
Discussion for our mythological RP ^^

res just in case we need it :D

for this next post of Kyrie, it'll probably just be another throwawway essentially? Just setting the scene, getting a feel for him :D Then with your next post (or mine ^^) we can actually set up a meeting or a plan to meet

That's what I was thinking! I'll probably split my post a bit just in case but we can for sure do a little time jump for them meeting ^^
Or if it's easier, maybe Kyrie finds Tallan, like, half dead and starved nearby? Tallan isn't exactly a survivalist master lol

A split post would probably be easier for me? :0 unless it would be easier for you the other way lol

I can for sure do a split post. I think that would make more sense so I can add some detail for how Kyrie can find him lol

Sounds amazing :DD -- I'm actually making good progress on a post, so it might be out tonight? Or possibly tomorrow morning XD

That sounds good to me! I'll be around so I can probably pump out another post tonight or early tomorrow if you get it done soon :)

that got really long, sorry XD i went off on the angst

Ohhh angst is my favorite so do not fret :D