
Lemon looked deep into flame's eyes and let out a sigh "Do you know his name I might be able to do what I can but no promises." he said with a soft tone.He got to his feet and let out a little bark to get Flame to come with. ~~ Lean got out of her den and walked to a clearing on the other side of the woods.She walked to the left then stopped a little opening to enter she entered and sat down waiting for Lily to come.

Night/ lone wolf/ female Night sits near a small pond in a forest clearing, she lets out a sigh looking at her reflection, she hears a small crack of a stick and jumps, she realizes it was just a squirrel, but there is something else something different something she hasn't smelt for a long time. she smelt another wolf. she had an urge to run toward the wolf but instead retreated into the woods

Lemon smelt a wolf not close but not far either he started to let a growl out.He then stood his full hight not letting the wolf see he was not fully ready for a fight.He then walked around Flame as to protect her do not let anything happen to her. he thought.His growling started to get louder his teeth starting to show.

Dark knight/ lone wolf/ male Dark Knight hears the growl and lifts his head and lets out a long and bone-chilling howl then looks deep into Lemon's eyes and stands up fully out of the bushes showing his overly large size. he raises his hackles to show his dominance he lets out a low growl to Lemon baring his teeth.

Flame | Female | Elder | M: Lemon, Dark Knight Flame smiled at Lemon before hearing him growl. Scenting another wolf, she walked over to Lemon before letting out the lone-wolf high pitched howl. A cackle told her foxes were in position. She looked back at Lemon before saying, "You already know his name, who he is. And I am so glad to be the one to tell you that I am the aunt of Lean's pups." At that moment, a low-pitched howl rang out in the bushes.
Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Lemon, Dark Knight Shadow heard the call, the one he had taught Flame. Sprinting through the woods, he came to a clearing with a pond. Beside it stood Flame and Lemon. He came up behind a black wolf, unknown wolf. Letting out his low-pitched howl, he told Flame he was there and gave a warning to the wolf in front of him. He came out of the bushes, fangs showing and his growl vibrating in his throat.
Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lean Lily followed Lean before coming to a stop. Following Lean carefully, she went inside to find the cave. She immediately scanned the inside and where the entrance was to find her way back. Once done, she looked back at Lean waiting.
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Lemon Stops what he was doing when the black wolf came out he looked at Flame then at Shadow "Wow I had no idea." he said puzzled at the word out from Flames mouth.His head was spinning not knowing fully what to say. ~~ Lean Shakes her head "What do you think safe enough or no I have one more that is a little farther about 15minutes and the wolf walks." she says a smile across her face.She walks out of the entrance and takes a breath she lets out a sigh and smiles to herself happy to have Lily to talk to besides her brother. Edited at April 8, 2021 08:41 AM by Try us

Dark Knight | lone wolf | Male Dark Knight hears the wolf behind him. and whips around to see Shadow. this wolf looks so familiar, but can't remember where from. his hesitation could mean life or death. he doesn't know what to do he is surrounded. He lets out a small bark to let the wolf know he might know him and slinks back through the bushes

Shadow | Male | Loner | M: Dark Knight, Lemon Shadow growled back at the wolf as it slunk into the bushes. He then looked over at Lemon before letting out a small chuckle. "Secret's out. You better hide Burning." He teased at Flame before walking back into the woods. Icicle would stay with her while Frost rode on his back. They seemed to like doing that more often. Better us doing the walking than using their little legs. He thought to himself as he felt the weight of the fox drop on his back.
Lily | Female | Delta | M: Lean
Lily scanned the cave before looking back at Lean. "With the hidden entrance, we should be good. However, it's still the river that is bothering me. I need to learn more about this 'neighbor' that some are talking about and whether or not their going to be a problem." She looked back at the entrance before saying, "The pack should be safe here. We will use the other one as a healer den for the new healer."
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Lemon looks to Flame then Shadow "I-I-I I want you two to come."he said walking back towards the pack "I have something to show you." He walks to the tree line and darts into the shadows not wanting them to see Flame and Shadow so things did not get messy.He shakes his head and sits down the corner of the hill still in the shadows. ~~ Lean nodded "Lily I have pups to take care of I must go you can come with me and we can talk about the neighbor."she said and with that she ran towards the den happy to see the pups running to greet her.She laughed as Leo pinned Vic down nipping his ear.She walked them down the hill to the rock pile with a sigh she laid down happy to have her pups and the pack with her. Edited at April 8, 2021 08:53 AM by Try us

Flame | Female | Elder | M: Lemon ""I-I-I I want you two to come. I have something to show you." Flame cocked her head before yipping at Shadow. Both followed Lemon, skirting the pack. Sticking to the shadows, they followed Lemon before sitting down across from him next to a hill. "Yes Lemon?" Flame asked, curious.
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