
In the gods design, fate was not supposed to turn out this way. At least, not for this particular young god. A series of famines and unexplained deaths has had the wolf pack residing at flamelick pass in hysterics, and with the pack on the brink of collapse and turning on the alpha ruling over it, they have come up with a plan that has succeeded. In order to unite the pack and shift the blame from themselves to prevent the annihilation of centuries of generations, what better wolf to blame then the youngest wolf god who has joined the ranks of the Stars only a month ago? It was an ugly sight. The young god was torn from their throne, from the ranks of their brethren who were helpless to stop the hysterical fear and rage boiling over from the large pack, and forcefully dragged down to the packs densite. The alpha ridiculed and denounced their godhood, blamed all of what had been happening on them, before the final blow on their pride was dealt. The alpha had executed them in front of everyone, sending their spirit to the clouds. But while the pack unified and slowly was able to build back up again, the gods all mourned for the loss of their youngest. The gods have devised a plan to get back on the flamelick pass pack, however. This offense will not be scratched from history, or rewritten as a joyous event. Now a thousand years later, they can finally act. The gods have all gathered together, and bestowed a last blessing on their departed, allowing them another chance and reincarnating their spirit into a new body of the current generation. A chance for renewal, and most of all, revenge. Now the young wolf god has been reincarnated into the body of a wolf pup that nobody wants, all memories and knowledge intact, and they are not happy. Their first order of business? Setting out to find a group of wolves from the multiple packs and loners in the area that will help them take revenge on those who wronged them. After all, there is little they can do in the body of a pup Edited at October 29, 2023 10:26 PM by Valravn

- R U L E S - - This is a SEMI-LITERATE ROLEPLAY [300+ words per post] Please make sure this is reflected in your roleplay form - - - _ - - - - 1 character max per person, this has very limited roles - - - _ - - - - Balance out your character! Nobody should be picture perfect or have zero flaws. Nobody is perfect, but that's okay! - - - _ - - - Keep your characters appearance realistic! Nobody should have purple skin, three eyes, and Galaxy fur! Keep to normal heights, eye and fur colors, etc - - - _ - - - - Keep things as realistic as you can! While this roleplay does indeed include some fantasy elements, it's unrealistic to make your character know everything about the situation and fight with the strength of 100 wolves. Put down what you think your character thinks of you somewhere. I'm watching - - - _ - - - - LGBTQ+ is allowed for this roleplay, but not the main focus - - - _ - - - - No mary or gary sues, your character isn't invincible nor will they land every hit or dodge every attack. Everyone has flaws - - - _ - - - - Keep things PG 13! Skip explicit or gorey scenes. No exceptions - - - _ - - - - Swearing is allowed but don't do it every single sentence - - - _ - - - - Remember the reborn god is just a puppy!!! However they retain all of their memories and experience - - - _ - - - - Drama within the roleplay only! Be respectful and kind to your fellow roleplayers. If you have a problem with someone then PM me so we can work it out - - - _ - - - - Be active! Don't just sign-up and then disappear, that's unfair to everyone else. Notify me if you want to drop the roleplay or won't be on for a while, Otherwise I will open your spot back up to others within a week of inactivity - - - _ - - - - Reservations last for 48 hours and start as soon as you post your roleplay form. I will PM you with a 5 hour warning and if needed can get a 12 hour extension. I will be very on top of this for this roleplay - - - _ - - - - If you have any questions about this roleplay then PM me, I'll respond to the best of my ability - - - _ - - - - Have fun! - - - _ - - - - I reserve the right to decline a roleplay form if they do not meet the roleplays standards or violate any of these rules - - - _ - - - - You have three chances to fix your roleplay form before that and any other of your forms are unaccepted within this roleplay - - - _ - - - - Abide by all Wolfplay rules. No exceptions.

- T H E | L A N D - Flamelick Pass The primary territory that the Flamelick pack resides within. The area is basically a mix of geysers and hot springs that serve to attract plenty of prey for the pack to feast on, and keep them warm during the cold seasons. The geysers act as excellent defense against predators like bears and moose, but also sometimes hinder hunts and are a hazard to pups who don't know any better. The area is flat and wide, with little hiding space other than behind the rim of craters, however a forest bordering the area acts as good cover during times of blizzard or harsh rain. The pack here is by far the largest in numbers Orion's Keep A taiga seperated from Flamelick Pass by a different forest. It's rumored that the giant lake within the territory reflects the souls of those who have passed on under the full moon on a clear night. Many animals reside within the area, however they all seem to know that the small group of wolves residing here trump them all. Lots of shade provides optimal protection from the heat and falling snow, along with and ambush opportunities, but also obstruction of sight. Dawn Highlands Swiftrun Plains - - T H E | P A C K S - Wolf packs are named after major landmarks within the location their territory is composed of Flamelick Pass Pack By far the largest of the three packs residing within the land. They used to Revere and respect all of the gods, but after the crisis of a thousand years ago they have since lost all faith apart from a few. These wolves are ruled under a single alpha, male or female, and when the time comes they choose a successor from adolescent wolves. It's rumored that the current alpha is up to no good against the other two packs, but no other information or speculations have been able to surface. Orion's Keep Dawn Highlands Pack - - T H E | G O D S - Wolf gods that the packs revere God of Plenty God of Storms God of Stars God of Rivers God of Color God of Love God of Tempests God of Migration God of Karma God of Fortune God of Night - Evlogíes is the god of blessings. It's said that when a runt or a pup with a defect is born and lives past the age of 3 months old, then the god of blessings has willed them to live because they still have an important role to play. Pups like these who live are usually highly respected within packs, and these are the only wolves allowed to pray to Evlogíes. Other prayers are seen as disrespectful. Edited at October 30, 2023 12:56 AM by Valravn

