Eternity said: Q: Do you have a story you've been waiting to tell someone? What is it and what happened?
A: Okay so basically I remember when I first started baking, me and my girlfriend (at the time) were trying to make like a 3 tiered cake. Somehow and someway she added something that made the cake explode. Like, batter on the ceiling explode. Her parents were due home that night so we ended up spending the rest of the day cleaning the kitchen. Best experience in baking I've had
Q: What do you think is your greatest achievement?
A: Making the varsity softball team all my 4 years of high school :)
Q: You have to pick one animal, real or fantasy, to follow you around WHEREVER you go, what're you picking?
A: A nightlight from httyd. Do you know how badass that would be? xD
Q: What's something you used to hate but now love?
A: Aspuragus but even now I only like it extra crispy
Q: Do you think you sleep well or badly?
A: Ehh, I take meds to help me sleep but I have PTSD so I say I don't get very restful sleep
Q: Do you know any random/obscure facts? What are they?
A: Owls don't have eyeballs. Just eye tubes. Sit with that for a minute