Thank you :3 and it is not as confusing as anatomy itself X)
I know I just need more practice and I might be expecting too much too fast, but dunno, I try to improve on some aspects and thing I am focusing on at the moment are legs and how they carry weight and movement cause sometimes my legs, well, look okay, but bit unnatural for that pose/situation or I am reading too much into it when I am only half-way through the process ;-; nah, color can't save mistakes in anatomy, hide them a bit yes, but why hide when I can reddo and make it right.
I am debating headshapes and fur textures as well as line weight too when it comes to wha I do, but at the moment all of those are bit too many changes to make at once and they don't really bother me since they are cute and simplified (it is just that I wish to make my wolves to look more like wolves and be able to express different body and fur types).
P.S. I find it funny, how your dog is almost in the same position as my wolf X3