusion for the peace offering moved next to Gwendolyn and ate a little of the buck herself once finished eating she licked the blood from her muzzle and looked around. Edited at April 8, 2021 05:17 PM by Blackwidow

Ash-Female-Mother/Scout-M: Sandstorm, Delta, Louvel Ash pulled away from her exited siblings. "I will be right back." She told them then went off into the woods alone. About mid-day Ash went to were the pups were playing. Laying down she put the little bundles she was carrying down. She started to lick the harry bundles and clean it from top to bottom. One of the tiny bundles Ash had was all black except for some silver marks. "I will call you Louvel." Ash wispered to whatever she held. The other one was a patchy brown and black. "And I will call you Calli." Then breaking into a joyful howl she anounced that new life had come. "Ahroo!" Edited at April 8, 2021 06:02 PM by Frank's Wolf Pack

Louvel | pup | male Louvem yawned and let out a puppy yip and and snuggled up with his mother,Ash