- R O L E S - The Forsaken The young god who was executed and reborn, set on taking revenge against the pack who wronged them. Firstly, however, they must recruit wolves to their cause. After all, a single pup can't possibly take down the largest pack within the area. How they convince others to join them is up to them. Squad Alpha The wolves who have agreed to join the forsaken ones cause. Whether they are totally in, plan to backstab, joined for personal reasons, or simply just for the amusement is up to you. They come from any of the three packs or even as a loner Flamelick Pass Pack The Alpha - The one who rules them all. Rumor has it that they are plotting against the other two packs residing within the area The Right Paw - The second in command to the alpha. They help reinforce their laws and are their closest confidant. Almost like an advisor and a bodyguard, they keep the pack in line, catching things the alpha may miss The Commanders - The offensive and defensive leaders of the pack. They are in charge of training the pups, organizing patrols, and fortifying defenses. When the alpha is busy they are to take the lead in attacks and defense with the second paw backing them up, and work together to achieve success The Monarch - The adolescent within the pack that will take over as the alpha once the current one departs. They are paw picked by the alpha themselves and personally trained so that they will be ready when the time comes. They do not have to be directly related to the alpha to gain this role The Pack - The bulk of the pack. They hunt, defend, and provide moral support to one another to assure their success throughout the seasons and generations to come The Adolescents - Pups who are too old to be puppies but not old enough to be adults yet. It's at this age pups are potentially picked to become a monarch if one hasn't already been chosen, and are trained by the commanders in order to prepare for the future. The Pups - Pups too young to become adolescents yet. They are not old enough to leave their mothers, and are their parents responsibility to look after until they mature a little more. It's usually around 1 year old that they become an adolescent Orions Keep Seer Pack Pups Dawn Highlands Pack The Sun The Moon Heirs Deputy Scout - The wolf who picks up on all the rumors and listens out for any potential dangers. Whether these rumors are within the pack or circulating territory wide, it's their job to gather the information and relay what they hear Prophets - Wolves born as runts or with defects who have managed to live to adulthood. These wolves are highly respected, as it's said they have been blessed by Evlogíes themselves to carry out an unknown purpose Hunter's Mothers Pups

- roster - its late I'm gonna make this a lot prettier later The forsaken 0/1 Squad Alpha 0/5 Flamelick alpha 0/1 Flamelick commander 0/1 Flamelick monarch 0/1 Orion seer 0/1 Orion pack member 0/2 Dawn sun 0/1 Dawn Moon 0/1 Dawn heirs 0/2 Dawn deputy 0/1 Dawn scout 0/1 Dawn prophet 0/1

Name: Fireflys Ruin Age: Adolescent Gender: Female Defect: Chimera 9 Pack: the Dawn Highlands Pack Appearance: Wavy fur with a dark red-gold pelt covered in golden markings like dust covering her back, head and tail. She is small and scrawney for her age. Her left eye is jade and right is topaz which gives her face a startlingly intense and slightly lopsided gaze. She has dark gold stripes in some places on her back and under her muzzle and nose. Personality: Brave, Curious, Confident, Bitter, Honest, Distrusting, wary, kind, self sufficiant. Likes: The night sky, animals, running, howling, hunting, exploring the wilderness, music, the gods. Dislikes: Water, strangers, other packs, prophecies. Background: Firefly was born under a starlit sky on a peaceful night. But it was not peaceful for long, her birth pack, a small, fearful collection of wolves, shunned and despised by the gods, living in fear in a mountain far from this land cursed her name and cast her out. Their leader, a prophet of great power but full of twisted beliefs and magic heard the howl of her dying mother and upon seeing the newborn pups eyes, cursed her name and threw her into the river. As she floated away the last thing she heard was the growl of the twisted prophet "From now on little doombringer, you are Fireflys Ruin and if you ever return to these lands, you shall bring death to us all". She cried and whimpered but no one would save her until the river took her to a kind wolf in a place called the dawn highlands.