It has been years since I made or joined a RP so let's see how it goes.
There are...two Colonies who while neutral at times however they are not exactly fond of each other. However they have a law and both follow yet both are different.
Rose Colony
Soft and gentle the members are but sharp as thorns they will be if need to. Rose Colony are very accepting and don't care who you like so you could be with who ever you want but loyalty and family is important. They will welcome anyone but if you break a extreme rule or break rules too many times then you are at risk of losing your rank and going to another one.
The leader will give you two chances then you lose your rank.
Storm Colony
They do not accept anyone and while Rose Colony threw tradition away however this one hasn't. They only give you one chance and don't allow you to be with just anyone. Their punishments are losing your rank.
-have respect and don't tresspass on another territory
-If you want a certain rank then you need to complete challanges set by the head of the rank
-If you lose your rank you can ask to retry the challenges by talking to your leader
-If you think something is wrong or someone is wrong/have a concern talk to your leader. Acting recklessly and without proof could cost you
Animals allowed:
-hybrids and mixed breeds
-Please be as active as possible
-PM me if you want or need to quit the RP
-hate the character not the player
-No death fights, nothing sexual, nothing very graphic
-in drama is fine ;)
-When describing your character please be detailed with looks, personality, likes, dislikes
-No godmodding, no mary sues, gary sues. No one is perfect so make sure your characters have flaws
-No fandom names or anything fandom. I see it then I will ask you to change it
-2 to 3 characters allowed only otherwise if you want a new one then a character has to die.
-Random npc will be played by me at random times so make sure you remember your colany members well
Any questions feel free to ask
Question 1: Is there a word requirement?
More than one sentence. Writers block is understandable but please try to write more than one sentence.
Discussion thread:
RP thread: