Part 1
This is a poll to find plots for the art roleplay, some of them won't be in much detail but later I'll make a poll with the top plots in more detail.
This is a poll to find plots for the art roleplay, some of them won't be in much detail but later I'll make a poll with the top plots in more detail.
- Cats lives in the mountains. They lived alone or in smalll groups of two or three. One day a strange creature apreared. It looked like a cat except for its thick tan fur and its massive claws that could cut through stone. Now the cats have started grouping together. Cats fight for ranks in the hierarchy and at the same time have to decide either to fight or the flee. (Revamp of an old roleplay that didn't start)
2. The cats of randomness home has suddenly appeared near the land of the normal cats. The stretch of land literally just popped into existence with a small group of chaos cats on it. No explanation needed for the new cats. Plenty needed for the normal cats. The two nearby Clowders ( group of cats) have just had a territorial dispute and now many fear they have another group of cats to deal with.( randomness revamp but art)
3. Groups of stray cats against each other while at the same time having to deal with house cats.
4. The fireling but with a group of cats
5. The life of a pride of lions. There could be an underlying plot.
6. suggest a plot. Don't like any of these? Suggest your own. If it seems interesting or enough people want something similar to it, I'll put it in the second plot poll.