
Goldbeak I Golden Eagle I Male I M:Shadow, Pups, Lean and others The howls had stopped by the time he reached the place where he thought it happened. Goldbeak clicked his beak, pondering. His eyes scanned over the clearing. He could see the trampled grass swaying feebling in the wind, leading deeper into the woods. The eagle had never familiarized himself there but it was still part of his territory. He couldn't let these wolves take a piece of his forest freely. The eagle opened his wings and soared towards the groves of oaks and birches. His talons gripped a branch to steady his landing. The eagle took a breather, stretching his wings, and flew once more, following the trail of trampled leaf litter. He did not miss the faint molds of paw prints in the mud. Closer. Swooping over a flowing creek, he reached the end of the dark forest. Another clearing lay before him, dotted with tall pines and oaks. Beneath a rocky cleft, Goldbeak spied some movement, half-hidden by the brush. He glided to a tree that was nearer. Stark agaisnt the blue sky and the green canopy of the grass was the black wolf. Around him were other wolves with gray and brown and tan pelts. Soon enough, the eagle heard the squeals and chirps of pups. A den. It took him a moment to realize the inpending danger. These wolves are multiplying, he told himself. Goldbeak could almost see his precious trees burning, his prey getting stolen one by one. He shrugged the thought away, and with an adamant screech, he flew away... Edited at March 31, 2021 11:19 AM by Lansnow

Lean looked deep and stood up "They have been born few days." must be wondering she thought waiting for a response.She then could not wait and layed down watching everything and listening to everything around her. ~~ Lemon watched puzzled he knew they were young but not that young.She is crazy he thought as she hd brought them over to him. then noticed the fox and his heart was about to jump out of him not knowing what could happen.

Shadow | Loner | Male | M: Lean, pups, Lemon Shadow watched the pups before backing up. I'm not cut out to watch pups. I don't know how to be a father as mine died when I was young. He thought to himself before letting out a slight growl. Icicle jumped down, touching noses with the pups before jumping back onto Shadow's back. Icicle always seemed to know when they were leaving. "I don't know why you brought them here, but I can not do this at the moment." Shadow said before backing into the brush. Icicle jumped onto a branch and let out a cackle, distracting them. Shadow took that time to turn and disappear into the forest. (Will he or will he not come around? You will have to find out :3)
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(Fangs leave hints and spoilers at discussion lol)

Lean let out a howl and looked towards her brother "Lets go, he now knows he will somewhat either disappear or come around or I will will leave this land for a better life for the pups,we shall go."she said turning towards the stream vic in her mouth.She crossed the stream and rounded up the pup she told her brother she was going to the den if he needed anything and walked that way. ~~ Lemon watched as his sister walked away he felt the pain in her as she left.She must have of known in order to respond to the action. he thought to himself as he walked to the tree.

🌌Dakota🌌Stray🌌Male🌌M:everyone Dakota took this as a time to think he shifted inside the net finally seeing a strand of the net weak he started tearing at it with his teeth then started tearings at the other strands a few moments after he was free. He lunged toward Flame jaws open as he went to go bite her.

Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M: Faith Seya looked up at her as she flew and smiled. She bowed her head before giggling. "I promise not to come here at night. Only at the day." She smiled and told her, slightly loud, but not so loud. She stood up and wagged her tail. She flickered her ears as she heard something in the distance but ignored it as Faith was trying to talk with her and that would be rude to stop listening to her.

Icicle | Artic Fox | Female | M: Lean, Pups, Lemon Icicle watched the wolves go, and flicked her ears before taking to the trees. She was half laughing at the fact Shadow was a father. She thought of him like a brother. Going through the trees, she finally caught up to him and dropped down. "Whatcha you going to about that?" She asked, curling up onto his back. He flicked his ears thinking before replying, "Nothing at the moment. I need to figure some things out first." She nodded even though he couldn't see her before closing her eyes, taking a short nap.
Flame | Elder | Female | M: Dakota Flame watched Shadow and Icicle go before sighing. A whisper in the air made her twist around, jaws opening as the dog scent hit her. Her jaws bit into the dog's leg as she dodged his jaws. Twisting out of the way, she gave a help call to her pack or those who could hear her. She backed up, her strength slowly fading as she panted.
Faith | Great Horned Owl | Female | M: Seya Faith gave a nod of understanding before flapping her wings hard. Flower petals got stirred up and landed on Seya. Faith clacked her beak laughing at the now petal covered wolf.
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Seya | Wolf | Female | *Shy, anxious* M: Faith Seya blinked and looked at her body. She sniffed a few of the flowers and smiled. "Well, I'm glad you find this funny." She giggled and then shook her fur. It didn't really help the fact that the petals still clung to her slight-thick fur.

Faith | Great Horned Owl | Female | M: Seya Faith clacked her beak again before lifting off hovering above the wolf's head. She enjoyed her company. Landing on a small branch nearby, she said, "Smell good you do. Look more beautiful now too."
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