
Cloud gasped for breath as she was pulled from the bubble. She looked at her savior. The person from the camp! ~-~-~-~-~-~ Fern snapped a t the bubble, catching the water in her mouth. She swallowed it before turning to the polar bear. "Odd choice for green-leaf," she snarled. What's funny is that I wrote this on one of those Alexa things you can put around your house X3))

She ran off with the cat, dropped it off next to the den she found, and she ran over back to the fight. she saw the polar bear and turned into a normal leopard, and grabbed the other wolf by the scruff and started to drag her towards where she took cloud.

Frost snarled amd growled threateningly at the other creatueres not caring who she attacked, she was in one of her frenzies, she would maul anyone who came vaguely close at this point, even if it was a losing battle, like a fight or flight reflex, on steroids. She glared at the retreating leopard for siding with the enemy. Edited at January 20, 2022 04:44 PM by Lupus Pack

Alyssa ran back, hoping to calm her down. when she got there she said "Calm down Frost."

Were you pulling away fern or bliz?)) Edited at January 21, 2022 06:51 AM by Pixel Art Shiny

She's pulled away Fern and Cloud :), She's talkin to Frost I think :)(: ))) Edited at January 21, 2022 10:12 AM by Lupus Pack

Frost snarled but didn't attack the elemental, "I don't need to calm down" She grumbled, her eyes locked on the place where the wolf and cat had disappeared, "It was self defense" she stated coolly, and thoroughly believing it. ... Her furry pads pawed the ice, the polar bear form stopping her from slipping but she still wobbled a little. The welt on her head was bleeding profusely now, dribbling over her eye.

ok)) Fern realized she was being dragged to where her friend was and shrunk to a normal size. She stood as she saw her feline friend. The wolf bounded over to her and nudged the wet, white furball. Panicking, she touched her nose into the ragged cat's ear, forcing her back to a human. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Cloud coughed up water as, with a soft white flash, she turned back human. She sat up and coughed again before looking at her wolf friend. Her eyes filled with tears of fear and relief that her friend was safe as she flung herslef at the wolf.

I pulled away fern I'm about to get bliz.)) Yeah you do, do you not see yourself?" she said. then she jumped towards the last wolf and grabbed it and started running still in bear form.

"If someone tries to kill me, I'm gonna try 'n kill them first," She protested harshly, and it wouldn't be the first time, would it Frost?... Came the unwanted voice, but she wouldn't have killed the cat, or would she? Her thoughts were a mess and she slumped the ground, human once more, ... Bliz padded over, slipping and sliding on the ice but not caring, just wanting to get to her human. The she-wolf nuzzled Frost, worried. With a thump she flopped down, curlung up beside fros, her head on Frost's lap, gazing up at the girl's defeated face.