Hello, hello! I have some dinosaur OCS that I just adore, but my dinosaur anatomy is not amazing. I'm working on it, but for now, I'd like to commission someone better than me to do some art of my dinosaur OCs. I have a spinosaurus, two allosauruses and a Styracosaurus. I am looking for anything from headshots all the way to full reference sheets. I'd prefer not to spend an arm and a leg, but I also want to be sure I'm paying your worth. My maximum budget is 4 apples, but I would prefer to only spend that on a full ref sheet. I am interested in any art style from cutesy, cartoony, to realistic.
If you think you are up to the task, please link some examples (or even your art shop) and give me a rough estimate of your prices, please.
All of my dinos except Orion can be found through that TH link. Orion is shown below.