
Infected Wound You need a Red Potion to heal the infected wound. This is made from Basil and Rosemary herbs.
Broken Tail You need a Yellow Potion to heal the broken tail. This is made from Cilantro and Chervil herbs.
Injured Paw You need a Green potion to heal the broken paw. This is made from Mint and Caraway herbs.
Poison You need the Wyrm Elixir to heal poison. This is made from Nettle, Mugwort and Fennel herbs. Edited at February 17, 2024 01:58 PM by Eternity

what happens if we dont heal it?

ShiningSparks said: what happens if we dont heal it?
It affects how much damage your wolf does in explore, so if they're fighting an enemy they'll do significantly less damage than if they were healed.


How can you heal the wolf once you have the stuff?

Hover over the 'i' if you're on your den page and select the appropriate potion (or the Robin Feather, which fully heals HP and cures injuries) from the dropdown menu, then click Use Item. You can also visit the injured wolf's page and do the same by clicking Manage Your Wolf > Use Items. Edited at December 9, 2018 07:21 PM by Serial Dreamer

How do you heal Lupine Parvovirus? I can't seem to find a potion that works.
Edit: Never mind. I found it :) Edited at August 31, 2019 11:21 AM by Wolves of Miradon

Where can I find potions?

Uivo Navli said: Where can I find potions?
You can buy them from other packs. Go to the barter >> search and search for the potion you need. Or, find/buy the herbs needed and craft them Edited at February 6, 2020 12:14 PM by Moonshadow

Wait how does a wolf get injured in the first place?