Myths characters,
For: Myths
Name: Kate Miller
Gender: Female
:Age: 16
Aperence: 5'7 feet tall, has long dirty blond hair and wears a white crop-top with jeans. She also has freckles acrost her nose and cheeks. She has brite blue eyes.
Traits: Kate is a nice and sweet girl. She can be mean if you are mean to her but she trys to be nice to everyone. She is a smart and courios person and wants to know everything
Other: She is the most popular girl at school and EVERY boy likes her. Her father died when she was 5 years old. She also has a twin sister named Kallie.
For: Myths
Name: Kallie Miller
Name: Kallie Miller
Gender: Female
:Age: 16
: 5'8 feet tall, has kinda long dirty blond hair and wears a pink crop-top with short shorts. She also has freckles acrost her nose and cheeks. She has brite green eyes.
Traits: Kallie is a veary mean person. Kallie is not the smartest person ever. She is also veary selflesh
Other:She is the 2 most popular girl at school and EVERY boy likes her. Her father died when she was 5 years old. She also has a twin sister named Kate.