Hi! Im hosting a custom contest for fun. I donthave anything I want to customize I just want to see everyones amazing pelts they can create. Although I will ask that they are all made with tigereye base pelt because I have a stud I want to customize and if I ever get the supplies I may Pm the winner if they would sell me their design for a few apples. But anyway here are the rules:
- Use tigereye base pelt
- I dont care about certain rarities
- only 3 entries per pack ( I dont want to spend a year looking at all of them )
- this is for fun ( mostly )
This will go until halloween
1: 100 mush ( also if I do want ot use the designyou may get some apples)
2: 50 mush
3: 25 mush
Note: You can win multiple prizes for each wolf!
Have Fun!