
Hello! These are my babies (who I sometimes kill off in the name of the plot) Feel free to comment!

Name: Andrea Campbell Sex: Female Age: 18 Sexuality: Pansexual Studying: Traditional Art Appearance: Andrea stands at 6'2" with a straight body type, having slightly longer legs than her torso. She has a round face, undefined face with thin lips. She wears many different colored contacts but her eyes are naturally brown eyes. She has light brown skin. Her hair is black at the roots then it fades to blue, it's also super long, going down past her waist. Her hair is really wavy and usually just braided in random places with the rest of it down most of the time. She wears lots of piercings daily (snake bites, nose ring, double helix, and small gauge) plus lots of necklaces/chains. Her clothing usually consists of colorful halter tank tops, and jean shorts, which she means to be kinda modest but because of her height, it ends up sorta reveling. Personality: Andrea is very outgoing, super kind, and extroverted. She tends to be touchy-feely with everyone she meets plus she always wants to keep everyone happy, although she can be kind of an idiot. She can't give advice, she's loud and seems, and sort of is, annoying and clingy. People avoid her mostly cause she looks like she would be trouble and causes problems. She also inherited a very frank way of speaking from her mother, adding to the "delinquent" look she has. Other: Loves yellow

Name: Gabriella Hunt Age: 2400 (or 24) Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Relationship Status: Dating (someone "off-screen") Position: Staff Supernatural type: Sphinx Powers?: Enhanced Intelligence - Just what it sounds like. Slight Transformation - Able to transform her bottom half from a lion into a human. Riddles - If someone gets her riddle wrong then she can choose a punishment for them. Weakness: Her transformation comes undone randomly if she gets upset, and she is horrible at anything riddle related, if she does use that power then she often uses riddles everyone has heard off the internet. Appearance: Gabriella stands at 6’7”, with dark skin and a diamond-shaped face. Her hair is brown with gold highlights and mostly put in a twisted and tucked bob cut. She has bright emerald green, upturned eyes with thick eyebrows above them. She has is a slightly curved greek nose and thin lips. Her body shape is a triangle with a small bust and hips that are a bit wider than her shoulders. Although she exercises daily, her body is still very lean with hardly any visible muscle. Her arms are average length but her legs are very long, being slightly longer than her torso. Gabriella’s work clothes consist of a short-sleeved white button-down shirt and a beige knee-length skirt with a golden belt, she also wears huge golden bracelets and a few beaded necklaces. Her off-time clothes are simply a t-shirt or hoodie with black leggings. Personality: Gabriella is a professional and hardworking lady, she acts cool and calm, as befits her role. Gabriella cares about all of her employers, co-workers, and even strangers, but because of her blunt way of speaking and her mannerisms people tend to take her the wrong way. Likes: Putting stuff away, collecting things (hoarding), cats, stories Dislikes: High pitched voices, baking, blueberries, cold climates Strengths: Etiquette, Cleaning, Scolding others, Her intelligence Ineptitudes: She has absolutely no understanding of others, or even really her own, emotions. Her actions come off angrier then she intends them too. Other: N/A

Name: Aspen Patel Age: 24 Gender: Female? Sexuality: Pansexual Appearance: Although she doesn't have a set appearance, Aspen usually stands at 6'2" with a straight body type, having slightly longer legs than her torso. She has a round face, undefined face with thin lips. She wears many different colored contacts, but her eyes are naturally brown. She has light brown skin. Her hair is black at the roots then it fades to blue, it's also super long, going down past her waist. Her hair is really wavy and usually just braided in random places with the rest of it down most of the time. She wears lots of piercings daily (snake bites, nose ring, double helix, and small gauge) plus lots of necklaces/chains. Her work clothes consist of any color long sleeve turtleneck sweater with some black leggings. During work, she also wears her bedroom shoes. Personality: Aspen is very outgoing, super kind, and extroverted. She tends to be touchy-feely with everyone she meets plus she always wants to keep everyone happy, although she can be kind of an idiot. Although she tries, she can't give advice. She's loud and seems, and sort of is, annoying and clingy. During work/fights her personality shifts from happy and kind to cold and slightly sadistic. Power: Biological Manipulation – She can control her biological make-up. Ex) Changing face shape, body shape, etc. Power Weakness: She has to wait, depending on how much she changes, upwards of a day for her power to cool down. Whenever she changes anything major it feels like her bones are breaking/her body is tearing apart. Her power isn't offensive, so she is pretty vulnerable against strong people. Strengths: She has an amazing pain threshold, and she excels in hand to hand combat, stealth attacks, and persuasion. Weaknesses: Aspen's personality sometimes shifts slightly, especially when she goes from female to male, She is very short-sighted and can be reckless at times. Likes: Ice cream and sundaes, genealogy, mint, her students, her brother Dislikes: Styrofoam, arts & crafts, depressing people, lies Family: Aspen has one older brother who took care of her since she was six years old. Her mom and dad are currently missing. Other: She kinda forgot whether she is male or female at birth so she just chooses.


~WIP~ Name: Hosu Age: 21 Gender: Male Supernatural: Genie Looks: [A brief description of its looks] Personality: Hosu is, to put it simply, an asshole Back story: [Short back story] Sexuality: [This one is not necessary] Likes: [A brief description of its likes] Dislikes: [A brief description of its dislikes] Powers/Ability: [What are they? What can they do?] Other: [other facts] Edited at March 12, 2020 01:43 PM by Flower Field

Name: Neil Lancelyn (He goes by Casper now) Gender: Male Orientation: Homosexual Age: 24 Appearance: Casper stands at 6'0, his body is very lanky and thin with pale skin that is lightly tanned from his travels. he has a long torso with equally long legs and a small waist. His oval face is framed by very long jet black hair, reaching down to his waist. His face is adorned with thin, pale lips, a Romanian nose, and large, deep blue eyes and thick eyelashes surrounding them. Caspers's body, although adapting to merchant life, still shows signs of being a part of the nobility. His hands are small and a few calluses are starting to form. His travel attire consists of a loose tunic, usually brown or gray, paired with brown trousers that were closed at the cuff. His clothing only changes when they stop and decide to sell. For this, he wears his normal attire but with a gray vest. For both, he wears a pair of leather ankle boots. His hair is almost always put up in a high ponytail but on the rare occasion, he with partially braid it. Although it can sometimes get in his way, he refuses to cut it. Personality: When traveling, he leads a slow-paced life which reflects in his personality. It's easy to get to know him, he's an open book, but most know that above all else he's lovable and understanding. Of course, being from a noble house and a merchants assistant, he's intelligent but also slightly devious as well. His happy and ornate nature is what he's pretty much known for. People are almost naturally drawn to the man, making him a great advertiser. His exuberant nature can come off as very extreme to many people and he can act somewhat perverted at times. His feelings are very extreme and, most of the time, control all of his actions, leading him to make brash decisions that get him scolded. Role: Traveling Merchant from Tymas Family: Born in a noble family from Tymas, as a child, Casper was treated very well by his family, since he was the only heir to their name. His aunt doted on him every chance she got, his mother and father treated him very strict, and his sister felt complete apathy towards him. As he grew up and started to acknowledge his love of men and rumors started to circulate, and his family's reputation started to plummet, they distanced themselves from him before, ultimately, disowning him, and kicking him out of the house. He now travels with a man named Rowley from Hukar as he trades his wares. Rowley is less of a father figure towards him, being only a few years older than himself, and more of a bother to Casper. Other: Other than helping Rowley in setting up and breaking down his shop, collecting wares, and selling them, Casper's main job is to be the "eye candy" that attracts women, much to his distress. They are currently in Thronfyhl