
Automatically her head spun who laughs at a time like this? He just- she shook her head and glared at the wolf "Shift back, mate"

he fell back, the cash falling from his pocket

Rory sidestepped and caught him, letting the cash fall, her hair dangled over his face as she glanced concerned down at him

Atris wolf erupted in a cloud of smoke, his hair automatically falling down into his face. He scowled at them. "Whats going on." He stucl his hands into his pants pockets, scratched coating his chest from where the branches struck him in his shifted form. His shirt long torn from him.
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Her breath caught and she pushed bade away from her back into a standing position before glaring back at Atris "What's it gotta do with you?" she snapped and sfter a pause added "How long have you been here?"

He narrowed his eyes, his usual mischeivous gleam absent from his glowing amber eyes. He smiled though his eyes stayed full of anger and annoyance. "Well for one when i woke up, everyone was gone. So the logical thing was to look for them. Now I wasnt expecting open arms for cutesy hugs but I sure as hell wasn't ready to find this." He raised his face upwards, looking down his nose at her. "And whys it matter how long i've been here." He brought his face down mere inches from hers, grinning as he looked her up and down. "Got something to hide?"
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She din't move but just glared back "So what if I do"

Atris smile instantly dropped as he straightened up again. He ran his fingers through his hair as he side glanced at her. "Well. We all have our secrets. As long as it doesnt hurt a select few, I really can't give a rats ass." He turned away, his body smoking as he placed his hands back in his pants pockets. He strolled over to a nearby tree, running his hand over its rough bark. "I'll leave you to it. But before I go, has anyone seen where Shade went? Kinda need to keep an eye on her and all." He looked up through the trees leaves letting out a quiet sigh.
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Well aint this a crooked lot?" Dallas smirked.

Atri rolled his eyes. "Oh come off it. Im looking for Shade since these two got their own shit going on." He cocked his head in the others direction as he turned back to look into the forest. His mind wandered as he tried to think where the others might be..
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