
Plot Once there was a peaceful land all wolves respected each other with no hatred at all but wolf numbers were going up rapidly. Until a group of elders decided to take control of wolf numbers as there wasn’t any prey left, so they decided to hold a ceremony. Every December the ceremony is a fight till death only the strongest of each round can win, it’s pretty simple 12 rounds for the 12 full moons in a year. The Alphas can choose which 12 wolves they’d like to compete (Also Me). Who will win? - I Will incorporate different scenarios in red writing time of day, animal attacks etc. Look Below for more imformation. Edited at February 2, 2024 09:18 AM by Thunder Hunters

Rules - Follow all WP rules - No No Mary Sues, Gary Sues, god modding, etc. Your character isn't perfect. - Don't be that person that always gets in trouble or is a one shot in a battle, defence & offence. - This rp is semi-literate so minimum words is 150-200. - Please be active as this rp won't work if your not. - Maximum characters is 2-3 you can have pups but not for your other character(s). - Only I will be killing of characters but your welcome to ask me. - Hate the charcter not the player. - This is a semi-literate rp so the only genders allowed are male and female. - Don't rp with on person all the time. - I have the right to refuse applications please read everything as I don't want to keep repeating myself. - Reservations last 24hours(1 day) with one 12hour extension. - I control all NPC unless I ask someone to. - Only Alphas and mothers may have pups. - Mothers mates are rogues or recently deceased wolves(like from the death ceremony). MORE MAY BE ADDED Edited at February 28, 2024 02:05 PM by Thunder Hunters

Extra Imformation Every pack has these: Location – Where the wolves live Main base – Where the Alphas and their pups live. Second base – Where Betas and Mothers live. Medic den – Where the healers live and their trainees, also with a medical storage and 2 spaces for wolves who are sick. Food cave – Where food is stored. Trainee base – Where trainees live and where omegas teach and support them. Hunters Hollow - Where the hunters live and plan their next hunts. Fighters Hollow - Where fighters live and get orders. Prey Rabbits – Squirrels – Elk – Deer – Bison – Boars - Predators Bears – Tigers – Humans – Mountain Lions (Only for mountain wolves) - Lynx - Coyotes - Cougars - In the rp only I will include prey and predators, I will pm the lead hunter of where and what animal you will be hunting. Same goes with Lead fighter only I will include predators but I will pm the Lead fighter of where the predator(s) are. I will determine the health of the animal and your attacks a bit like D&D in a way. Edited at February 17, 2024 08:37 AM by Thunder Hunters

Roles Mountain Wolves Location Mountains and a few rocky hills, also with a waterfall dangerous but the best water. Alpha Male1/1 M Zhuang - 8 - Long Wang Alpha Female1/1 F Scarlett - 5 1/2 - Blaze Beta Male/Lead Fighter0/1 - Beta Female/Lead Hunter1/1 F Ash - 5 - Mountain pack (c) Healer1/2 F Reyden - 3 - P1xelViper - Hunters0/6 - Fighters1/6 Reserved for Spellbound - Trainee Hunters1/3 F Huo - 2 - Long Wang Trainee Fighters1/3 F Tesha - 2Y 8M - Crazydayz - Trainee Healers0/3 - Mothers0/2 - Pups/Cubs1/4 F Achak - 1 - Mountain Pack (c) - Omega Female0/1 - Omega Male0/1 - Forest Wolves Location Middle of a forest with a fresh river of water. Alpha Male1/1 M Hondo - 7 - Wolf Pride Alpha Female1/1 F Storm - 6 - ThunderHunters (Me) Beta Male/Lead Fighter0/1 - Beta Female/Lead Hunter1/1 Reserved for Spellbound Healer1/2 F Oreithyia - 5 1/2 - Spellbound - Hunters1/6 Reserved for Blaze - Fighters0/6 - Trainee Hunters0/3 - Trainee Fighters0/3 - Trainee Healers2/3 M Apollo 2 ½ - Mountain Pack (c) F Aloe – 2 ½ - Crazydayz - Mothers0/2 - Pups/Cubs1/4 M Tremor – 6m – Long Wang - Omega Female0/1 - Omega Male0/1 - Edited at February 17, 2024 06:13 AM by Thunder Hunters

Signup Sheet Name] Age] 1-2Pups 2-3Trainees Gender] Pack] Rank] Desired Rank] Appearance] Personality] Strengths 2+] Weaknesses 2+] Crush] Mate (Only for alphas] Kin] Offspring] Backstory short (optional] Other] Edited at February 3, 2024 12:47 PM by Thunder Hunters

Pack Laws 1) Obey your Alphas 2) Never question the Alphas although questions are allowed. 3) Alphas will make joint decisions never on their own. 4) Do not wander of unacommpanied of your territory without an Alpha or Beta. 5) Do not go outside of your territory. 6) If there are ever any prey or any predators on the territory alert everyone. 7) Pups are to be protected at all costs. 8) Only Alphas and mothers may breed. 9) Before Lead Hunter gathers a hunting party she must talk to the alphas. 10) Before Lead Fighter gathers a training party he must talk to the Alphas. Death Ceremony The death ceremony takes place every year in late december and at the start january. All wolf packs will battle against each other for 12 rounds, packs may not use a wolf twice. The winning pack will recieve [imput prize]. Edited at February 1, 2024 03:09 PM by Thunder Hunters

Edited at February 28, 2024 08:36 AM by Thunder Hunters

Name] Storm Age] 6 Gender] Female Pack] Forest Rank] Alpha Desired Rank] Content Appearance] Storm is a grey and white wolf with jade eyes, when it snows she blends in perfectly to the snow and is very healthy. Stock image Personality] Storm is very playful and quite relaxed when it comes to her pack. Even though she's relaxed she's very stict and protective of her pack and family. She will protect her pack a all costs and takes control very easily. She loves to hunt when she gets the chance. Strengths 2+] Tracking - Hunting - Fighting - Speed - Weaknesses 2+] Swimming - Fire - Humans - Loneliness - Crush] Hondo Mate (Only for alphas] Hondo Kin] Unknown Offspring] [Open] Backstory short (optional] Other] Edited at February 4, 2024 10:17 AM by Thunder Hunters

can I reserve the Beta Female for the Mountain pack? Edited at February 1, 2024 07:29 PM by Mountain pack (c)

Signup Sheet Name] Ash Age] 5 Pack] Mountain pack Rank] Beta Female Desired Rank] Alpha Female Appearance] Ash is a shiny black wolf with bright white eyes. Her tail is a gradient of black to a gray tip. Her ears and paws are also like her tail while her muzzle is pure white, only to be blended with gary and black to the rest of her body. Personality] Ash is a calm, yet cool wolf. she respects her packmates, though she knows they should tolerate her as somewhat of a superior. she absolutly loves hunting and will always be eager to stretch her legs. Strengths 2+] Hunting-Tracking-Running-Fighting Weaknesses 2+] Swimming, though she lives by a waterfall-snow, because of her black pelt-Humans, of course Crush] None Mate (Only for alphas] None Kin] Pm me Offspring] None Backstory short (optional] Other] Done! Edited at February 1, 2024 07:42 PM by Mountain pack (c)