
please read this fully, there's some important information in here. In a world, there's three realms. The hybrids, the elementalists and the Meta Morphers. The elementalists control up to three of the four sacred elements. Earth, air, water and fire. Most control one, and the realm is split into three kingdoms. Elementia, Phoenix, Fairyville and Sirenville, each after a specific element. The Meta Morphers control one thing each in their sphere of control. The five kingdoms are Matersville who controls nature, Spiritual who controls aspects of the afterlife, the athletes who are talented and competitive, the Speeders who love racing and the most talented can travel at the speed of light, and finally, the Sapiens, those with no magic at all. The hybrids are those who can do two or more of these magic. The hybrids have one job: to protect the world from a second species, the aliens. Some people say what gives the hybrids their power to banish the aliens isn't their multiple powers or their status in society, but their spirit. All hybrids have a Phoenix spirit. They can't transform, but they're guaranteed strong control over fire and flight. All hybrids are also seers, meaning they can see the future and the different paths. More powerful seers can see it in different levels. the hybrids are banished from the other two realms and they must do their job in secret. However, a prophecy is coming up and five crystal holders have to unite the realms to save the prophecy. Can the five unite the realms? Or will the world be doomed? Because the countdown starts now for ten years till the battle starts. This is fantasy and I welcome other powers not listed. Character sheets are currently in my blog, but I'll get them on here as soon as possible. I prefer those who can play more than one character, but if you can't, it's also fine. First come first serve for the five crystal holders and the 8 sets of rulers. There's a Hybrid Council that doesn't have a specific amount of people, anybody's welcome. But this won't start until all the spots are filled and there's some regular citizens. I'll be controlling time and the occasional alien attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character sheet explained name: self explanatory Realm (Meta Morphers, Elementalists or Hybrids):Where does your character belong? power(s) (only hybrids have more than one of these: nature, speed, sports, afterlife, nothing, Fire, water earth or air): What can your character do? description of powers (more specific such as wood for nature): How would you describe the powers? physical description (athletic, skin color, eye color, etc.): How would you describe your character's physical appearance? Likes: (up to three) What does your character like to do? Dislikes: (up to three) What does your character not like to do? family (parents, siblings or offspring. Note: these characters don't have to be created or realistic): Who are your relations? Rank: What's your character's position in society? other: Anything else about your character? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Characters needed for RP to start At least one exile, prisioner or rogue. Dante Seer (rogue hybrid) (Chou Chou) At least four normal citizens. At least 6 governors of named cities. 8 sets of queen and kings. (16 in total. no more. First come first serve.) Matersville: King Ashton Dunn (Chou Chou) At least six members of the Hybrid Council with positions. One leader of the prophecy. Five crystal holders. Note: This will be edited as people sign up. | Edited at July 28, 2023 10:16 AM by FightForGlory

name: Realm (Meta Morphers, Elementalists or Hybrids): power(s) (only hybrids have more than one of these: nature, speed, sports, afterlife, nothing, Fire, water earth or air): description of powers (more specific such as wood for nature): physical description (athletic, skin color, eye color, etc.): Likes: (up to three) Dislikes: (up to three) family (parents, siblings or offspring. Note: these characters don't have to be created or realistic): other: note: all finished forms will be sent by PM to me or posted in this forum. I'll not go looking for them posted somewhere else. Please fill out one of these per character. If there's any questions PM me.

name: Dante Seer Realm (Meta Morphers, Elementalists or Hybrids): Hybrid power(s) (only hybrids have more than one of these: nature, speed, sports, afterlife, nothing, Fire, water earth or air): Fire, nature, water and speed. description of powers (more specific such as wood for nature): He controls paper for nature. He can turn body parts into paper. Speed: He's not a fast runner but he has a lot of endurance. physical description (athletic, skin color, eye color, etc.): Six foot two and asian. Brown almond shaped eyes with dark brown hair. Usual attire is a t shirt and shorts. Likes: (up to three) Running, practicing his elements and writing. Dislikes: (up to three) Fighting with other hybrids and reading. family (parents, siblings or offspring. Note: these characters don't have to be created or realistic): Mother: Rosemary Seer. Father: Jonathan Seer. Brother: Haven Seer other: isn't a public figure but a rogue hybrid, technically.

name: Dante Seer Realm (Meta Morphers, Elementalists or Hybrids): Hybrid power(s) (only hybrids have more than one of these: nature, speed, sports, afterlife, nothing, Fire, water earth or air): Fire, nature, water and speed. description of powers (more specific such as wood for nature): He controls paper for nature. He can turn body parts into paper. Speed: He's not a fast runner but he has a lot of endurance. physical description (athletic, skin color, eye color, etc.): Six foot two and asian. Brown almond shaped eyes with dark brown hair. Usual attire is a t shirt and shorts. Likes: (up to three) Running, practicing his elements and writing. Dislikes: (up to three) Fighting with other hybrids and reading. family (parents, siblings or offspring. Note: these characters don't have to be created or realistic): Mother: Rosemary Seer. Father: Jonathan Seer. Brother: Haven Seer Rank: Rogue other: isn't a public figure but a rogue hybrid, technically. Edited at July 17, 2023 08:30 PM by Chou Chou

@Chou Chou Dante is accepted, but there's a few things I forgot to mention. One thing you need is their rank, as in normal citizen, prisioner, exile, rogue (fits Dante, I think), governor (basically mayor of the cities please name the city), king or queen, member of the Hybrid Council (president, vice president, treasury, secretary, etc) or leader of the prophecy. The leader of the prophecy helps guide the prophecy in the right direction, is a hybrid and may be a crystal holder. This goes for everyone else too. Edited at July 17, 2023 08:18 PM by FightForGlory

name: Ashton Dunn Realm (Meta Morphers, Elementalists or Hybrids): Meta Morpher power(s) (only hybrids have more than one of these: nature, speed, sports, afterlife, nothing, Fire, water earth or air): nature description of powers (more specific such as wood for nature): can control, summon, and turn into ashes physical description (athletic, skin color, eye color, etc.): an American Indian, skinny, hazel eyes and black hair Likes: (up to three) reading Dislikes: (up to three) studying family (parents, siblings or offspring. Note: these characters don't have to be created or realistic): rank: king of Matersville other: looking for my "queen"

@Chou Chou King Ashton of Matersville is accepted.