This story revolves around a group of young humans, ages 18-25, who manage to convince the Medine to teach them how to tame dragons. They are taken to different parts of Mellinean: the Cliffs (Bunine), the Dunes (Yulunian), the Jungle (Zino), and the Seaside (Laphin). However, once they arrive, the Medine abandon them. The humans are left alone with their dragons, needing to fight and tame them to survive. Adding to the challenge, something in the air erases their memories, so they must face these dragons with no recollection of how they got there.
As the story unfolds, the dragons take the humans on many adventures across Mellinean. Along the way, they begin to learn who they once were and question if they even want to return to their old lives. The dragons, who are elders of this world, may be chaotic at times but will teach the humans how to use magic, navigate the different regions, and live like the natives, the Medine."
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