Welcome to the Summer Tournament
With the warmer months approaching, everyone is in a merry mood. Prey will become plentiful again, and pups are to be born. The forest is starting to bloom again, becoming more lush with every morning. Birds sing their songs, and the creek has finally melted. Summer has arrived.
With summer, the pack is in high spirits. The cold months are behind them, and things are finally looking up. But this isn't just any summer. The three sons of the alpha pair will turn four, marking the Tournament.
The Tournamnent is a multi-series competition between the alpha's sons. A tool to see who is worthy to become the next alpha. The Tournament has been a tradition ever since the pack was established, and it only comes in the summers in which multiple alpha offspring turn four. Otherwise, it would simply pass down to the eldest. But this year, their litter of three all turn four. Ever since they were born, this has been their destiny.
Roles And Heirarchy
The roles are listed in order of dominance, unless stated otherwise.
The most dominant pair. Usually there is a blood lineage for the alpha line.
Single wolf who is the right hand of the alpha pair. May run and do special errands and jobs for them. They are sworn to secrecy and loyalty.
The pair(do not need to be mates, but it is usually expected for them to be eventually) who is second in command for when the alphas are busy. However, they almost never inherit the title of alpha. They are more like the inner circle of the alphas. Trusted advisors and commanders.
The wolf who devotes their life to the ways of herbs and healing. They know basic fighting techniques but their true gifts lay in medical work.
They are the workers of the pack, tasked with hunting, patroling, and basic protection.
Females who are nursing or expecting pups. At a certain point, they are expected to simply rest and prepare for labor.
The older wolves who spend their time relaxing. They occasionally might join and hunt or patrol if they wish.
Younger wolves who have since been weaned and are learning and being taught lessons.
Younger wolves who are still nursing or weaning.
Elders, Warriors, and Mothers are roughly on the same dominance level.
Wolves not part of the pack.
The Tournament
The Tournament is a season-long competition between any alpha offspring who have just reached the age of four. It is a test to see which will inherit the title as alpha next summer. Several trials are held throughout the summer that will test different abilities. Some of them are listed here:
There are several trials of hunting, in which the offspring will be given a chance to show their hunting prowess. While there is no clear winner, impressions are made and they have the chance to gain the favor of their packmates and their parents.
River Crossing
Every summer, when the ice and stream melt, the river is known to pick up pace and the current swells for a couple days. There is a trial in which the offspring must find a way across the river. In the past, most have swam across, fighting the current which threatens to push them downstream. Other times, some cunning wolves have been able to leap across slippery boulders and downed tree trunks.
No, this is not an official competition. But social preference is a part of the game as well. After all, the final heir is the one with the favor of the alphas and the pack itself. Each Tournament has a social aspect. Which offspring will have the favor of their packmates? How do they wish to gain it? Through noble promises? Silly flirtations? Or maybe they strike fear into the hearts of their packmates?
No, this is not a trial either, but it is also an aspect. During the Tournament, it is not unlikely for the offspring to begin to court others. The main goal is for them to find a suitable match in case they were to win the title of Future Alpha. That way, they can ensure a smooth transition to the throne and future pups are almost guaranteed.
Rules of the Wolves
-Respect the alphas above all else
-Do not go against orders, or face punishment
-Do not interfere with the tournament in anyway(rigging)
-Bring kills back to the pack, do not eat or steal while on patrols or hunts
-All higher ups eat first
-Future of the pack must be protected above all else
-Do not fraternize with outsiders, bring them in or chase them off
Rules of the RP
-Please put effort into posts, this is semi-literate at least
-Max of three characters for now, unless you request
-Be active, keep up with the RP. We don't want to wait on you. If it has been a week and we are waiting on your reply, we will move on
-No OOC drama
-Don't make everything about your character
-Plotting, drama, and intense characters and conflicts are encouraged
-Make some interesting unique characters. NPCs should be the only flat ones.
-More may be listed
Extra Loopholes and Nuances...
While the offspring are the ones expected to enter the Tournament, they do not have to. In the past, few have dropped out or forfeited the title to another sibling. This is looked down upon, unless the one surrendering has a viable reason(sickness, injury, etc).
On the flipside, not only the offspring may join the Tournament. In very few occasions, other pack wolves have joined. It is considered risky, as it can be seen as mutiny. And it is very acceptable for the pack wolf to be kicked from the pack if an offspring wins the title in the end. But this is how eras and bloodlines have started and ended in the past. Yes, females have participated in the Tournament. It is uncommon and may some consider it either untraditional or brave. But it is possible.
Once the Tournament is complete and a winner is named, they are officially the next Heir, and are to inherit the Alpha position the next summer. But if there is some scandal or unforgivable act, their title can be stripped and another offspring is named Heir. But if everything goes smoothly, then they will simply inherit the throne and appoint new roles to their pack members. Yes, they can switch out Ambassador and Betas. In the past, this has been used as a sneaky way to gain favor and bribe pack members...